Res 883-52 Y~ESO~.UTIC"i ~0. 883 A ~ESCTTM rE m~,' Cz:':' OF THE CITY' 0F 3[tYRiY SEACN~ FIONIDA 5L iT RSSOLVLZ hY THE CiTY COCNCiL of the Cit}, cf Delra} Beach, Florida, that iee. d as pPe- scnt~d ~y the Eroadwglk Hotel, ~z~r~.~_~ ,,' ..... ~.~u,~ :~i-~:- in6 to the City eel"LaiR lands fop use cf the nub- !lc as a Y~cht Basin and w~terway, be accepted by the City of De!~sS Eeach, an~ same sht~i! b~ City 'Cie rk