Res 952-55 RESOL?_. tO.~ ~0. ?52. A REEOL~L~%ON OF T~ CITY C~.'TSSIO?.T OF T~ CITY OF DELR~,¥ BELCH, FLORIDA, OglZING T!~ CITY ~NAGER TO PROC~ ~TH T}U~ OPENING, G~,INO A~ PAVING 0F S. W. SECOBD ~l~ BE~ T!-~IRD A~'D FOI~TH ST~!~S~ T0 A i~TH OF T~-TWO (~) ~T. I~7JEREAZ, the City Cor. mds~don of the City of Delrzy Beach, Florida, did, on %he 25th day of Jsnm%ry, 1955, detemai.e to proceed with the open- lng, grading %nd pavin? o~ S.W. 2nd Average between 3rd smd ~4th otxeets tn a w~dth of twenty-two ~22) feet, and !._~P~AS, the Resolutiol~ (No. 945) prov.~ding therefor has been duly published as required by 'the City Charter, together with a notice th~.t ob- ject.fons to said improvement wo~.~..d be heard on this dat,, W"HEREAS, no sL~ff~.cfent obje~tions bare been made to such proposed im- provement, NOW, T.YEkEFO~E, BE IT R~.SOLVED by the City Commission of the City of De!ray Beach, Florida, tbs. t the City Manager be and he is here]tv instructed to proceed with the open~.ug, grading and paving of the above ns~ned part of S. W. 2nd Avenue to a width of twenty-two (22) feet, according to the plsms and specifications heretofore filed with the City Clerk, and a copy 'thereof filed in the office o.~ 'the City Manager and ~ept open for the inspection of the public. P.~SSED in Regn!ar Session on this the 22u,~ day of Febr~mry, A.D., 1955.