Res 735-49· A i{L. SOLOTIOE Of' THE CITY COJECiL OF '[~ii~ CITY OF Di,~Y BLACH, . i~i B~CH, P~t~l BEACH FLO~':IID~%., ~'HOViDI~G ~[~{A~' 'FHA GiTY JF ~ .... ' ..... CO~TY, .FLO~DA, ~tA.LL BE D.hCONTROLL~ ~3'~D ?HA? 'UHE ?ROVISIONS 0F BE Thi~:g~-~kT~ IN SAID CITY. ,:i{LRL~, The City Council of the Cl~y ~ Delrsy Beach, Florida, has given pu iic notice and ~s he:ld a public heari~ pumsusn~ ~o the Housl~ and Rent Act of 194V, as ~ended, f~ the pur~se of hearing evidence on the question of whether said City shall be decontrolled, and ~ether the provisions of Title II, of the Housing and Rent Act of 194V, as ~ae~ed, 50 US Code, Sec, 1881 and ell subsequent sections, shall be te~inated in said City, (proof of p,ablication of said public he~lri~ is attached here- to and ~de a ~.rt hereof), and ~..~.r~:-~:/.o due publicity and notice of such heari~s was given by all local nez~spapers in said City, ~nd 'H]~;f{LAS, the evidence nt such hearl~ cleverly estab- lishe,~ ~ha~, upon the closing of the Boca Raton ~::rmy Air Field, She demand for rent~:~l housir~] accon~odations was greatly dLuinish- ed; that it ls anticipated tha~ there will be no rapid increase in popul~tlon in said C~.tv~ so as to create any unusual demands for additional housing acco~rAoda~lons; that there are no colleges, iverslties or industries in or ~round s:~id r . ~ .ltv; ~nd that ~here Is a large emoun~ of new construction of housi~ acco~da~ions in said City, and in She vicinity ~hereof. '",~"~ Be It resolved by the City Council of the ClSy of De3~ay Beach, Florida, as follows: 1. T~:J~ THERA N0 LONGER ~ISTS S~CH A ~IORTAGE 0F R~qT~.~i~ HO ~I:~O ~C~&~.~ ~O~.'~.iI0~,o :30 ~,.~ TZ' i~ t~:~,~, ~dZ~T C-)~PR0~ SAID 2 THAT THE .PR()VISI0tqS 0F .IT~. I! :3F TH~ tiOUi3INO A~ RiZ.[T ~iGT -)F i947, 50 US COD}', AP~-:., S%C. 1881 ~lnd ALL SUBSE2~JNT :,,:~.:..;::D in Regular Session on this the . 6th day of April, A, D. 1949. Pres~