Res 921-54 RESOLUT ION NO. 921 RESOLUrION OF THE CITY OF DEI2~Y BEACH, FEOR]])A, PROVIDING FOR ~OEF COURSE FUNDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Oity of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: 1. Pursuant to Article 21, Section 179, of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Golf Course funds shall be under the super- vision and control of the Golf Commission which Commission shall be respon- sible to the City Council. 2. That all checks written on Golf Course funds shall be signed by the Treasurer of the Oity of Delray Beach and counter-signed by either the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Golf Commission. This Resolution passed this 8th day of June, 1954. ATTEST: ~.~ T%