Res 915-54 lJ,' "~ ('i"'? , f_[."~;:'P¢ ' e'. ~,.~..;cijorz .......
:"~ ..... ~:.1(:~, '~; .... ,'~' ] ~"~ 'j_!{,~' P'k ~ ~ '~'~'
* '~ i .q-'~ (, ~;,,itl, ~;,!'1r~
t'e,,,,elveq,,'rt fe,~er'cl ir~t,~r-
eour2:,geme:::t l)y t'"J_g cn,,p~,jtt, eo (,f 'f.~]e (.;~xali. otl of ~il, trlicip2l !.,,rids
~,,,, _~,t~r::,]. t~xation o¢ muni.c:i, prl!y owned ilii. ies, un,: ~l. eclr, re
tl?~t. :~]cl~ effort by t~-,e :?edaral fiov,~r~tme~:t will be t.!3e opening
ar21 Oo-uLnJon, ~,p¢ :Ls e~e ~t. e2 closer to tl:e c,~.~fisc~,tion of in-
.'~ ,C TG:~ 9. it Fttr't}Jer t"esol..ved that a copy o¢ +~,is re-
s~,]ill. [oil l~e Corwrirrled t(, the ,~,..)t,,to] ~ r,no. t.o.t¢gressmaz~ of the
St, ere of l-'].ori_dn t,~sather Vm')th r,n tlrgallt ~[,~ea]. that they ~der-
take tl)e d~fea, t of this fvn,~. ~ ., of lo~.,'i.,l~,~'.,:, n, that tlte~ ficht
For the .pre~,~rvat~on of the i_~ttozr:ity ~'nd il~¢iviJurlism of states,
c-.,¢,:-TO~ o This :.e. c lutJon shall t;ke effect i:mnediately
upon i'l.~ ~,do;~tior~ ~v the r'itv Co,lricil
p,,o~:-,~-~ ;;~: L~qi:~m ~D by the~;~'y Council of .the City of )elray
q~", ,.,:~,., ~lorid::, on t!~J.s the day o~__- :.~],.~r~.% ..... A.;;., 1954.
A-rT~S'f: -- --,.-? .