91-88 ORD~NN:iCE NO. 9 l- 8 8 All ORDIN~I~ICE OF ~ gZ~ CO~ZSSZOH O~ ~ CZ~ OF DE~Y B~, FLORIDA, ~ING C~ 173, "Z~ING CODE", SR~ON 173.001, "DEFINITI~S", OF ~ CODE OF O~IN~C~ OF ~ CI~ OF DE~Y B~, ~DA, BY ~~NG ~ D~ITION OF "F~LY" ~ ~A~IN~ A ~ DEFINITION OF "F~ILY" ~ EST~SH ~T C~S~~S F~ILY; PROVIDIN~ A G~ C~USE~ PR~IDING A SAVING C~USE~ PR~DIN~ E~I~ DA~. ~, the City Co~ission of the City of ~lray Beach, Florida, in ~d protecting, the health safety ~d welf~e of the citiz~ of the City of ~lray Beach, Flori~, ~nds the ~efi~tion ~, .an ~en~nt to the definition of f~ly and proof for the-best interest of the citiz~ an~ f~lies o~' the City of ~lray Beach, Flori~. ~, an ~en~ent of the definition of f~ly will e~ce living' conditio~ in the neig~rho~s of the City o~ ~lray ~ach, Flori~. N~, ~FO~, BE IT O~N~ BY ~ CI~ ~SSI~ OF CI~ OF D~.~ B~, FLORIDA, ~ POLL, S= Section 1. ~at Chapter 173, "Zoning C~e", Section 173.001, "Definitions", s~section, "F~ily" of the Code of Ordin~ces of the City of Delray Beach, Florida is hereby regaled. Section 2. ~at Chapter 173, "Zoning C~e", Section 173.001, "~finitions", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby ~ended by enacting a new s~section, "f~ly" to read as foll~s= "F~Iy." One or more ~rso~ lineally relat~ by bl~, m~riage,, or adoption and in ad~tion a f~ly ~y include one other ~rson who is relate~ in s~ o~r m~er by bl~ or marriage, or a group of not more ~n t~ee adults who ne~ not related by blo~ or marriage living together as a single h~e- keeping ~it in a dwelling. ~e foll~ing perso~ s~l ~ uon- sider~ related for the put,se of this title: (1) A perso~t(s) residing wi~ a f~ily for put, se o~ a~op~ion; (2) Not more than five persons ~der 19 ye~s of a~, residing in a foster h~e licensed or approv~ by the state of Florida; (3) ~y ~rson who is living with a f~ly at the direction cf a court. Persons impacted by the ~ve definition may r~es~ t~t the City Co~ssion waive the ~ve definition on the basis that the defi~tion causes an undue har~p on such ~rsons. Section 3. ~a~ all ordi~ces or p~ts o~ ord~ces which are in conflict herewith ~ and the s~ are hereby re~al~. Section 4. ~t should any section or provision of this ordinance or any ~rtion thereo~, any Da=agraph, sentence or word be declared bF a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid such deci- sion shall not effect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 5. That this ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 9th day of August , 1988. FirSt Reading July 26, 1989 Second Reading August 9t 1988 ~ ORD. NO. 91-88