Res 785-51 A ]rESOLUTION OF Tile CITY COUNCIL, OF Tdig ,CITY OF DEL}LAY B i2iCti, l'LOilIl)~2~ CJbkNGING TiiE TItlE <)F Tile REGUI~,H M]JETINGS uF Tile CITY COUNCIL FIIOM Tile SEC- ONI~ AND FOURTH TUESDAYS IN ~'~Cli MONTti TO Tile SECOND ANb FolJlITit MONDAYS IN ~lCii BE IT }:iCSOLVED by the City Con]mil oF the City oF Delrny Beach, /loridn as 2ollows: Titat tlte pegtllar meetings oF tile City Council of thi: City sh~ll be chan%ed From the second [~nd fourth Tuesdays of each month to the second and fo~rth i~iondays of each month. t=AS',EI) 2NI; AD(;PTED in regular session on this the ATTEST: