Res 972-55" I P-ESOLbTICN NO. 972e Wi~P~.S, ~:he C~.ty C,~o~ission of the City of Del_-? Beach, Ftorida~ d~d, ot~ t. be 10th day of ~y, A. D., 1955, determine to proeeed with the opening, 8?'ading and pav~ng of ~hu].~o~) St~e,L~t between G!easou St.,eat and Oeec:J, Bo,.~l?va~, and i~.sb~d as :~equf.~d by the C~:ty Ch~ter, ~oge~ber with a notice that o~ ject~.o~s to said pro~se¢; ~mprovema:e*. ~ou]d. 1~ beard otu this date, :J:~T~f~S, no suffte~.et:t )hje¢~:~,-m~ bare %,eer~ mad. e to re.rob proposed f~¢, T~R'~O~, BE iT RESOLVED by th~ City Co'~?dssion of the City ~',-~-'~" B~eb, Florida, ' ~ :.~age.~ be and he ~s ~,e~.eby ~.~s to pro~)eed with the ope~,i~g, gra4i~g and pa,~ng of ShuJ. sm~ Street Gle~.so~: St:feet aod Ooear, 2oul~vs_rd to a ,,~idth of twe:~ty (20) feot, lng to t;~e plans and speolfi~at~o~s :~eretofore f~.!ed w~th the C~ty ~nd _~ copy ~hereof filed ~ t,_,.. ~¢¢4.~ o¢ ~.~e C:~ty C=~rk ~nd open .... the inspc~':~io~ of the pultl~. F~.S~ED in Regular Se:~s~o,: ,:~ ~is the fo?teentb (!,{th) day of June, ~. D., 1955,