Res 979-55 RESOLUTXON NO. 979. ~ESOLUTION REQUIRING O~Ng/t~ OF CE~TIIN DESCRIBED L~ND$ TO ABATE NUISANCES TBERE* ON OR BE ~$$ESSED COST T~OF FOR AB~TE- NENT BY CITY. b~EREAS, the City Co~ssion d~d, in regular session held on the 14th day off June; 1955, enact a resolution declarin& the exist- ence off a nuisance upon certain lots or parcels of land for viola- tion off Chapter l§ off the City Code and Ordinance G-147; and W~E~EAS; pursuant to said resolution, the City Clerk of the City of Dolray Beach, Florida, did ffu~nlsh each the lands therein declared nuisances with notice that the City Comlssion wuld sit on July 12th, 1955 at 2:30 o'clock P. H. at the City Hall in Delray Beach; Florida; for the purpose af allow- ins said o~ners to show cause; if any, why said nuisance described in said resolution should not beabated; and b]fl~gAS, pursuant to said resolution, the City the City of Delray Beach, Florida; d~d on July 12th, 1955 at 2:30 otcloek P. N. at the City Hall in D®lray Beach, Florida; hold the hearing provided for in such notice, and did consider such reasons and facts as were presented by the owners off said lands, and such other material and pertinent evidence as was adduced before it. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the existence of a isance for the reasons hereinafter sst fo~th~ be and the same is hereby adjudged upon the following lands in the City of Delray Beach, Florida; to wit: Sec. 15-2~ 15-3, 15-4, Chapto Violation o City Code Owner Address Lot Ne. Bleok ~o.(* See natl re) ~1C. & Doris I. 1021 7th Street g. 40t Dell Park 2-4 Rosch~mn Holine; Ill. of 20. 9 W. 20t of 21. Virginia C. Friend 1Sackett Drive N. 133~ John B. Reid 2-4 Laroh~ont; N.Y. of 1. gden Os Brawner 615 Shelby St° 33-34 Osceola Pk. 2-4 G. N. Brawner Frankfort, Ky. 9 ~ohnI. Thieme Rt. 1, Box 45. 35-36 Oscsola Pk. 2-4 Winter Garden, Fla. 9 ~yrtle T. Coleman 2410 E. Wash. St. 30 Las Palms 2-4 Charleston, W. Va. S/D. Mrs. Margaret Hager 1206 N.E. 2nd St. 4 Dell Park 2-4 Delray Beach, Fla. 3 qyrtle H. Rath, 1604 Vermont St. 2~-27 Dell Park 2-4 ~aura M. Watson &. McKeesport, Pa. 3 ~enrietta M. Hartman ~ay DeBowes 6390 Johnson Dr. 29-30 Dell Park 2-4 Miami, Florida 3 Sec. 15-2, 15-3, 15-4 Chapt. 15; Violation City Owner Address Lot No. Block No. (* See nat A. A. S~n ~x 35 20 79 Del~y Beach, ~a. ~s N. h~eh 61 ~tn Street 12 99 2-4 % Ye~ont hrble Co. ~octor, Vt. Robert L. & ~ra S. 10 ~e Co~t 6 Del Ida ~. 2~ B~itt Delray Beach) ~a. 4 W~ll~m ~. & EYelyh Box 2181 8 Del Ida ~. 2~ McEay Del~y Bea~, Fla. 4 hrfa~et Wals~ 319 N.E. 4th St. 1 102 2~ &El$z. Van Sv~en Delray Bea~, Fla. Robert & Sa~ Box 1875 12 87 2~ ~em~ Delray Beach, Fla. D. R., & E. Schell 2936 E. hs 01as 12 Osceola ~. 3-4 and C. H., · E.H. B1Yd. 12 B~m Ft. hude~dale; Fla. Oscar B. Sab~ ~x 93 15 Osceola ~. 2~ ~ve~ier, Fla. 11 Katie L., & H. ~. 200 N.E. 3~ Ave. 14 100 4 Peabo~ and Del~y Beach, Fla. D. D. Cary L ' Disston; et al B~oad & ~ch Sts. 10 Osceoh ~. 2-4 ~be~ty ~tle ~$1adelphia, ~. 7 a ~st Co. Lucile J. Nichols ~z 141; Beg. ~ cot %~ ~t 1, 4 Del~y Beach, Nassau ~. S~., ~ W. FloOds 12.~t; th N. 49.33* para to Oco~ Blvd.; te pt. 30~ S. of N. L~e, th W. 75'; throe S. 128.95~ to S. L~e o~ bt, th E. 83.2t to SW esr. o~ ~t 1, th N. 79.6* to point of bef~t~ *(Nature oF Nuisance SpeciFied: "2" means there is a collection oF water or trash in which ~osquitoes are likely to breed. means there are trees~ debris, or vegetation; which, by reason oF height, p~oximity to neighborinf structures or physical conditions are hu~rieane hazards; '4" means there are weeds exceeding 18 inches in hel~t, and which either exhale obnoxious odors or con- stitute a likely source oF disease or physical distress to human beings.) AND, BE IT FURTHER RE~OLVKi) that the City Clerk oF the City oF Delray Beach, Florida, Furnish each oF tho o~ners oF the lands hereinabove listed and described with a copy oF this resolution by ~egistered mail, return receipt requested. AHD, BE IT FURTH~ RESOLVED that cash of sald owner~ be and they are hereby notified that they awe required to abate tho nu- Isance hereinabove adjudged and specified vlth~n thirty (30) days from the receipt of a copy of this resolution; otherwise, fault ~he~eof, the City of Delray Beach, Florida, will ~tor upon said lands and ahte the said n~s~ce hePoinabove specified and ~11 levy the cost of such ~rk as ~ assos~ent age.st the property he~oinabove described. APPROVED this 12th Day of July, A. D.