Res 993-56 R~0LUT!ON NO. 993 A RESOLUTION OF THE Cl~f CO~ISSIJN OF THE CITY OF DE~Y B?~ACH, FLORIDA, OObT~I"f OO~'~iIS~SION OF PAL~ BFJ~CH C O~ ~ COU~'Y O?~T~ED ~N]~S IN T~ VICR4I~ OF DE~Y ~ACH, FLOR~, TO BE USED ~ ~AID OI~ FOR ~ PUR~O~E OF A .~IO~AL A~ PORT OR A~ $~IP. W~RF~S, ~hsre ~s no airpor~ or air re:rip ~ or wtSh~ the n~ar wt~inity of She City of Delray Beaoh, Florida, and ~hts ts no~ readily accessible by a~, ~d V~S, It Is dee~d hy ~he City Co~sslon of the CiSy of De~ay Be~eh, Florida, ~hat ~he aeQaisl~ion and ~s~la~lon ~ air a~rip will pr~e a~d ~ advan~eo~ for gr~h ~~S, ~he Gouty of Palm Beach ~s cerSaim ~develepe~ l~nds Lu ~he vielnlty of Delray ~aeh, a part of w~eh could very adv~ageo~ly used for such e~ a~r~ or air s~rip, aai~ ~eel ~i~ deseriSed as fell~ws, ~a~ part of Sea,ion 5, To~p ~ Sou~, Pm~e 43 ~st, lyi~ ~est of ~he Seaboard Alrl~e ~ll~y Rift-of-way exoept~ there- from the West one-q~rter of said Section 5. NOW ~VFOR~, ~ IT RESOLVED by the City Co~ssio~ of the Ci~y of Delrmy Beach, Florida, ~t said Oo~ssion requests the Honorable ~rd of Pa~ Beaoh'Oo~ty Co~sstoners ~o convey to~ the City of De~ay Beach, Florida, without oost ~ the said city, the a~ve described property'~o be ~ed as an airport or air s~rip mhd other rela~ed ~es there~o per~~. BE IT 1~~ ~SOLVD~ t~ Eo~ H. Ad~, CiSy Atto~ey of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Is hereby authorized and directed ~o p~oeed ~o act as the City's representa~l~ and proceed ~o appear ~fore and negotiate wi~h the said ~d of Oo~y Co~sioners in an effor~ ~o proe~ said land for the p~pose herein ste~ed. PASS~ ~D A~PT~ by ~he City Oo~ssion of the Ol~y of Delray ~aoh, Florida, Shis the 21st day of f~h, A.D. 1956. ATTEST: (SFAL)