Res 787-51 ti E S u L il Y I u N N O. 787
,.,1' ,.~g
BE IT REs~JJ'NLI,~ by the City co,~mcj.] at' the Uity oi' bel.
ray Beach, 'lorids, as follows:
1. That the CJ_ty ~,i;tlls.~er' shall seo,~pe i,lans, speei-
.['legations and estimates oF cost f'op the installation of neoessa~'y
stopm seweps, catch b~sJ_ns and man-holes to dpain the ~'~ppPoximate
apes bo~mded by:
Xoptn-east 4th Str'eet on t~e
7'}~e Interco~stal ~,aterway on tile Ea
Atlantic Aven~e on t~e aouth,
Sv~int~,n A~enue nn the ',,est.
2. That such }~l~;ns, speeiI'ic~,tio~s and estimates of
cost shsll be p]sced on file in the office of the City :,iana~m" in
the City lic ll.
PA~EJ; ANt; AI~,~PTI~D tt~is 29th d:;y oF .anusry, A.