Res 1350-61 RESOLUTION NO. 1350 A RESOLLrf'~ON OF THh CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTING ~qE CITY TAX ASSESSOR TO ASSESS QUALIPIED FALL-OUT SHELTERS AT RATES COlor, PARABLE TO THE PRESENT ASSESSMENT BASIS USED POR GARAGES, CARPORTS AND OPEN PORCHES. WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Plorida, is coqnizant of the interest being dis- played By the citizens of this City in the construction of private fall-out shelters, and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it in the best interests of the citizens to have a set policy governing the assessment of fall-out shelters for ad valorem tax purposes, and ~E~EAS, the City Council also deems it advis- able to define the type of construction which will qualify as a fall-out shelter for assessment as such; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OP DEI~?AY BEACH, PLORIDA 1. The City Tax Assessor is hereby directed to assess "qualified" private fall-out shelters at a rate comparable to the present assessment basis used for garages, carports, and open porches, namely at one-half the rate of the basis used for the assessment of the main building lo- cated on the premises. 2. A structure shall be identified as a "quali- fied'' fall-out shelter for the purposes of this Resolution when it conforms to the following standards: GA) Upon the procurement by the Owner of a cer- tificate from the local Director of Civil Defense (or his written approval on the plans) stating that such structure meets at least the minimum requirements of a fall-out shelter in conformity with the standards set forth by the Office of the United States Civil Defense Director; and (B) Upon the issuance of a building certificate for the construction of a fall-out shelter by the City Build- ing Inspector, which certificate shall be so designated only upon the presentment by the Owner of the Certificate (or ap- proval) mentioned in Paragraph 2 (A) With the application for building permit, and the Building Inspector is further satisfied that the structure also conforms to the Building and Zoning Codes of this City. It is intended that the type of shelter contemplated by this Resolution shall be one designed only for primary use as a shelter, and not as living qua rters. PASSED AND ADOPTED in Regular session this day of September, 1961. / ATTEST: .,, City Clerk