Res 791-51 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N N 0. 791 A RESOI,UTION 0F TtiE CITY C0~NCIL OF TiiE CITY OF DELILiY B~TCH, FLORIDA, ilEGUI~kTING SALARIES 0F I)E~ARTMENT tlEAI)S IN SAID CITY. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Del~ay Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1. That from the 15th ~iay of February, 1951, and until amended by this Counci], salaries for department heads shall be as follows: A. Police Ci~ief - ~325.00 B. Fire Chief - 325.00 C. Building Inspector - 325.00 D. City Clerk - 340.00 E. Deputy City Clerk - 200.00 F. Supt. of Public ~.¥orks - 325.00 G. ;~upt. of ;~ater Department - 325.00 Pf~SSED AND A1)0PTED this 26thday of March, A. D. l!~51. l~la yor ( 3_TTEST: City Clerk