Res 850-52 RESOLUTION NO, 850 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Honorable Merrill P. Barber, Member of the State Road Department, has assured the citizens of this community that he would personally look into the immediate letting of a contract for the construction of new pavement, curbs, gutters, storm sewers, and side walks along Atlantic Avenue from State Road No. 5 on the West, to Ocean Boulevard (State Road AiA) on the East; and NNEREAS, the City of Delray Beach wishes to express the sincere appreciation and thanks of this community to Road Board Member Barber for his personal attention to thi~uch needed road improvement for our citizens in this community; and WHEREAS, there now exists a sixty-fix foot (66 ft.) right-of-way along Atlantic Avenue upon which a portion of said proposed improvements may be immediately constructed, and that the remaining improvements consisting of a proposed six foot (6 ft.) sidewalk and four foot (4 ft.) park area may be constructed at a later date when additional rights-of- way have been acquired; and WHEREAS~ the City of Delray Beach believes that it is to the best interests of this community that a contract be let immediately for the paving and improving of Atlantic Avenue east and west of the new approaches to the new Atlantic Avenue Bridge to a full width of sixty feet (60 ft.) which improvements shall include curb, gutter, storm sewers and paving, and that the letting of a contract for the construction of the proposed sidewalk and park areas be done at a later date, when the full eighty foot (80 ft. ) right-of-way has been acquired. N0~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ct~ty Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: 1. That the sincere appreciation and thanks of this community be extended to the Honorable Merrill ?. Barber, Member of the State Road Department, for his personal efforts on behalf of the citizens of this community in seeing that proper plans and specifications are prepared, and a contract is let immediately for the paving and improvements of Atlantic Avenue from State Road 5 eastward to State Road AIA. 2. That in causing said plans and specifications to be prepared attention is called to the fact that there now exists a 66 foot road right-of-way along Atlantic Avenue from State Road 5 eastward to State Road AIA, and that said plans and specifications should be drawn and a contract let so as to allow the awarding of such a contract for all of the improvements planned, however, specifying that if the County and City have not acquired additional right-of-way so as to provide a full 80 foot road right-of-way that the contract will be let for the full 60 foot of pavement, curb, gutter and storm sewers, leaving the con- struction of' the proposed 6 foot sidewalk and 4 foot park area to a later letting, at which time the necessary additional rights-of-way will be available. 3. That the City officials of the City of Delray Beach will con- tinue in their efforts to secure the full 80 foot road right- of-way as requested by the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, however, the proposed improvements along Atlantic Avenue within the present 66 foot right-of-way are necessary at this time, therefore we urge upon you the advisability of immediately letting a contract for such improvements as can be constructed within the present 66 foot right-of-way, and that work on said improvements be commenced within sixty (60) days from the date of this resolution, so that the c~tizens of this community may use their main thoroughfare at the time the new bridge is opened before the beginning of the fall tourist season. 4. That under the present City Zoning Ordinance all buildings and improvements along Atlantic Avenue have been constructed on s ten-foot set back from the present 66 foot right-of-way line, therefore, the acquiring of the additional ? foot right-of-way on each side of Atlantic Avenue will not be difficult or costly, but due to the absence of a number of the property owners from the City considerable ~delay will be encountered, and for that ~eason absolute assurance cannot be given at this time that the full 80 fOOt right-of-way will be ac- quired and of reco~d by the time the contPacts are let fo~ the entire improvements as planned. 5. That the money has been budgeted for this work in this year,s Road Board Budget, and it will be greatly appreciated if you will continue your personal efforts on behalf of the citizens of this community to see that a contract is let for such of the proposed im- provements along Atlant~_c Avenue as can now be constructed and placed within the present 66 foot right-of-way. 6. That a copy of this Resolution be imuediately mailed to the Honorable Merrill P. Barber. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, this 23rd day of June, A. D., 1952.