Res 958-55 ]~SO~ION ~ ~ CITY ~O~edISSION O~ ?~E CITY ~F DELRAY BEAOH, FLORIDA. ~, A~ghty G~d, in his infinite wisd~a has seen fit to take frc~ eur Lt.dst our beloved friend and citizen, W.A. ~ACOBS, and ~, W.A. ~ACO~S was a pioneer resident of Delray Beach and contributed unselfishly of his ti~e, effort and ability in the development the City ever the years, and ~, said W.A. JACOBS had the honor/attendant responsibility of serving our City with ~erit as ~ayor, City Judge and Co~aissioner. NO~, T~E~ORE, x ~.ection.~j That the Cit~ Co~aissi~n does hereby pause to do hc~age to the ~e~ory of V.A. ~ACOBS, and to express its sincere and deep syapath~ to his widow. ~ectien 2~. That a copy e~ this resolutiea be forwarded to his family. This resolutim ~ami~ously adopted and passed this ~th day ~f