AUGUST 12, 200$
A Specialf Workshop Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was
called to order by Mayor Rita Ellis in the First Floor Conference Room at City Hall at 6:00 p.rn., on
Tuesday, August 12, 2048.
Rail call showed:
Present - Commissioner Gary P. Eliapoulos
Commissioner Fred B. Fetzer
Commissioner Waodie McDuffie
Camtrrissianer Mackensan Bernard
Mayor Rita Ellis
Absent - None
Also present were - David T. Harden, City Manager
Robert A. Barcinski, Assistant Ciry Manager
Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney
Lanelda D. Gaskins, Acting Deputy City Clerk
Mayor Rita Ellis called the special meeting to order and announced that it had been called for the
purpose of considering the following Items:
1. Math of C}ffice administered to Newly-Appointed-City Commission Member:
Mackenson Bernard (Swearing-In Ceremony will be held in the Commission Chambers}.
Mr. Bernard was sworn in by Lanelda D. Gaskins, Acting Deputy City Clerk.
Mayor Ellis briefly commented and thanked everyone for attending.
Mayan Ellis adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:48 p.m.
1. Municipal Solutions Report Presentation
David A. Evertson, Principal of Municipal Solutions, presented this item. Also present were
Senior Associates Colin. Baenziger, Barry Stxack, Richard Davis and Robert Hoffmann. Mr.
Evertson discussed the "644 Performance, Process & Finance Audit Findings Report
Sunuz~ary". He discussed some important notable findings and opportunities to improve
efficiency in the following departments:
• Finance
• Planning & Zoning,
• Human Resources
• City Clerk
• Police
• Fleet Maintenance
I~r1r. Evertson discussed the potential reallocation of net gain or lost.. He discussed the
replacement of outdated vehicles and software. He suggested a comprehensive evaluation of
the software. '
Mayor Ellis thanked Municipal Solutions for their presentation.
Mr. Fetzer commented on the information provided by Municipal Solutions and suggested
staff follow-up on its recommendations.
Mr. Eliopoulos asked if staff reviewed the information.
David T. Harden, City Manager, advised the information has not been thoroughly reviewed
by staff.
Mr. Eliopoulos discussed the possibility of doing four {4) day work weeks.
Mr. Evertson advised that in his experience it is more of a political than fiscal solution.
There are benefits on both sides but there is no one size fits all solution.
Mr. Eliopoulos stated that the City should look at upgrading the software since it benefits all
of the departments.
Mr. Evertson discussed the software. He stated the City's software is over 30 years old, it
needs to be assessed.
Mayor Ellis briefly discussed the integration between the different departments.
Mr. Baenziger advised it is important to get a goad consultant for the software -someone
that really understands the packages.
Mr. Evertson talked about Wi-Fi. He stated he brought in Barry Stroud because of his
expertise in software. He knows the backgrounds of companies and is very familiar with the
Mr. Bernard stated he is concerned about the 27°lo unaccounted water and would like to
know how the amount could be reduced to the 15% range.
Mr. Baenziger stated a study would have to be conducted. Production statistics show what is
coming out of the plant. Water meters need to be tested to be sure they are registering !
2 August 12, 2008
Mr, McDuffie advised he would like to speak with Mr. Stroud about civic software.
Ztirlr. Harden discussed the civic software briefly.
The Commission thanked Municipal Solutions for their presentation.
2. Old School Square Presentation -Executive Committee of the OSS Board of Directors:
Joe Lillie, Executive Director, presented this item. He discussed the Old School Square
Partnership with the City. Mr. Lillie explained the measurable benefits to the City. He stated
Old School Square generates 18-2Q°lo economic impact to Downtown Delray Beach
annually, through community service, programs and discounted rates for classes. Mr. Lillie
discussed the track record of Old School Square and its many contributions to the
community. He discussed some of the challenges that are being faced by Old School Square.
He stated there was a 67°lo decrease in State grants over the last year. He discussed other
resources that are being reviewed. He thanked Bob Barcinski, Assistant City Manager for his
support. Mr. Lillie also introduced the President of Old School Square, Brian Cheslack.
Mr. Cheslack advised that the money provided by the City= has been used weIl. With the
budget being tighter, greater emphasis should be placed on those organizations that prove to
be good stewards of the funds provided, like Old School Square.
Mr. McDuffie discussed the economic impact model.
Mr. Oillie provided the name of the website used to generate the economic impact model.
Mr. Eliopoulos advised that the true value of Old School Square is not known by a lot of
3. Proposal regarding Voluntary Contributions for Arts and Culture Projects
Joseph Safford, Director of Finance, introduced this item. He discussed voluntary
contributions for arts and culture projects on the utility bills. He discussed three {3)
alternatives given by SunCard HTE, the software vendor for utility bills. He recommended a
separate flyer be included with the monthly, quarterly, annual or semi-annual bi11s.
Mr. Fetzer stated it's a great idea and he is in support.
lt!Ix. Eliopoulos agreed with Mr. Fetzer and supported Mr. Safford's recommendations. He
suggested something be sent quarterly,
Mayor Ellis asked who would decide who gets the money. She also asked what is in the
water bill at this time.
Mr. Safford stated that the concept came from Old School Square so he assumed it would
go towards their Cultural Arts Projects. He explained what is in the water bills.
Mr, Lillie stated that all of the arts would benefit from the contributions.
Dr. Jay Alperin, Old School Square, stated that the purpose is to collect funds.
August 12, 200$
Susan Ruby, City Attorney, advised a tax benefit would also be initiated. ,
Mr. Bernard stated that he supported the project and also suggested it should be quarterly.
Mayor Ellis suggested a collaborative contribution.
It is the Consensus of the Commission to support this project.
4. Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) FY 2009 - 2013 Presentation
Richard Hasko, Director of Environmental Services, introduced this item. He gave an
overview of what would be presented.
Randal L. Krejcarek, City Engineer, gave a presentation of the proposed FY 2009-2013 CIP.
Mr. McDuffie asked if federal funding is still available for these projects.
Mr. Krejcarek advised that an extension was given on some of these projects and that the
money would be available in July 2009.
Mr. McDuffie asked if we are only committing to the current fiscal year capital improvement
Mr. Krejcarek stated. that the City plans for a five (5) year fiscally balanced plan. He
discussed the replacement of the Old School Square windows that were hurricane damaged.
Mr. Krejcarek discussed the 50% grant match for some of the projects including twelve (12)
bus shelters.
Mr. Fetzer asked if any of the Osceola plans addressed street lighting.
Mr. Krejcarek advised that an assessment will be done by Florida Power & Light and if they
determine street lighting is needed it will be addressed.
Mr. Harden advised that the largest project is software for the Police Department. He agreed
with Municipal Solutions that a Consultant should be brought in to help with the selection
of an upgraded software package. He advised that the City should look at grants for these
projects because the funds are not there for these projects anymore. He explained why some
of the projects are unfunded.
Mr. Fetzer stated that staff provided an overview of the debt millage and he would like to be
provided with that information this year before this budget is adopted. He also asked if there
is any additional debt.
Mr. Harden advised there is no additional debt that would affect millage.
Mr. Eliopoulos questioned street construction and improvements and how it is budgeted.
Mr. Hasko explained how the street construction and improvements are budgeted.
August 12, 2008
Mr. McDuffie asked Mr. Kxejcarek to get him some information that he could present to the
Metropolitan Planning Organization.
5. WaterlSewer Budget FY 2009 Presentation
David T. Harden, City Manager, presented this item. He discussed the summary that was
distributed to Commission with regards to the waterf sewer budget for FY 2009: He stated
that the decrease in water revenues is lower because of water restrictions. Mr. Harden
advised that because o£ the increased cost of electricity and chemicals, it would offset any
potential savings due to producing a lower volume of finished water. He proposed rate
increases of 13.'5°lo for water and 10.5°lo for sewer.
Mayor Ellis asked when. reuse is available £or the residential subscriber what the difference in
rate is. She stated several former Corrunissioners expressed some concerns that the costs
remained the same.
Richard Hasko, Director of Envixonmental Services, explained the current rate structuxe.
Mr. Fetzer stated that residents may not understand the increase and the message would
need to be conveyed that because of the rise in electricity and chemical costs the water and
sewer rate increased.
Mr. Eliopoulos concurred with Mr. Fetzer that the message would have to be clearly
Mayor Ellis adjourned the Workshop Meeting at 8:50 p.m.
City Clerk
~~ ~~
5 August 12, 2448
The undersigned is the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the information
provided herein is the Minutes of the Special jWorkshop Meeting of the City Comrrussian held on
Tuesday, August 12, 2008, which Minutes were formally approved and adopted by the City
Commission on August 1t}, 2008.
City Clerk
NOTE TO READER: If the Minutes you have received are not completed as indicated above,
this means they are not the official Minutes of the City Commission. They wi1.l become the official
I~rlisiutes only after review and approval, which may involve amendments, additions or deletions to
the Minutes as set forth above.
6 August 12, 2048