Res 913-54 ~SOLUTION NO, 913 WHEREAS, the present p~oced~e governing the use of the safety deposit box for the safe-keeping of valuables of the City of ~)elray Beach in the First National Ban~, Delray Beach, Florida, is out-moded and specifically intrusts access to this safety de~osit box to named officials who are no longer connect- ed with the City or, if connected with the City, no longer serve in the designated capacity, and WW~CAS, the First ~a. tional Bank saggests that the procedure be amended to provide access to this safety deposit box by titular officers serving in named positions rather than spe- cifically named individuals, and NH~R~gA$, the First National Bank suggests that any two of these officials together should be afforded access to the safety deposit box; ~0W, TH~Pd~, B~ IT R~i~SOL~ by the City Council o£ the City of Delr~y Beach, Florida, that any two of the persons hold- ing the following offices for the City of Delray Beach shall have access to the safety deposit box of the City of Delray Beach ~hen such two officers shall demand such access from Bank em- ployees: The Mayor The Vice-Mayor The City Manager The City Clerk - ~ity Treasurer PASS.~D ~;D ADOPT.MD by the City Council of the City of Delray 3each, Florida, on this the 25th day of January, ~k.D., 19~4. ' Mayor ~