Res 1214-59 OF D~Y B~CH, ~R~A, VACATING ~ ~~N' ~ ~ SOU~ 66,6 ~, MO~ OR ~, OF P~ A~ ~ S~D CI~, AS SHO~ ~ON P~T OF OC~ P~ ~~ ~ ~T ~OK 5, PAGE 15, ~LIC has petitioned the Ctt~ C~ncil of the City of ~l~a~ ~on, ~sconti~e ~d close, and ~eno~ce ~d discl~m ~{~t off the City ~ public In ~d to the l~de ~ich ~e inefte~ described; ~d ~, s~d petition was ~effe~ed to t~ Zoni~ ~d Pl~n~ Bo~d of Delray Beach fo~ public hea~n~, which was held Novembe~ 27, 1959 by said Board; ~ ~, at s~d ~etin~ of ~e Zonl~ ~d Pl~n~ Bo~d, no objection was p~esented to the vacatin~ o~ ab~doni~ off the said ~o~ or alley o~ to such ~eno~c~ent ~d disclai~, ~ said Boe~ having dete~ined that such action would mt materi~ly interfere with the city ~ad system~d wo~d not de~ve ~y person o~ a ~easonable me~s off i~ess o~ to his p~em~ses f~om at least one ~e~ ~lty st~eet~ a~ ~eco~ended t~ ~acattn~ o~ ab~donin~ off said ~oad o~ ~ley; ~d ~, the ~lty ~c~l in ~e~ meetin~ this date, ~s considered the ffo~egoing petition, the findings ~d ~ecom- me~ations of ~e Zonin~ ~d Pl~in~ Board ~oresaid, ~d it ~ be to ~e best interests ~d g~owth off ~e City to cause that p~t of said ~oad o~ alley to be ~doned. NOW, T~~, BE IT ~OL~ BY ~E ~ ~~L OF T~ CI~ 0F D~Y B~CH, ~RIDA: 1. ~at the 8ou~ 66.6 feet, mo~e or less,of that certain ~o~ o~ ~ley in the 81ty of Delray Beach, Florida, ~o~ as p~3m Avenue, according to ~ Plat of 0cern P~k ~eco~ded in Plat Book ~ p~e 1~, of the public ~eco~ds oF Pa~ Beach ~lc~ida, mo~ pa~ticul~ly desc~ibed as follows, to-~t{ Co~encing at the Bou~east co~e~ of ~t ~2, Block OCE~ P~, 'acco~ding to the plat ~ereof ~co~ded Plat Book 5, page ~5, public ~eco~s of Pe]m Beach ~ong the westerly ~i~t-of-way of Palm Ave~e as sho~ upon said plat of O~ P~ to the .Northeast co~ne~ of Lot 11, Block ~, OC~ P~K ~oresaid; ~en ~ East 20 fee~, mope o~ less, to the NoPt~est co.er of Block 3, 0~ P~K ~o~es~d;~hen r~ South 66.$ feet, mo~e o~ less, ~ong the easterly ri~t-of-way of p~qm Avenue as ~o~ upon said plat of O~ F~ ~o the Bou~- wes~ co~e~ of ~t 15, Block 3, O~ P~ ~o~esaid; ~en ~ Wes$ to the point of begi~ing; be ~d ~e s~ is hereby vacated, ab~doned ~d closed as a public ~oad or ~ley, a~ ~s Council does hereby renounce ~d discl~m ~y ~ of the City of Delray Beach ~d She public tn ~d to the above described portion of s~id.-~a~ Avenuee P~S~ ~ ~p, =ion this 28th day of December, 1959e .~