Res 1325-61 No Action Taken t RESOLUTIO,~ NO. 1~2~ ~ A ~ESOLUTIO~' OF THE CITY COU.~:,~CIL OF ,~,~/\ THE CITY OF DEL~Y B~CH, FLORIDA, /~ REGISTRATION FOR P~M B~CH COUNTY, ~,~/ ' THAT THE CITY OF DEL~Y BEACH DESIRES TO USE A PE~.~ANE~T REGISTRATION SYSTEM AS aOVI EO FLOaI A STATUT 9S.O9 . WHEREAS, %he Gi%~ goun~ll or %he Gl%y or Delr~y Be~oh, Flor~d~, deems ~% In %he bes% ln%eres%s or %he cl%Izens or %hls %he% ~ perm~nen% re~.istr~%1on sys%em b~ ed. op%ed whereb~ Gl%y would use %he re~l~%r~%lon records meln%~lned by %he Goun%y Supervisor or Re~ls%re~lon In pl~oe of m~ln%e~nln!~ ~ep~r~%e resls%r~%lon for %he gl%y's eleetors~ end, WHEREAS, %he gl%y of Delrey Be~oh ls ~ munlolp~ll%y ~uel~rled under Florlde S~e%u%e 9~.091 to edopt ~ resolu~lon %he ~bove erree% before ~uly is% or ~n odd-numbered year, be~n~ 1961, no~Iryln~ %he Board or Goun%y ~omml~loners deslres %o use %he ~bove described NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED B~ THE GITY ~OU~IL OF OF DELRAY B~GH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWerS: S~GTI0~ i. Th~% ~he Gl%y or Delr~y Be~oh In P~im Be~oh Goun%y,Florld~,h~reby no%lrles %he ~o~rd of Goun%~ Gomm~sslon~rs Supervlsor or Regls%r~%lon of P~Im Be~oh Goun%y, Flor~d~, r~qulred by Florld~ S%~%u~e 9~.091, th~ ~elr~y Be~ch ~eslres permenen% re~l~%re%lon sys%em, whereby l%s ol%lzens need re~.ls%er only on~e, wl%h %he ~oun%y Supervl~or or Re~l~ra~lon, usln~ %he ooun~y res18%r~lon reoords in pl~oe or me~n%~lnln~ sep~r~%e re~s%r~%lon rot %he Gl%y's elee%ors." PASSED Ai~[D ~DOPTE~ on %h~s d~y or Apr11, 1961. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk