Res 936-54 RESOLUTION NO. 936
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of De]may Beach, Florida,
recommending that Palm Beach Air Force Base located at the Palm Beach Inter-
national ~J~rport in Palm Beach County, Florida, which at present is a temporary
Air Force Installation be made a permanent installation.
~ection ..1.. That the undersigned unanimously reco~,end to the Honorable
Harold E. Talbott, Air Force Secretary and to the Honorable Charles E. Wilson,
Secretary of Defense and to all other interested officials and any Commission
that may be appointed to consider the matters involved herein, that the under-
signed are very desirous of having Palm Beach Air Force Base located at Palm
Beach International ~irport made a permanent installation.
~ectio~ 2- That the personnel based therein would be afforded an op-
portunity for social and cultural life amid ideal surroundings where clean a-
musements and every wholesome outdoor sport of every type is available.
Our climate is stable and mild the year round with no extremes of col~
or fog and the territory is level with ample lakes, harbors and open ocean a-
vailable for practice flying and landings. Also beaches suitable for amphibious
Section 3. That the 0ity of West Palm Beach and adjoining Cities and
Towns constitutes an area with a population in excess of 100,000 and rapidly
growing, and there is readily available with easy access ma~y ideal places for
recreational purposes. That there is adequate bus transportation and adequate
railroad transpertation, warehouse sates and trackage, all of which may easily
be expanded. That it is adjacent to the ~tlantic Ocean beach and to the Inland
Waterway and to numerous inland lakes.
That the City of West Palm Beach is presently being expanded Westward
and it is deemed to the best interests of the citizens of this area that in the
~estward Expansion Program, the establishment of the above mentioned Air Force
Base as a permanent installation or as a similar defense installation would be
of great benefit not only to the citizens of West Palm Beach and surrounding
municipalities, but to the personnel of said installation, and that there are
many and numerous benefits which would flow to all parties.
Amd the undersigned pledge our u~aost cooperation and any
assistance within our power to accomplish the results desired herein.
Let copies be mailed to all officials and interested parties,
includiag the following noted on the bottom hereof.
~NANIMOUSLY P~SED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of December,
A. D., 1954.
0opies to: Hon. George Smathers, U.S. Senator
Hon. Spessard Holland, U.S. Senator
County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Fla.
To all adjoining mumicipalities and towns.