Res 1160-59 ~,~DS~ lgr)l
:/NEREAS, the City of Delray Beach is the owner of a ce:.?t~ in
!9~3.. Dodger owerT' . Waoon~', ~ of one fort csna~y~. .... . which ,..~.~c~........._ 2roFerty
is now surplus and net ~ae~e~ by the Fir~ -'".~ ~ '
do no~ have sufficient_~i~:~. l:ro~ectlon,, and *'~e--'~,~.,,. ~..~,_~. ...... ...;'~ ks' ~c,
~'~?s~' ~T~'~r'~sl.s r,f sa.~S City ,,b.a~ said personal properfiy be ~ld +c
v~.~,~,~,,=~ Fire ~,eIs. z. tme~ts !ocate.~ ~,'~ such sq ,~ent .qreas; and
san~' ;",:,,~,~. to serve and f~n. ish fire protection t.~. the ~:incc, rperatefi
areas ~me~iately wea~ of an-3 ~ ~acent +,~, ~he ........... ,~
~'e]r~y ~:cn, and is in need of e~ui~:men, t, on ..... as ,~_~e~.~.,~ .~., pur-
~a,:,e ~he aso've ~escrlbed e~uipment for the sum of ~],c0v.00 cnsh,
wkick i:~ de~.m~..~,! to ba She Sair value of said property.
1..~T~ z'~ propose~.:c. that the abo~s ae~cribefl ...... personal pr?erty
~_ sold to ,..he Trustees o~ the De~-Tr~i] '7o]unteer
r'='~?~mei:,,~ for ~:l-~e ,~Jm of ~' ~' a~
~ ~ ,~l,~.uv.uv cash, upon
.... r~ ~ft of which
~he Clerk is authorized ~o execute ~ransfer of ~]e hhere~o
~svor of said Trustees
. ~cse~ ~o ar]verbOse ~be
2. Tha~ 2he 0i~y Clerk is hereby 5ir~ ~ $
~erms of ~bis proposea sale ~n s se~,spaper published
in ~he City of Delray Beach, Florida, once a week for ~wo censecu-
fi[ye ~-,e,sks as reEt]Zred by Sec~lon 7 (2) (b) of ~he Char~er;
saia. no~ice shall further reEu[re tha~ any objec~ions ~o such pro-
posed sale must b~. ...... made in wri.+~,~'~, an~ filecl with the ~'~-'u~y Clerk
O~ OP bef'O~ ~'~'f~ '~ ~
,~,.~..... ~" ~.., o~ t~.cp5~'~' the 26~h flay' nf January, ]959.
3. ~"~ ~ any ob orions ~ "-~ n,~n::
z...: .... je o s~:,.n seed ~.].e ~h~ll be con-
~.~de~ea at the regular ...... meet;n~,.o of ~he~. City Cou~:il_. +c~.,
~ ~ ' s~a~l be ither
'held on January ~6th, ]959 s.n~ such proposec sale e
,:~th~r~z .... or 8. eni ~
o~, ].2th day of January, ].959.
~'?,~=,u IN ,~u.[~AR-~-',~u'N this
m' Po, T-