Res 947-55 ,',n~:~,:~:~o, tbs' C~tj of Delray Beac~ is deve!op~ng at a rapid pace and
,there ds not remain.~ng extensive areas along
'~_,ne coast for future and contL~
t~T~PE~.~ the grow~.h of De~ay Beach and the adjacent area %hero, to
necessar~!y must be eventua!]y Westward, and
....... R!A.~, there Is a Deed for additional roads e~ending from the
coast Westward Jm +~ e De!r~ Reach ,rea for ~e.,.a:~ devexopemenL
f~ use~ and
'~.,=A..~ = zn"a~re is a great potential area for fu't.~a~e growth of DeT_r~
,q~,acl- ...... s-,,~m~,~!n,~, ~ --o lh~ municipal_ golf .... course of Delr~ P~aeh, and
...... -~o -. tY, a sou. th
boundary of t~,e City Lim~t,s o~ ~].r~zy Bea<$ along t:e ha!f-~,~o?,~on line of
Section~ ]~ ==d .~a Tow,ship '/
a~ ~uth, Range 43 East, and Sec'tio~ 24, Town-
s,,ip 46 So,.~N~, ~.nSe ~ ~t, t~, +.b~ ~.Hlitary Trail, said area of futv~e de-
ve~opemen,. ~,o~].u bo L~-~=r,~ and wo,~d m~:e
'ha'% area i~,!ng south of Atlantic Area:e, no~,h of ~antm,/n l~o~d as now
~xi~- ~*~',~, ~ast. ~r._ , ~iitaz. Trail ~J_... ',,,es'% oF oeal.,oaz.~ P~ !road, compPisi~g over
.1..200 acres, and
. woulo pro>..dde
~'Y-~.,:~, said ek~;r~nsion /;;rther anoN)er access road %0
....... .~ C~'l;y~ end
,.,::e ~_z'ay Beach Coun%:~z Club, as well as ,o~Y. er po~.~ts ;.,est of ,.,~ ....
,.~ ,~EAS) Uae road ,:ould 1-~ ?~.~"ther exta~,:~ed In ihe ~ut).a'e we~;'terly %0
t~RE~,, .....said exl';ens~on ~.~i~<.!v. . gou!.~ involve on~v. a ~e~4 za:~_~ owners,
1,,.tr has in,~ieated
~ ~"~'~ :~'L~,t-oF-way for ~a:~d ~
z~9.~, 'un~.. U~t,2 ~O~.~.S~Ot~ O~ .)'~e... ~+v
~'o,:!uest ,_tnf pet, i'Licu~ th~ Co~.m'ty Cc,mm~,sion ,:,? P~Im ~eac]) Cotmf;y~ P!o:clda~ to
,.. ~, ~: the City ..... r," '~ .... ,- _
~ mi..-', copies of i'''~ P "-'"~' '~ ' _ ....
S ~ppori;,
~ishe,! "f',~'~ .......... -,,'~l'~o'z.'a,:,ie - <, P. S.nTy, Chairman .~C .... 'the Boa:rd.