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Res 1343-61
~D 9QOTTTrp TQ}3 ],-r© ] ~.,~_~,,~z, S..3 .x~let:,¢.,.~l ]'0 1 ",m:-'p~ TR02iC - ' '"' " ' ' ' .... :"q~-.l .i~R..i-_3,'~"~" the~""tT_ Council has deemed it a matter of eubllc safe%y and welfare %o cons%~c%~, drainase :{~acili%ies %¢.a%" area be%ween .... ii 3. ~[iqhwav_. -'~le. 1 and ~eanish "~'.rc, l! ~ori'.:~ ~;b?oeie Isle Subdivisiert, ])etray l{9eaoh, ~!ori~s, e.~lb!re cos% of such. z,~eP...v ..... nts to be borne 13v the of %Jn.e aforesaid subdivision as a~s:reed nreviously; of the Sitv of 'r)e!ra-?. '~.,¢eac~.~'' , 'V]oriSr~ ...... , as follows' ~ '~:~.iu _L. _ 18% ~f~e ~I~V : ;'~-n~, ~--~ ..... . ..... . .... ~¢u reouirer] to submit -n!ans, s~ecificstions and an estimate o::7 'hq.e cost, of oiaoed o~* ?ile in. the o~{'ioe of t;;m ,3i%v _ ~,~-~ ~r C~mmci]. of the 3itv * 3 19(1 '~rO~