Res 1355-61 RESOLUTION NO. 1355 A RESOLUTION ~IXING AN iNITIAL SCHEDULE OF RATES ~D CHARGES FOR S~ITARY SE~fF~R SER- VICES TO BE KENDERED BY THE S~NITARY SEW~R PLANT ~D SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF D~LRAY BEACH, AND PRO¥IDD~G FOR A t~SAR~NG THEREON. ~/ff{E~, the City of Delray Beach proposes to adopt a Resolution authorizing the issuance of the sewer revenue certificates of said city for the purpose of extending and improving the existing sanitary sewer facilities of the city and proposes to incorporate in said Resolution provision for the making of service charges for all properties connected with the city sanitary sewer system and to provide therein an initial schedule of rates, fees and charges to be made for the use of and services supplied by said facilities; and ~IEREAS, under the provisions of Chapter 184, Florida Statutes Annotated, before such Resolution may be finally adopted a hearing must be held on said schedule; NOY, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved By the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, as follows: Section 1. That the initial schedule of rates, fees and other charges to be imposed for the service and facilities to be supplied by the municipal sanitary sewage collection and disposal system of the City of Delray Beach, which initial schedule shall become effective at the time when the system is constructed and certified for use by the consulting engineers, but which shall be subject to such revision from time to time thereafter as may be necessary to carry out the requirements of the resolution which will be adopted for the authorization of revenue certificates to pay the cost of the acquisition of such system, shall be as follows: RESIDENTIAL UNITS A monthly sanitary sewage service charge is hereby -2- imposed upon each residential dwelling unit, as more specif- ically set forth below, to which sanitary sewage service is available through the facilities afforded by the municipally owned sewage system, according to the following schedule: Single family residential dwellings, for the first L fixtures or less contained therein ~i~2.75, for the next 8 fixtures contained therein i~.25 per fixture and for all fixtures contained therein over 12, ii~.15 per fixture. C0~RCL~LJ2~D N0~T- RESID~'~TL~LUNITS A monthly sanitary sewage service charge is hereby imposed upon each commercial and non-residential uni~ (all buildings or structures serving more than a single family to be considered a commercial unit) to which sanitary sewage service is available through the facilities afforded by the municipally owned sewage system, according to the following schedule: For the first 2 fixtures contained 2herein, :ii2.75, for the next 8 fixtures contained therein, e.50 per fixture and for all fixtures con2ained therein over 10, ~i~.25 per fixture. For the purposes of the foregoing schedule each ~lumbing fixture or drain ~hat is co~mnected ~o a sewer, including, but not limited to, a toilet, wash basin, or lavatory, bath, floor drain, laundry tub, kitchen sink, slo~ basin or wash sink, washing machine, equipment or device if so constructed as to discharge its water content into any of ~he foregoing or directly in~o a sewer, shall be regarded as a "fixture." -3- Penalties shall be imposed for failure to connect with any available sewer as will be provided in the aforesaid resolution. Section 2. That a hearing on the above prescribed schedule of rates and charges shall be held at the regular meeting place of the City Council in the City Hall in Delray Beach at 8:00 o'clock P. M. November 6, 1961, and that the City Clerk is hereby directed to have published one time in the Delray Beach News-Journal, a newspaper published and having general circulation in the City of Delray Beach, at least ten days prior to the aforesaid date, a notice in the following form: PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE to all interested present and future users of sewer service in the City of Delray Beach NOTICE is hereby given to all present and prospec- tive users of the sewer system of the City of Delray Beach, all owners, tenants or occupants of property to be served thereby, and all others interested, that the following resolution was adopted by the City Council on October 23, 1961, and that a public hearing on the schedule of rates, fees and charges therein set forth will be held at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on November 6, 1961, at the regular meeting place of the City Council in the CityHall in Delray Beach, at which time and place any in- terested persons will be heard concerning such rates, fees and charges: (Here insert resolution) Given by order of the City Council this 23rd day of October, 1961. Section 3. That this resolution shall take immediate effect. Adopted and approved October 23, 1961. Mayor Attest: City ~ Approved by me as to form, language and execution this 23rd day of October, 1961. City Attorn y (Other business not pertinent to the above appears in the minutes of the meeting.) Pursuant to motion duly made and carried, the City Council adjourned. Mayor Attest: QY -5- ~LIG NOTICE NOTICE to all interested present and f~ture users of sewer service in the City of ~)elray ~ach NOTICE is hereby ~iven to all present and prospec- tive users of the sewer system of the City of Delray Beach, all oT~mers, tenants or occupants of property to be served thereby, and all others interested, that the following resolution was adopted by the City Council on October 23, 1961, and that e public hearing on the schedule of rates, fees and charges therein set forth will be held at 8:00 o'clock ?. M. on ~,~ovember 6, 1961, at the re~lar meeting place of the City Council in the City Hall in ~iray Beach, at which time end place Shy interested persons will be heard concerning such rates, fees and charges: R~ISOLUTION NO. 1355 A R~O~ION FI~ING AN INITIAL S~I~ULE OF ~L~TES AND CFd[RG~ ~R S~ITARY S~?~.~ S~RVI~ES TO BE R~DERED BY THE S~ITARY S~E~9 PL~T ~D SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, AJ{D PROVIDr~G FOR A Hi{ARING THEREON. WHERE~S, the City of ~)elray Beach proposes to adopt a Resolution authorizing the issuance of the sewer revenue certificates of said city for the purpose of extending and improving the existin~ sanitary sewer facilities of the city and proposes to incorporate in said Resolution provision for the making of service charges for all properties connected with the city sanitary sewer system and to provide therein an initial schedule of rates, fees and charges to be made for the use of and services supplied by said facilities; and -l- '~~, under the provisions of Chapter 182, Florida Statutes Annotated, before such Resolution may be finally adopted a hearing must be held on said schedule; NO~,THEREFORE, Be i~ Resolved by the City Council of the City of ~lray Beach, P~lm Beach Co~ty, Florida, as follows: Section 1. That the initial schedule of rates, fees and o~her cher~es ~o be imposed for the service and facili~ies to be supplied by the ~nici~l sanita~ sewage collection disposal system of the City of Det~y Beach, which initial schedule s~ll become effective const~cted en~ ce~ified for use by the consul~i~ engineers, bu~ which shall be ~bjec~ to such ~vision f~m time to time ~hereafker as may be necessa~ ~o car~ out the requirements of ~he resolution which will be adopted for the authorization of revenue ce~ificates to pay the cost of ~he acquisition of such system, s~ll be aa ~ollo~: RESIDE~L ~S A mont~y sani~ sewage service cha~e is he.by im~se~ uwn each residential d elhn~ unit, as more specif- ically set forth belo~, to '~hich available th~u~h the facilities afforded by the munici~lly o~ed sewage system, according to the following schedule: Single f~ily residential dwellings, for the first 4 fixtures or less contained ~herein $2.75, for ~he next 8 fixates therein :~.25 per fixture amd for ell fixates contained ~herein over 12, ~..15 per fix~re. CO~ERC L~L ~ND NON- R~S ID~L~ ~S A mont~y sanitary s~age service charge is hereby lapsed u~n each co~erctal and non-residential unit (all -2- buildings end structures serving ~ore than a single family to be considered a commercial unit) to which sanitary sewage service is available through the facilities afforded by the municipally owned sewage system, according to the follewing sche~le: For the first 2 fixtures contained therein, 92.75, for the next 8 fixtures contained therein, e~.50 per ~ixture and for all fixtures contained therein over 10, ~%.25 per fixture. For the purposes of the foregoing schedule each plumbing fixture or drai~ that is connected to a sewer, + ' wash basin, or ~,u~ not limited including, ,. :. lavatory, b~th, floor drain, laundry tub, kitchen sink, slop basin or wash sink, washing ~achine, equipment or device if ' so constructed as to d~schar ~e its water content into any of the foregoia~ or directly into e sewer, shall be regarded as a "fixture". Penalties shell be imposed for failure to connect with any available sewer as will be provided in the aforesaid resolution. Section 2. That a hearing on the above prescribed schedule of rates and charges shell be held at the regular meeting place of the City Council in the City Hsll in -Oelray Beach at 8:00 o'clock P. ~.,f. November 6, 1961, and that the City Clerk is hereby directed to have published one time in the Delra¥ Beach News-Journal, a newspaper published and Having general circulation in the City of [~elray Beach, at least ten days prior to the afforesai~ date, a notice in the following form: PUBLIC NOTICE ~ to all interested present end -3- future users of sewer service in the City of Delray Beach NOTICE is hereby given to all present and prospec- tive users of the sewer system of the City of Delray Beach, all owners, tenants or occupants of property to be served thereby, and all others interested, that the following resolution was adopted 't by the C1 y Council on October 23, 1961, and that a public hearing on the schedule of rates, fees and charges therein set forth will be held at 8:00 o'clock P. ~:. on November 6, 1961, at the regular meeting place of the City Council in the City Hall in Pmlray Beach, at which time and place any inter- ested persons will be heard concerning such rates, fees and charges: (Here insert resolution) Given by order of the City Council this 23rd day of October, 1961. City Clerk Section 5. That this resolution shall take i~ediate effect. &dopted end approved October 23, 1961. , .., / .... · ' Mayor At,est: Approved by me as to form, la .n~age and execution this 23rd day of October, 1961. (Other b~siness no~ p~rt[nent to the ~bowe ~ppears in the minutes of the meeting. ) ~rsuant to motion duly made and carrie~, ~he City Co~eil adjou~ed. / ~yor Attest: ulty Clerk ~JBLISH: October 26, 1961 -5- Affidavit of Publication THE DELRAY BEACH NEWS-JOURNAL Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach ~eunfy, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before th~e~r~dersigned authority J~rso, nally appeared ~~ News-Journal, a weekly news~per published at Delray ~ach in P~lm Beach County, ~orida; that ~he at~ copy of advprtisement, being a ..,... in the matter o.f ~~.~ .............................. in the .................................................................... Court, was p~h~ in said newspaper in the issue (s) ~fiant fur~er says that the said Delray Beach News-Journal is a newspaper published at Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Flo~da, and that the said newspape~ has heretofore been con- tinuously published in s~d Pa~ Beach County, Florida, each Thursday and has been entered as seco,nd class mail matter at ~e post office in Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Flor- ida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy ~f~r- ~semeni; and affiant fu~her says that ..................... has neither paid nor promised any per.n, firm or co~oration any discount, re.re, com~ssion or refund for the purpose of~ecu~ng t~s adver- tisement for publieation~ ~said neaps. · Sworn t~nd¢/~ubseribed before me this ~.~ (SE~) ',/ - / Nota~ ~ubiic ?t~ry Pu~ stato of Florida ~Y commi - . at Lar e , ss~on Expires Nov. 6. ~9~4