Ord 43-08ORDINANCE NO. 43-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 53, "SANITARY SEWERS", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, BY AMENDING SECTION 53.130, "USER CHARGES; WHOLESALE SEWER RATES; CALCULATION OF SEWER SURCHARGE", SUBSECTION 53.130(D), TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASED RESIDENTIAL AND NONRESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL RATES FOR FY 2009; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, to provide for accurate accounting of services, the City Commission desires to more accurately reflect the payment for services provided for the rendition of sewer services on a prorated basis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Title V, "Public Works", Chapter 53, "Sanitary Sewers", Section 53.130, "User Charges; Wholesale Sewer Rates; Calculation of Sewer Surcharge", subsection 53.130(D), of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: (D) The following rates and charges shall be collected from the users of the City sewerage system: (1) Residential dwelling units. A monthly sanitary sewer service charge is imposed upon each residential dwelling unit, as more specifically set forth hereinafter, to which sanitary sewage service is available through the facilities afforded by the municipally-owned sewerage system, according to the following schedule: Residential Inside City Outside City (a) Capacity charge (per residential dwelling unit): 4-5~ 18.04 ~'~'tl t 22.55 (b) Commodity charge (based on metered water with maximum of 12,000 gallons): 4~ 2.20 ~ 2.75 (c) South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board (per 1,000 gallons) 8:9$ 1.1917 4~ 1.49 NOTES: Where no water service is provided and the user is connected to the sanitary sewer system, the commodity charge shall be based on the maximum of 12,000 gallons. This is in addition to the capacity charges as set forth above. Where no water service is provided and the user is not connected to the sanitary sewer system, and sewer service is available for connection, there will be a capacity charge as set forth above. (2) Nonresidential/commercial units. A monthly sanitary sewer service charge is imposed upon each commercial and nonresidential unit to which sanitary sewage service is available through the facilities afforded by the municipally-owned sewerage system, according to the following schedule: 2 ORD. NO. 43-08 Nonresidential/Commercial Inside Ciry Outside Ciry (a) Capacity charge (per meter): 3/4-inch meter ~9 18.04 ~ 'tl'T 22.55 1-inch meter ~i-1~ 30.10 ~-1- 37.62 1-1/2 inch meter ~-2~3 59.95 H §-1~ 74.94 2-inch meter S~:-45 95.97 48 4 119.96 3-inch meter ~3 210.14 ''' ~ 262.67 4-inch meter 3~9 378.12 4-1 ~AA 472.65 6-inch meter Y~Jtl:YY 840.35 94 42 1050.44 8-inch meter „~ 1441.74 ,~ 1802.18 10-inch meter ~8~:-A4 2282.80 24~84 ~ 2853.50 (b) Commodity charge: City per 1,000 gallons) 2.20 2.75 (c)South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board (per 1,000 gallons) 9-9$ 1.1917 ~3 1.49 NOTE (1): For those nonresidential/commercial units where water service is not available, and the user is connected to the sanitary sewer system or sewer service is available, the capacity charge will be set forth above. The commodity charge shall be based on the average usage for the type of business or nonresidential use. (3) Sewerage flow determination. The number of gallons of monthly sewerage flow for residential and nonresidential/commercial units shall be based upon the water usage for those units as indicated by a water meter, unless a customer installs at no cost to the City a separate meter to measure the actual sewerage flow from the subject unit. A separate meter may be used to measure actual sewerage flow for the calculation of charges only when the location, installation, and type of meter have been approved by the City Manager or his designee. (4) When effective. The initial rates for charges shall be effective the first day of the month following the date when the system is constructed, certified for use by the consulting engineer, and accepted by the City. 3 ORD. NO. 43-08 Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective on October 1, 2008. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this 16`" day of September, 2008. Ike MAYOR ATTEST: `~• City Clerk First Reading ~ ~ ~~ Second Reading ~ ~~. ~~ ORD. NO. 43-08 MEM4RANDLIM TO: Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: David T, Harden, City Manager DATE: September 11, 2008 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 10.E. -REGULAR COMMiSSiON MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 ORDINANCE NfJ. 43-08 (SEWER) ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION This ordinance is before Commission for second reading and public hearing to amend Chapter 53 "Sanitary Sewers" of the Code of Ordinances by modifying Section 53.130, "L7ser Charges; Wholesale Sewer Rates; Calculation of Sewer Surcharge" to provide far changes in residential and nonresidential/commercial rates far FY 2009. These new rates go into effect an October ] , 2008. BACKGROUND This ordinance proposes a 15°lo increase in capacity and commodity charges. In addition, the ordinance includes the 21.6°lo rate increase approved by the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal hoard for their charges. These increases are necessary to pay the cost of eliminating the discharge of treated sewage into the ocean and fully developing our reclaimed water system. The resulting rates will also more accurately reflect the cost of providing sewage collection and treatment. Our consultant has advised us that our water system has actually been subsidizing our sewer system in prior years. At first reading on September 3, 2008, the Commission passed Ordinance 43-08. F~.ECOMMENDATION Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 43-08 on second and final reading. ORDINANCE N0.43-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE QTY COR~NIISSION OF TI-~.QTY OF DELT,AY BEAQ~ FLORIDA, A~NDING CFCAI'TER 53, "SA,NITARY SEWERS"', OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF Tl~~ QTY OF DELRAY BEACI~, BY AMENDING SECTION 53.130, "USER QdARGES; WHOLESALE SEWER RATES; CALCCILATION OF SEWER SLTRCTIARGE", SUBSECTION 53,130(D), TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASED RESIDENTIAL .AND NONl2ESIDENTIALfCOMIVICERQAL Z~:ATES FOR FY 2009; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEAZER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE, AND p~1 EFFECTIVE DATE. Wl:-1EREAS, to provide for accurate accounting of services, the City Commission desires to more accurately reflect the payment for services provided for the rendition of sewer services an a prorated basis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE QTY COh~SSION OF THE QTY OF DELRAY BEAQ-Ii FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~~ection 1. That Title V, "'Public Works", Chapter 53, "S~anit~ury Sewers", Section 53.130, "User Qtarges; Wholesale Sewer Rates; Calculation of Sewer Surcharge", sulbsection 53.130(D), of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hexeby amended to read as follows: (D) The following rates and cha~^ges shall be collected from. the users of the City sewerage system: (1) Residential dwelling units. A .monthly sanitt~xy sewer service c7harge is irrrposed upon each residential. dwelling unit, as more specifically set forth henanafter, to which s;~nitary sev~Tage service is available through the facilities afforded by the municipally-owed sewerage system, accor~:ling to the follav+rirtg scho~ule: Residential Inside City Outside City (a} Capaclty Cl'ti~]e (' residential C~1~L'llil-~g LIl1It}: 18.04 ~9:~ 22.55 (b} Camrnodity clkua~ge (based an n~etexed water with maxinnum of 12,000 ~llans}: 2.20 ~ 2.75 (c) Sauth Central. Regional Wastewater Treatrr~r-t and Disposal Board (per 1,000 gallons} 1.1917 ~: 1.49 NOTES: Where na water st~rvice is pravic~d and the tier is connected to tl~e ~~ sewer system, the commodity clh;~ge s]f~all be based on the ma~amum of 12,000 gallons. 'I'bis is in addition to the capacitycf~a~rges as set forth above. Where no water service is provided and the user is not connected to the sanitary sewer system, and sewer st~vice is available for connection, there will be a capacity cJf~a~ge as set forth above. (2} Nonresidential jcomrnercial units. A rrbonthly sanitary sewer service charge is imposed upon each comrxrercial and nonresidential twit to which sanitary sewage service is available through the facilities afforded by the mtmicipally--owned sewerage system, according to the following schedule: t~RD, NO, 43-08 Nonresidential jCammercial Inside City Outside City {a) C'apacitY charge {per n-~ter}: 314-utc1~ meter ~~; 18.04 ~9~ 22.55 1-inch meter ~~;~ 30.10 ~~~ 37.62 1-1 /2 inch meter ~~~ 59.95 ~~ 74.94 2-inch rr~ter ~~:~ 95.97 ~4~ 119.96 3-inch rr~ter ~~? 210.14 2~~ 262.67 4-inch rr~ter ~8 3?8.12 489 472.65 6-i7ich meter 730: $~35 ~~~ 1050.44 8-inch nester ~~:~ 1445,74 4~6'~ 1802.18 10-ir-ch meter ~-~;~-5:84 2282.80 ~4~~~ 2853.50 {b) Commodity charge: City per 1,000 gallons} ~~ 2.20 ~9 2.~5 {c)South Central.. Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board {per 1,000 l~o~) 9:9$ 1,1917 1.49 NOTE (1}: Far those nonresidential/corntr~xcial units where water service is not avai]able, and the user is connected to the sanitary sewer system or sewer service is available, the capacity clhazge will be set forth above. The commodity charge shall. be ba`~ed on the average usage far the type of business or nonresidential use. (3) Sewerage flow deternroination. The number of gallons of monthly sewerage flow for residential and nonresidential/cornmerc7al units shall be ba<~ed upon the water usage for those units as indicated by a water meter, unless a customer instr~.ls at no cost to the City a separate meter to measure the actual sewerage flow from. the subject unit. A separate meter maybe used to measure actual sewerage flow for the calculation of only cn~hen the location installation, and type of meter have been approved by the City l~!~unager or his designee. {4} When effective. The initial rates for clges shall. be effective the first clay of the month foIlav~~ing the date when the system is constructed, certified for use by the consulting engineer, and accepted by the City ors. pro. 4~-~s Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of aidinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby r~>pealed Section 3, That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or ~wrd be declared by a court of con~etent jurisdiction to be invalid, such deasion shall. not affect the validity of the remainc~r ~f as a whale or part thereof other tl pan tlhe part de;,lat~~d to be invalid. Section 4. That this or~~inance shall beean~ effective on October 2, 2~8. Pfi~SSED A.~ND ADOPTED in rf~gular session on second and final r~~~cling an this 16`~ day of S~~pteniber, ~tl(}8. MAYOR ATTEST. City Clerk First Re;~ing Second Re~~ing c~~. No. ~-os www.bocanews.cam • Boca Ratonfflelray Beach (News -Friday & Saturday, September 5-6, 2008 ~.?r~ :~ d ~~ aN~auac~e~~rs OFTY OF DELRAY BEACN,Pt.0R10A NOTICE OF PUBLtO HEAR_ iNG A PUBLIC NEARING will ha heM an the Ialiowing proposed ordinances at ;7:99'p.m. an TUESDAY, SEP TEM. RER is, 2D08 iw al any continuaVpn of surn meeting whisri is set try the CommiSSion), in the City Gdtrttnissimf Cltamhers, i00 N.W. Tsf Avorme, Del- ray Beach, Fmrida, ai wlxct+ time the City Commission wiA consider ihttlr adoption. The proposed ordnances may ~ hunted at me {Ithr~ of ate City Clerk a( City Hall, iDp N;W. 1St AvaMra, Delray Reach, Fbrida, be-' hvaen tlIa hours of 8.>a0 a.m. and S DD p.m„ MandaY through Friday, oxcept holidays. A2 Tnierested pa+hes.are io- viled to ahald and be heard with,re- sPeol Id the proposed ordina~cs. ORDINANCE NO.42-08 AN ORDINANCE {~' THE CITY CO~- M(SSION OF THE CITY OF bELRAY BEAGN, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 52, 'WATER', OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY pF DELRAY REACH, BY AMENDING SECTION S2-3Q, 'WATER RATES', SUBSECTION 52.34{R}, TO PROVIDE FOR CHANG- ES +N RATES FOR FY 2909; PRO-. YIDlNG A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAYING CCAU$E, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. d3~08 AN ORDINANCE ~ THE CITY.COM- MISSION qF THE CITY 6F DELRAY REACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 53. 'SANITARY SEW- ERS', OF THE CODE OF ORDi- NANCES OF THE CITY QF DELRAY BEACH, 8Y AM£NDWG SECTIGiN 53.T39, 'USER CHARGES; WIKYLE- SALE SEWER RATES; GALCUTA- TION OF SEWER SURCHARGE', SUBSECTION 53.130(Dj, TO PRp: VIDE FOR INCREASED RESlDEN- TtAL ANO NONRESIDENilALiGOM• MERGIA! RATES FOR FY 2008; PROYtONG A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE. A SAVING CLAUSE. AND AN EFFECTIVE GATE. ORDNANCE HQ id-fl8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY GOM- Mt5S1pN OF THE CITY OF pELRAy BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING GHAPTER'S1, "GARBAGE ANO TRASH', OF THE CODE OF ORDf- NANGES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH; RY AMENDING SECTION ;51.7D,'AEGULAR CHARGES LEV- tIED', TO PROVIDE FORlNGREASED RESIDENTIAL ANO COMMERCIAL COLLECTIC1h1 SERVICE RATES FOR FY 2D49; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING " CLAUSE- AND AN EFFECTNE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. di-0g , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COM- MISS~N OF THE CITY OF DELRAY ;BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ;CHARTER 92,'BOATS~ANb BOAT• 'LNG" OF THE~GODE OF ORDNNANG ES BY AMENDING SECTION 92,33, 'QOCt(AGE RATES', T6 PAOVIDE, FOR A CHANGE tN iHE. RATE' STRUCTURE AND 7NE ADDITION OF CERTAIN FEES; PROVIDING A SAYING CLAUSE, A GENERAL RE- PEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFEG- TNE DATE. please 6e advised Ih,T it a person ds- Cides Ie appeal any deci5ztn made by the G1y Commission with respect (o any matter consitlerad at these hear Irp~S- such I~+Spn Ryryy reaed In CnSUte that a verbatim record inUddes !ha Ifestimony and evidence upon which ~Ehd~appbai is to be based, The Ci(y does not prpvidz nor prepare such rewrd putsuarn a FS. 2as.ato5. CI7Y OF DEIFAY RF~iCH Chave4e D. NLMn, CM1iC City 47atk Publish; Friday, Septarr+her 5, Roca RaloNDd(ray Reach News 9A