Res 1010-56 Rr~SOLUTION NO. !010. A ~'{ESOLUTI0i{ 0P T}'TE CITY C0}!~iISSION 0P THE CITY OF DEL.tAY BEACH, PLO~{iDA, RZGJilRiNG PLANS, SPEC- !PICAT!0NS AND AN EST!MAT~J 0P COST P0R CLEtRING, G.~{A~)ING &~ PAVING _~ORT~..-~AST S~C0~ STR~.~T BE- ToOk%~ S~,~NTON A~NUE &ND FEDERAL HIG~.~]AY (6TH AI~}{UE) !'.~TH BIT[H{!NOUS CONCRETE TO A N!DTH OF FORTY (%0) FIE.ST. ~..~s~-{.~o the City Come. mission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, may deem it to be necessary for the safety and con- venience of the public to clear, grade and pave N. E. 2nd Street between Swintoa Avenue and Federal Highwav (6th Avenue) with Bi- tuNinous Concrete to a width of forty-(40} feet, the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Wlorida, to share the cost of such improvement with the owners of lands abutting thereon. NOW, THNREFOHE, BE IT .i~.HSOLVED by the City Commission of the City of De!ray Beach, PaL~ Beach Co~mty, Piorida, as follows SECTION 1. That the City Manager be required to submit plan seecifications and an estimate of the cost of such improvement to be made, and that the s~e shall be placed on file in the office of the City ~.~anager. ~ASS~.iD !.L~{D ADOPTi~D by the City Coramission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the day of June, A. D. 1956.