08-19-08 Minutes RegAUGUST 19, 2i~i~S A P~eb~.llar Meetin of the City t_ ~ ~nmlissi~ Ali ~ ~f the, ~~ily ~ ~f Delray De.~ch, rlarida, v~v c~~llc.d t•• ~ order by Mays ~r P.it:~ Ellis in the. C'~ ~nu~lission Chlmbel•s at City Hall at ti:00 p.m., TLlesday, August 1~+, ?OOL~. 1. Roll call showed: PTl%sC'.llt - CG1111111SSlaller Galy P. L.liap~_~nlas Ca11111115Slallc.r reed B. I'etzer Conunissionc-r Woodie• B. McDuffie Conuiiissianer Macltc.lis~ ~n Barnard Mayor Rita Ellis Absent - None Also present were. - David T. IIarden, City Manaber Susan A. RLltiy, City Attc~nley Bl-ian Shutt, AssistallC City Attorney Cllevellr D. Nubia, City Clerk 2. The apea~ino priyer ~~~as delivered liy P•.everea~d Parl .Artlin, Ch~lplain of Abbey Delray.. 3. The Pl~.dge ~•f Alle~~i;:~nc~. to the flag of the TTnited Stat,_s of Am,rica was given. 4. AGENDA APPROVAL. Mr. Elie ~li~~lll~ ~s rc.~luestcJ t11aC Item S.G., Service Aull~orizaCiau Na. 0~- 09.1/CII'_'M IIill, Inc./Design of Ncw Sludgy Thickener LTuil of lh? G;nellt ~'~gcaldu be. li7aved to tl~e I:egL~lar Agelldl as Item 9.A.A. The City Manaber note) th~it It~~ul ~.C., Waiver Reuuest/Ed Morse Toyota has been withdr~lwn by the ahplica~nl. Staff leas detenl~inad that this 1i1~1lter can be handled by tile. Silo Plan Preview gild Al,pe<<rancc. Ba::trd (SPP.~~I;) ~~s a M:zslcr Sib 1 Prob -gill ~~nd ~~ waiver is n..t ne.cc.ssary and (.Ile.ref~ ~re• ibis can ba t• ~ SPP.~~L' ne~:t ~zreek. Mr. McDLlffic. moved t. ~ appl•ave. tll° Agenda ~~s am"lided, ~ecanded by Mr. I'et~er. Upon tall call the Calilrnis~.i~ ~~n v. ~ted as f_~llaws: A~Ir. Fel~~:r - I'e~; Mr. McDuffie. -Yes; Mr. Benlard -Yes; May. •r Ellis - Y,:.~.; NIr. Elit~pauir~~. - Ye.c. Said matioli passed with a ` la 0 vote. 08/19/08 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: l~~r. EhopoLlloS 111~~VeJ ti- al)11roVe tlh• 1~~I111Lltls c-f the P~~~ ll~l]' Mi'~tlll Of Aubiist 5, ''Oi-~, a~.condc•d t,y Mr. ret•~~r. Upon roll call the Con-miission voted as f~llv~vs: Ml°. 1VIcDuffe. - I'es; lblr. Be111ard - Yes; Mayor Ellis - Yes; Mr. IJIi; ~pot~l~ ~s - Yes; IVIr. Peter -Yes. Said m• ~tion hass~.d with a 5 to 0 v ate.. Mr. Pc.t~er nl~ wed to ~ihhr~we the. MinLltes cif t11,_ SpeciaUWc~rlrsh; ~p Mcetina ~•f AunLlat L, '_'OOC, seconde.~1 by Mr. Elie ~poLilos. Ups X11 roll call th~~ Conuriis5ion voted as follo~*~s: >VIr. 8~.111~11•d - I'e•s; Mayor Elli: -Yea; Mt•. Eliopoulos - r-.. rte,.. r,, c GS, l~~Ir. Pet: Cr - 1 ~~o, IV1r. McDuff e - ~ Gam. Sald 1]lotloll l~aaSecl wltll ;1 ~ to VCrte. 6. PROCLAMATIONS: 6.A. National Alcohol auil Drug Addiction Recovery Month Mays ~r IJllis stated that this pry ~clalr~~iti~ X11 v~ill be mailed. 7. PRESENTATIONS: 7.A. Granicus Award Presentation Mayer Ellis tu•esealted the. `'OOS Granlcus Dibitc~l Gove.lnance. ?°d Place Award to the. City of Delray Beach, Plol7da lrolii GranicL~s, Inc. for E~:ce.llencc• in D1sS~d11111at111a ~oVC'111111e11t I11f0111ic~tloll. ChiIT1CS PLl1ln~lil, T~,iai11U~:-11 MLl1t1M~.dla ~ Sp.ciali,t/IT, canlc foltivarJ to acc~:pt the. award. Guy L'u~•~elli, Chief L1fc~1111~~ti~~11 ~:lffcer, st;;~tcd ~~h~~rlc.s start~~~l with the City urDelray Belch approxililately iwo years a~~ as the ~~lffice Auto nllati~ali ,4nalysl and in Peb111ary ''C11-8 ~,~as reclassiTc~d t• ~ a Tec1111ic~~1 MultiMedia Specialist. Mr. 1;u~~elli st:lt~.d Chu•lea has done a fultaaCi~. j. ~t, with the. virtual tours and thy. ~~idc.~ ~ alrc.~miu3 in the C~ ~n11i1ission Chambers, etc. 7.B. Welcome Home Certificate fur Harrison Colt. McDuffie, AD3 AW/SW M~~y, a' Ellis read a Welcome, IIon1:. Certificate, from the, "You Are, N••t A1o11~." Prn~ra111 into the rccorcl for fatty ~=-flicer IIallisc~n Colt McDuffie. with the• TTnito~l Stc~tcs N:-wy. Comniisaion~a• McLluffe pe.sente.~l his ~.on IIalrisvn Cell T_VlcDuffic. with the Walco111e Horne Certificate. ~- 8. CONSENT AGENDA: City Manaber P~c~~lmn,°nds Approval. 8.A. RATIFICATION OF TIIE SOLTTII CENTRAL REGIONAL W ASTE«' ATER TREATMENT A1VD DISPOSAL BOARD ACTIONS: Appr~ ~v:, and ratify the ~~: tiuns, of the S• ~utl1 Ccaltral Regional Wa~tCWat~r Tr~:~atlnelit and Diapo~al -2- 08/19/08 L~~~ird at Chair ~ quarterly Almual Meeting of Jtlly ~ 1, '?008. 8.B. CII_ANGE ORDER NO. 1/FINAL/SOLTTHL_AND PAINTING CORP./«'ATER TREATA'IENT PLANT CLARIFIER #~ REH.~BILIT ATION PROJECT: Approve Cli::inge Urder Nc•. 1/Fin~ll irl the a111ount of a ?00.00 de.:re.~ise• and fni~ll payment ill Che. amount of ~ 1 "~,432.7iJ t•• SouChland PainCing Co1'p. f,_,r wc,rl_ related to the. Wate.l' TTeatlllellt P1a11C Cl::irifier "_' RehabiliCation Pro~er_.t. Ft117,3ing is available. from 44~-5175-$3t;-r;4.90 (Water and Sewer I'_;,nawal Sc Replacement Fund/Other Machinery and Eduiplnznt). 8.C. CIIA_NGE ORDER NO. 1/FINAL (CONTRACT C'LOSEOLTT)/GC WORKS, INC./SUNSIIINE NEIGIIBORHOOD PARK PROJECT: Approve. C11a17ge. I_lyde.r T1o. 1/I'iiial (Co1lCract C1o~eouCj i11 thy. ~u11ot1171 ••l a x1~~,S44.?'? decrease. ~u1d f 11x1 pay111e11t in Cl7e iln7oU11t of ~ 1 t;,534.3~1 CO 1;C Worl_a, I11c. for Che. corripleti~rl of the. Stlns11i11e. Ne.ightial'hood Pail: Pl•ojec:t. Ftulding is availabL: fi•_,n1;34-4151-ti7?-r..e.3~~ (13eneral Co17St1'LiCtloll Ftllli~/~=lcher Improvement/Sunshine T'ark). 8.D. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT (C.O. NO. ~/FINALl/CHAZ EQUIPII~IENT COMPANY', INC./WEST ATLANTIC' WATER MAIN PROJECT: Approve. a Contrai••t CloseouC (Ch~ulge. C-1'del' No. ?/Fi11al j in Che. anlotulC . rP a ~43,Sr".?.4r; clecreas~. and fi17a1 pa)777e11t 117 tlle• alllotlllt of $1=1,7F,5?5 Co Chap Equipn1e11t Comp.uiy, Inc. for Che ,~olnpletioll of the. We:.t Aalantic. Water 1blain Project. Funding is availaUle from 441-~1c,1-53r"~-rj.~4 (W;:,tel•/Sewc.l' Fu11d/~~-Cher In1pr~_~veillent:,/W. ,~Clantic Ave.. Phase III). 8.E. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT IC.O. NO. 1/FINAL)/WEST CONSTRUCTION. INC.: Approve C~~ntract Cl„se.,,t~C (Change ~=lyde.r T.To. 1/Final) in the .11i1i rtll7t of :d ~5`?,3`_'3.08 deCl'et]~e allil final pay177enC 111 lha arl"1~ ~Llllt of ~~~,' ~~~.~~ t~~ West Constr~lction, lilt. fca• Che conlple.tion of th,_ Lindell Boulevard Traffic Cahiling Project. Ftmdillg is available. fi-on1 334-31o?-ti4l-n.7 (~~cncr~tl ConsCrtlction Fund/Capital outlay/Traffic C<<lrniilg Lindell Blvd.) ::u1d 448-5=1c~1-53=,-c~5.75 (SCcrrm Water Utility I'tuld/ntLer I111provc~nlenCs/Linden Blvd.). " 8.F. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT/FINAL PAYMENT/TIIE BG GROUP, LLC: Approve. a Contract Closaotlt and f nal p~1y771enC ili the. amotult or 4 80,144.~~0 C~, The BG Group, L.LC, fcn• Che. completion ,~f the Cale<.r EslaC~•s Demolition ProjecC. Funding is availably fi•~•n] 11^-19c;0-5~=1-,4.3n (Nei;~hbcrrh_~crJ Selvic•e.s/~~th~•r Conhactt-al Selvice~:/Calvea' Estat,°s DelTlolitioll). S.G. THIS ITEM IIAS BEEN MOVED TO TIIE REGULAR AGENDA AS ITEM 9.A.A. 8.H. INTERLOC AL AGREEMENT/PALM BEACI-I COUNTY/A_NTENN A ON TIIE POLICE DEPARTMENT TOWER: Approve an Llterlocal Ay~l~._enle.nC b,:i~veen Che City a11d Palm Beach C;~unCy providing r_rr Che plaGe111~°llt of all dlitel"ll7a i ell the Clty'3 ~0111117t1171Cat1U11 t~ r~~l~ed" located at the Po11Ce Del?:~1"t171ei1t 117 ol'd~r t0 bridle. the dl~ltal dlvlde 1'e~:~tl'dlllb the hl'~~V1S1~Q1~ of free 111t~d'llet -3- 08/ 19/08 servic.r.s to ~1u;ilifying fanliliea. Paln1 Leach CuLlllty sll~~ll pay fur all illstall:lfiull, r~•pair i. ~ and maintenance. c. ~sts a:.s~ciated with tlr_ anterurl. Palm Beach County will nut be charbed ally rcalt:tl fr.e, alid the. City shall pay tlle• minimal utility c• ~sts far the.lnte.111ia. a B:I. RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARKING MANAGEMENT .~DVISORI' BO:~RD: Appruv~ alld ratify the. reapl)~~intments ~•f Mr. gran Marincula .old 1V1r. II~1111a11 St~vella, Downtown Dev~•lul)1ne11t Autllul-ity h~C•1)Y~S~11tal1V~S ~~lnd Mr. Jus~.ph Pll:e•, Plalminb and Zi~11111~ Bel; l'd I'~~priSellt~ttlV~~ (altelilile. nic.lilber) tc• the Parl~irlg 11~1anagement Advise pry Board fur tenlls ending July 31, 2010. 8.J. RESOLUTION NO. 34-08/ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT/SIIERWOOD HONDA: Approve. and adopt Pesoluliun rdo. 34-OS abandu11111a a utility C.::1~~•n1e11t luc::tt~.d west of LT.S. Highway No. 1 wit11i11 the. 511e11vund Honda Pry ~pcrty at 3t~~10 S~ Guth Fedcr~~l Highway to :lcc~ ~nlmc~date• lhe. installation ~~f p31'1:1110, 1a11d'3C~tl)llla alld utll~l' StrU~ tUl'~•S aSSOi'lal~d ~`J1t11 the ~! ~17~t1'lli•tlull ; ~f a bullpen parking alca fur the d~•al~•rship. Thy. capti~•n urPtasuluti~•n Nu. 34-OS is as full~~ws: A P~ESC-LLTTION 1.-F TII1J CITY Cl.-MMISSIC.-N l~r TI~1/ CITI' ur DELP~AI' B1;ACII, rLl_-RIDA, VACATING AND ABANLIC-NINc; ,4 UTILITY EAS1/MI/1~1T LC-CATEU WEST t~1F LT.S. IIk~HWAY T~TC. 1, WITHIN TII1/ SII>/RWI.uJD Ht=-r1E>A PP ~-P1/P TY AT 3000 SC-LTTII 1~BDIJP~AL IIIGIIWAY .~1`TD AS 1_VIC-RE F~'1P~TICLTL-4ItL,Y D>/SCP~ET~ III;P.~IN. (Thc. ~_~ffici~tl copy of F ~.sulutiuli Nu. 34-0 ~ is ~ nl file. in tllc City Cl~.rl_'s office.) S.Ii. AMENDMENT NO. 1/eCIVIS, INC.: Appruvc 1~1i1~'•11d1]1~.11L 1V~~. i to the abr.~,_lnent tiettivc.en lll,~ City alld eCivis ill tllc• a111C~ullt of X29,870.00 to renew tha cuntracC for un~. (1) year. rtulding will te. av~tilabl~. fi-um 001-1 l l 1-511-31.90 pendinb budget transfer. S.L. GENERAL RULES OF PROCEDURE OF TIIE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: Appr~ eve, the revise.~l IIisturi~ Pre.sel-~~ation Board Pules to 1nG1Lld~. the nllasl-JUd1C1:11 Prucc.dures, alld th~• 1'~•f~1'~d1C~• t4 ~tppealin6 VS11aIl~~eS tv Cll'Clllt CC~lll"t 1S 11~~w ~11111111at~i1 111 hbht Of the lli:•W ~ ~ri1111a11G~~ the rlty rE~1111111'~.31C~11 1'~•Gilltly passed. B.M. FIRST AMENDMENT TO FUNDING AGREEMENT/DELRAY I'OLiTII VOCATIONAL CHARTER SCHOOL: Appruv~ thc. First .'~111ca1dnlctlt to t11:. fi.uldina agre.cment with Delray Youth V. ~cati~ anal Charter Sc11r~u1 • to include alltll~~ll~atlull t0 pllrGh~t3~• pr0~'1"d111 ~•~hllplll~•lit, b~~C~1~3 z111~1 CL111'li.llhllll fC~r otll~~:•11tS att~aldillg thc. rh:lrlc~r schuuL. Nu ad~litiunal fi_m;lillb ~a~ill bc. allucatcd fur this agreement. -4- 08/ 19/08 S.N. FIRST AMENDMENT TO FUNDING AGREEMENT/CIIILDREN LEARNING AFTER SCIIOOL SESSIONS: approve. First Alllelldln~,nt C• ~ the. fiuidinb :a~'eeallent with Childl'en Le~uning <4ftc.r Scll~ ~~•1 Se•ssi~ ins (CLASS) to include. autllari~,atian t.• pay 5tlpe•11dS to VOllllltee•1' tlltal'~ ful' CLASS and to alll~dlil the 1a11~'ltage.111 lllllllb~•r tlva (~~, Pil1'ab7i1~~11 falll' (4) 1111de1' "Plllpase of WiH'l:" to 1'ead 13 thc. pea-i~•d c~~v~red March 04 - Se.ptenlb..r 25, 20US. N•• additional funding will be. allacate~ far this agreement. S.O. REVIEW OF APPEAL~~BLE L_alVD DEVELOPMENT BOARD ACTIONS: Acre-pt tha actin ins ant Jccisic~ns liladc, ty the. Land L~evcl~ ~pmcalC Luar~~s for the• pel'lad Al1Dll~t 4, 2008 tlll'allgh ,~.llgllot 15, 2008. 3.P. AWARD OF BIDS AND CONTRACTS: 1. Contract award tc• fI ;4c J Contracting, Ii~c. in the ::~maulit ..f $95,135.10 for nladificatiari and installati~•n ~•f drainage; repairing of 1'aat dCllllaa~d are•a5, :asphalt ovarlay, pal'l:illg tat 1'e,-Stlip111o; ~111d the, installation of landscaping and irrig~rtian at the Delray Swim ,~ Teluiis Center >=;ast Parking Lat. Pluldinb is available, fig ~m 117- 4133-`72-65.57 (Pti~,cre.atian Ilnpac.t Pe.e. Fluid/Capital ~lutlay/Swim t& Teluiis Parking Lat). 2. )rid awal'd la Past Dry 1~; Flirts in the. an1~ ~u11C ~•f X42,700.0-) for drainage ililpravelne.llts at the Delray Swim and Temiis Club and the, Teamis Center. Funding is available fi•~ ~lri 117-4133-572-r-",3._=~0 and 117-4145-572-63.90 (F_ecreati~.n Ililpact Pee FD/Lliprav~,m~llt Others). 3. Purchase award to Gat'ter Chevrolet in tlle. anlalult ••f X17,310.00 via. the I'1• ~1-ida SlielifPs. Assn ~ciati~ •n Contract 07-1 _`~-0`;'27, Speci~hcatical ;4 far the purchase. of one (1) 2008 Chevrol~.t hnpala adlliill Package with options alid wt~rrallty for the Police Department Funding is available. fi'~~nl 501-3312-591-64.20 (Central Garage Fund/Automotive). at this p. pint, Conullissianar McDllffie stepped away from tha dais. Mr. Pliop„ul~ •s nl• ~vecl t• ~ approve. the Co11Se11t :~ioellda au a111~~llded, seconded by Mr. Fet:~er. Up. m r~•11 call the G~nllliission v~ ~te.d ~~s follows: May~,r Ellis - r_,.. I ~.~, Mr. 1;li~.p..ul.•s - Ye.s; Mr. Peter - Ye,s; Mr. Lcl-llard - Ye.s. Said niotian passed with a 4 to 0 vote. at th1S pi illlt, Callll]11SS1~ ~llul' MGDllffli~ r~•t11111e~1 t~ i the ~a1S. -5- 08/19/08 9. REGULAR AGENDA: .~ .~ 9.A.A. SERVICE AUTIIORIZATION NO. 04-09.1/CH2M HILL, INC./DESIGN OF NEW SLUDGE THICKENER UNIT: lpprovr Selvicz Authorisation No. 0'1-u~l.l in th~• amount of ~?5,17lr.i-u to CILM Mill, hlc. f_rr additionsl profe~Slo11;11 ~•1ig111e~1111a Sel'Vli•eS r~ 13tlllg to tha C1~ S1~ 1 Ur the Il~•\\~ ~~' dl:llll~t~•1' 11111 sltulg~. thicl_elle.r Llllit. FLllldillg is a\~.lilable. fi'onl 411-S1G1-5,~i-riS.43 (Water ~F. Se\V~1' Fund/Ilnprovements Other/Sludg~• Thicke:.n~r). . P.i~.hard IIasl:~ r, Dir~.ctur ~~f Envirulnnent~ll S~.lvic~.s, stat~•d this is a sc~ rpe. 111C1'~aSE r~l' ~rLll' CO11St11tallt ~rll tli~. City's Slllda~• tlllcl;C'•lllllg 111'oJei•t at the Water Tl'~•atlllGllt Plant. II.' stated :15 staff got 111th th~• pr~.1i111in~1ry planllin~l ~•f tll~• p1'•~ject start\v:ly 11.rt haj_ipy with tha locati~ el thlt was selected. Mr. IIa~,l:o ~atated ~.taff Chi ruaht it \vould \=roil: and contracted with CII'?M IIill, Il~c. to design and as staff ~ .t into it th~•y r~.::~li~~•d it was aC411a to t~~• tt~o Cl'OWd~CI fol' pOSt %i r11St111i•tl! X11 tCr Worl; al'olllld f~ rl' 111illlltellallce aspects. He stand st,lff r~1~ rclt~.d it a farther distance. acre rss the dl'ive•W~ly to thy. south side crf thy. plant that re.~luires ~lddition~rl sledge, llalldlillg elements which r~.cjtlire. additiollal dc3i~711 work. Mr. IJli~~p~ rules ~s st~ltcd he. is a little dis~~ph~ tinted that th~• City has p~li~l Tollbhly ~"_-10,ODU.OU t,~•r=rrC• wC. r~.all~ed It 1S rlot gollla to wol'1;. He Stated it is 9.7% of thy' revised .stilnatc.rl collslnlcticrll cost and assumes this is liovJ CILMI-Iill, hlc. is eatablishing thc,ir fee. Mr. Eliopoulos Mated in reality W. shy told be. be~lovv 8%. IIe stated the• Clty is :=i~•CL1:111y paylllg r ~r thelil to COor~hllat• 1r~1t11 tliell' Gi~llsult;:llit3 (Zll ~Xtra X5,000.00). IIe et_pre~sscd c:unce.171 thatthe. Cii:y's payirla thcni e.;ara to yvorl: v~Jith their Collsllltalits 111 tO,:lay's 111a1'l:~t ili~~S llot n1;1Le s~.n ~ . Ml'. 1/11i~p~ ~Lllo3 ~ ~:l?1'C'~ sGd C•o17C~ 111 ov,r th,_ pedes.trian wall`-way (catwalL-) system and stated lle. is wull•ie.d ~~bout th~~ construction estimate. Mr. IIasl~o stated Che. cstti/all~ is an additical that is. acing tc~ lle necessa~rY U~CitLISG of Wh~•r~ 11115 is go111g to t~~ 1'~•loCated. IIe stat~•d It 13 11o\=J located a~l'OS3 all access JL-iv~: arld scarf needs t• r be. ab1~ to get t• r it. Mr. IIa51:o stated the. Water Tra~ltlllillt Plall 1S vn tlnJo lcvela; ~l ol':~1111C1 1cVel \Vh:•1'G yotl Call aCC~°3'~ 111d1Vldllal '3trtli:tlll'Gs cllld llli_11Vldllzll i•~ dlll)~ r17011t5 fTOlli th~• grolllld f~ ~r maint~•nance. Then ; is a 5ecorld level that is c~~lulected try a series of cat\vall.s and the. cat\valks are primarily Llsed by the plant op~•rat~ yrs. Mr. IIa~aa~ stated the. cater/a.ll_ is iliipurtant to tlic ope.rati~rns.. IIe. stated in tti•11115 Of the. cost eStllTlilte for' thl~ pTU~ec•t t111S 1S a proJCCt that 11a~ t~el•11 de•fell'ed r~l' 21L~OLlt -3 year's; alld 1t 15 at th.• po111t Wh~•Ye t111S Callllirt t\~ d~f~.lTcil allylllirl'~• L~~~~:allSe \Ve al'e clevc:lol,ina ~.omc~ se1'1~~Lls sluage• handling proUle1l15 at the Water Tre.~=ltmenl Plant. Mr. IIasl.~ ~ stated staff budgeted approximately X450,000.00 for tlli- proj~.ct alld over the. years the. cost, of C. ~1"lStl'LlCtloll has golf tlp alld .~ Q"f1G of t11~: C:oSt 111Cr.'aS~S oi•Cll1T~d bGC:i~ll5e of LVhere t111S 1~ lloAV golllg ti ~ b~, loc(te•d S~ r 111;11 It W~ rl'l:S tl~~tt~l' VJltll th~• Crpel'at1o115 i~f the plant and the• cost is appro.clnlaC~ay m1? 111illion ~!t th15 p•rlrlt. A5 feu' as e t i8 i~~ Q1SLlltailt3 p.'•1'i~C'•nt.1~i~ ! ~f i~ull~otl'LlGtli rn th.•ll 1~. Sulll~tllllla 1'J~ L15~ t! ~ ~•h~=Gl~ lll te111i~: Of the. r~.lationship betweeal the• c. resultant c~_rst ~lld tlic i ulTotlll%t1o11 Ci rst depelldllla ~ Ql 11oW Wide. the sc. rpe of s~:rvice:. is. Mr. Hasl:o stated liiast of the City's Ellbinl.l•L7nb Co11~1_lltallt~ Wlll base tll~.ll' fi~c~ ~ rll :a SCh~~ClLlle of i~stllTiated holll'S a11C1 ~~111~\ICry~.s=~ i~ateb~~rleS -6- 08/19/08 t11:1t are bulllb ti ~ tl~ Wi ~rlallb C~11 1111S. ~I'h~•11, lh~.y will 11:ZV~• t11~•lr SL1L~-C~~115L11t~111tS i1~~~V11 lllil their praFit and i rv..rllead on tap of that. IIe. stated the City uses the. percentage. as one chc.cl_ to see if that seems t.a be. a fair price ~ n' n~_~t. Mr. IIasl_i ~ stated with regard t• ~ the. 8%~ he• his nut see•11 8'', in appro?_imately 7-9 y~.ars. 1VI1•. IIaska st::lted if hi:• ge.ts a CanSLlltLlllt Calltl';lct fal' 1 n~iu of th~• %al"lStTllCtloll CaStS gild that 1111 11ldvS all . ~f the ~llb- COIlSlllt111g ~Slllveylll~, geat~.Clulical warl:~ pT~.pal'atlall Go11StrLlCtlall di ~Clllll~llt5, pal-~nitting acgltisitian, bid re.vie.ws rend the. recc,nlrnendatie~ns light up to bid proposal he. feels this is a fair pl-ice. Mr. )/liopoulas stated with regard to the. fees he. is slllhlised that thc. City is paying that much. IIe• stated from what lle• flaws ab~ ~llt the illdllstly ~vlien you are, talking 10°o that is a ve.ly bl~~•d chulll: and it is usually illvolvina mu1'u of tl1e. consultants. Mr. 1=Jliap~ Hulas stated he not ;ally depends an staff' but he. depends ~•n he. praf~ssional. IIe. stated if stiff was cancenled with the sp~lce, the. prufe.ssi; anal slli ~llld blue. been conc~.l-ll,d t.;c• gild feels the pl•i ~fessiall~ls should Ilav~. conic. up ~=rith ~liffcrent ; options. Mr. )=;11~ ~pulll~~S Stlteil It 13 llhS~~ttlll~'; ti ~ hll]] that 17i~w v:~~. al'i~ llli ~Vlnb It alit r1~=~lv It 1S b!,lllg ti ~ CGSt tllZ ~lty nlul'C 1111 ~11ey. Mr. IIasl_a stat~:d the S~~O,i)OO.i~0 was the ori~;~inal ccnltract anl~ ~llnt and is far thc• :altira desi~~ll from pralimillaly :;l:e,tches an,~ ~:lrawings up tlll'irllah cOlripletii X11 of construction docLlnli;alts, penliiiting, etc. Ivlr. IIasl.. ~ state,d the City has ni.t pant the ~~,~1,UOO.i ul and decided t• ~ d• ~ s• anething ~.lse. Mr. L•li;.p• Hulas cl~l-ifiad ~~~itll Mr. IIasl:a that CII?M Hill, Inc. hcls n~a been paid the. ~~-0,000.00. IIe stated stall is n.a actLlally 1'edeSl`'llll7~ 111yt11111~ hilt th1S 1S g~ ~lllt to 1'2g1111'~° addltla11a1 d~•51~711 fal' Ci ~llle additlaria.l Callll?i ~Ilellt3 (llyill•aullc and p111111)]11~ iti ~111pa11eI1tS~ b~i'•aL1~.F i ~f !~'~hed'G t111o 1S ~oing to 11aW be placed. Ml'. MaCl:e11S011 1]li~V~•d tir appl'aVe S~d'Vli e• ~llthi X1'1: •atlall Iii ~. 0~- 0`~.1/CILNI Hill, Iilc, ill the amount ~ ~f ~2",17~-.00 to CII_'M Hill, hlc., s~°collded by Mr. I;liol,~ ~Lll~ ~s. r Tpi~n r~ X11 call thc. Colnnli~.ai~ ~n v~ ~t~.d as f _~llov~~s: Mr. Eliopouli~~ - Yes; Mr. I'et~cr - I'c.s; Mr. McDuffie, -Yes; 1VIr. Bcnlard - I'cs; IVlayor )/llis - Ycs. Said lriatian passzd with a 5 t~ ~ 0 vote. Q. ~. ~~PPEAI. OI' HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD DECISION/36 S.E. 1ST AVENUE: Consider an ~~ppcal ••f the. Historic. Pre.sel-~~ationI'-~aard'S d~_cisioll re.gal•ilillg the Ce.rtifc~~tion of Apprapriat~ness (Cl=-.~j, Claas V Site. Plall _~.pl,li~..ltion, and associated t•~aivc.r and v;ll'1ii11Ge 1'e~gll~•3t3 fill' the 11G~`! CiHistl'UCtlall of a t1Vi ~-$ti iry i ~ffl~e• blllldlllg located at 3~ S.)/. 1`t .~ave.nlle•, Old School Square. Historic District. t~r~rtisi- Judicinl I-I~ai•irrg) Mayor Ellis rein the. City of Delray I;e.<<i;h praccrlurc.s for a r?tllsi-Judicial Hearin; into tlie• r~.cord far this item anal <<ll subs.~.quent ~llasi-Juiticial items. Chevelle. D. Plubili, City Clerl_, savor; in tlir_~s_~ illdividuala wlio wished to give tsstiniony ull this item. -7- 08/19/08 Mayor >rllis asl_ed thy. Commission C~~ disclos~• their er plrte , • C~~11111111111Cat1onS. 1.111'. 1VMCDl1f~1C stated he sp•~l.e. t•• Mr, We•lll~d• f•~r about I5 ~ec~nl~s wh~.11 he. wall:~.~ in t11e door tonight. Mr. Be111ard Stated hc• spol.e. to Mr. Weiner for - about twa minutes oll the telephone, lolly. Mtyol• 1/llis stated s11e• spoke to Mr. Weiner. 11~I1•. Bliopoltlos ~tate.d he talked with Che. architect, the clcvel~.per alld Mr. Wein.:.r. Mr. Fetzel• stated he• spulce, with the, applicant and Mr. Weiner. Paul D~ ~rlinb, Llirectt~r of P1,11111111~ a11i1 Z~ ~nilig, e•11te.re•~1 the. P1~Znning an3 Zoning Depal'Clnent project fle• ;=2005-OG4 ilito thc~ record. Mr. Dotting stated this props Baal was ol-iginally before. the. City Culrllnissi~ ~n un ~=-c•tc~be•1• ?, _'007 as it rel~~iea t~~ an LDP. _'~lnendnlerlt which w:~s t~~ Apply t11~_ CBD De31~11 (~Lllilclincs Co this lot which is cu11•~_ntly coned ~ 1SSIdALl. The City Co1Tlli113s1o11 Ilad S1g111fii•~tllt d1C1lSSlol1 abi~llt \V11:•lll~_1' that was Chc. appropllate Way to address this proposll u1d lhcy directed staff t•. \VOll: with tlle. 1p171icult in looking at ~11tc.111ttivcs t•.• this .zlncnchncnt. Mr. Dotting stated staff mc.l with Clle applicant and the. altclil;:ttivc. was JL1b~lStC11 that the applic:allt come. fol•Wal•d with this devclop111e111 plan w111C11 111Cllld~•d SOlll'=• W:l1V~•rS ~tllil. Sir111C V:11.111iC~ 3 tC~ th; C~llalllal (~fiSII.~ ~lcsla l:ltli ins which would alL~v~ kiln t•• accomm~date this dcvelctpmcnt. IIov,~c.ver, he stltecl it wo11141 addre5S Golli•~1115 as It related to thy, pot~•111.1.11 fol' lh~ llltil'i':13ed d~•V~.li t1111i?111: llltc'11SIty if and when this de.v~.loper did not clevdop the. property. Mr. Darling stat~.d tliis was a nlc;thua by Which staff ~tl7d thc~ applicant ab •e.cd upon and the}~ canlc~ bc.furc. the IIi~.toric Preseavation Board (IIPB) on March r;, 2i ~0;=;, for a Cl=-A for a Clas•a V moth f cltion alp ~n~ with 11v~ ~ Waivers and tour variances. IIc. st:ltcd the. Bo~tl•d subseglt~.lltly clenicil tlle.ir app11C1t1o11 alld the SpeC111C5 of thc• applicatloli Were f~:rr thi"• Co113tr11%t.loll of a 11~,W 10,73 square, L•. •t ~ffl~e blllld111o (Which relates C•~ 5,274 ~quarc. fc.,_t of office ~.n thc• a~•cond n~ gar :mcl the majority of first floor bc.ino parL•ilig. Thc.:applicant's ittt~ ~rrny 1pp..al~.d that decision on March 18, 200~t. The. appeal Was initially achedulcd f •r City Commission G~11Slderatloll oll Maly l~, 200S. )-h'~1VC'Ver, the. ztpplictlnt requested the Colltllllli111i Hl g1Ve11 CoI1Ced11s iiVel• lsslleS r~•liCt~•d to the. ability of th~• Clty Co1171111 5 3 1 0 11 to C01151ded' ilplieals ~~f variance re~luests which :lrc. nollnally appc.alatlc. to Circuit Court. 1_ln ~Llollst 5, 2005, an LDR t~nealdnlcnt W~~ processed and :appruvcd by the. City Colillnisai~•n which allowed th,_m to consider the. vari~ulces as well as the. Class V arld the waivers that wea•e. initially part of 11113 d~•Veloplllellt pYvpositl. StCtff reC~0111111id]do ~1pp1'OVaI of the• 1•ci1Llcst vrlth thc• Golldltl~ X113 ld~~lltlfled oll p1g~• tl'F/o 11L~ tlll•ei Cif C11G Clty Co1171111~S1i_~ll ilitCllln~dlidtloll. MT.. I~orling statccl th~1•c. arc. a couple ••f conditioli3 that arc. slightly nl~~dif~'d; „nc that reg111rC'•d ft Wa1Ver to bC• Collsld~l'eil fol' a bl_l~•St Cottlge lrld that TGl11cS to th,: u17~;lllal Slte and thc• scc~ end condition Chat is s1ig11Cly lnodifi~d that IIPB origill;llly corlsi~c.rc.1 relates tiJ Colldltloll i`1n, 1V111C11 13 it r~•C~=~11ll11C~11<l~ltlull th3l~ t11C~ ~ppr~iVitl tl~• :I,000n1p:lillE~i~ by 111 applicati.~n f_~r ~u1 ilidividual histolzc listing of tl>is siCc. to a~.surc ~t r•urr~_nt 1~_vc.l .•f prof.°ctiorl f_n• this proparty when and if it i~ relocaCed within a historic district or out of a historic district. The. City ACb_~111c•y for cl~uific.llion atat•~d Ch.~r~~ are thl•cc waivers and four d3S~=~C1atG~~ VilrlclllC~~S it11C1 t11e Ci JI1t~1tL~113 Ctf iLppriJVi11 ~lr~~ 111 tl1E ]n~~111! ~1'illli~L1111 tCr t11C• ~lty CUI1ll111sSUJ11 dated ~Ubllst 12, 200°. . -8- • 08/19/08 Michael Weiuer, 10 S.E. 1St Avenue, Delray Beach (speakiu~ ou behalf of the -~pplic:tutl, stat~.d this is a lcnothy c~~lyss~•y that beam in '_'007 and now is in All~l.lst 2UOS Colli'e11ll11D whaC 1S C~ ~llst111i'•h~ X11 of all o111C~• 1?Lllldlllb. Ike Stated the offli•e bullduig prvihlcce only at~i)llt 5,200 sihlilru felt of :111' Culldltlolleil ~ ~ffGe spaC~•. Mr. W~llkd' St~tited Ml'. Pere'-~~t1;1 111. d1ve11 the appl'opl'late tl';aT1S1t1u11 so ~tS t~~ lc.t CBD i•O- e~ist with our C15S1=IAI) District. Fraucisco Perez-Azua, 4205 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach (APCillteCt), gave a blirf Pc+warP~ pint 1?resent:ltlull 1'~,~ill'ihlla; (l~. p:ll'lalla,oCtt~~tGl_s ~111~ elevations. Mr. Wcillc.t' stated Jinl has been Worl_ina h:~rd to male SLII'c. the lvxl~e. is ~olll~ t~ ~ be 1'~•loCated a11d of"le of the ~?:pl'eSSI~ ins of lllt~r~°St 1:• fl~~l]1 th~• C011ll11lllllty Re~Jevel~ ~l?111G'llt .~~el]C•y ((_ryh~'~~. I I~ h;=111~ei1 Gtlt s~ ~117~ 117:;1t~ r111~: i~ ~ t11~ ~C~1711111SS1v11 a111~ stated Wlth 1'i'•spe%t ti_~ 1'elui•ailull th~• j1r3C 32.11te11Ce 1'~•ai1S: "The e}astlll~ Stl'lli•tU11. i~11 the Sit:. Is a CC41t1"it~lltlll~ otl'tli•ttlre to thc• nld School Square IIistoric District, however, its hist~ uric setting h~ls been dr:istic~tlly :ln,j il-1'e.versil~ly cc~111pronlise.~~ try recent approvals fir CollstrllCholl of :a lli:•W f~ ~Lll'-stol'y 1?al'l;lll~ ;Ira jC', B1~JC'l: 1 i~ i ~rj~1G'_ 1?llllihrlb, all W~ ~1 thllla Place. r~sid~altial proj,:.ct." Mr. Weiner Stated this 1S the iU1lCltlslol"1 of the staff r~.port and they are a~ •eement with it. further, he. stated colllpliance with the LDRs and with the Conlpre•11ea1sive. Plan are. also iii t11e staff rel?ort ~tnJ rerel~'e.~:i t~ ~ t~pperldi}_ "11" ,S "E" that t11L ~tbotlt h•.w they 111eet consistency a11d c. ~nlpatiLiility. Mr. Weiner stated this is exactly ~=~llat they are, doing in n1.tl:inL this building trallsition~tl beltiveen CISSIL4L1 (L lit Sch~~ol Square. IIistol-ic. tarts Di•atrictj aril CL'L- (1~~altral L'usines~. L-isrl7ct) clnd also llow th~•y 111ec.t conctu'rc.nc.y. IIe. stated 111erc. were :~ 1••t of t11111as that were ne.Ce...31ry fi'oln a 1?1'~~G~•~jlll';ll St117~p~ 11111 fur th~• ~C~llll]11551~?ll t~ ~ i:•GllslCl~r Val'litni•e3 alld thi:l'u' ~tl'i/ iliff~•1'~•11t apt?1'~?lGh~~S t~ ~ vCll`Ia11C~~S 111 thG ~lty'u ]-I1St~ ~11i~ ~Oitril Crl'~111L11i•G' c111i3 ~Jll~~ 111 ~?Lll' B~3~lld L~f Adjustni~alt urdinancr. Mr. W~.in~r stated they rueet all of those criteria a11d if the Cc~llulliasion lies gtle.stiuns lbijtlt 111eetlllo what is called "J1" or "J3" he. would b~~ 111ppy to :=tu~;vrcr thelil. IIe• st:rleil 1.11 cif this is appro~:inlately 5,000 squire. fe.e.t of spice. znil approximately 4,700 is air conditioned office spice u1d it is 12 feet below What w~~uld be. required in OSSII,4D 1114 noted C11ilt there. is 11•. ~ttt,_1111?l to a,_t ariy 1_iliil of third stuly ~~n this. 1VI1'. ~~elllel' Mated C! ~1131i1e1'llh 11V~N lOllb the ~Ollll'111SSL'Jll hao C~~11S1dCled thl;i alld how they have given inatrui,ti~ ins t~ t b~ nth the appliclnt aril t~ sluff t~~ eolii~. up with appropriate transiti~•n, the d.°veloper arld >\~h°. Pere-.~,u~l have. made every attempt 111 Ordi•1' t~ ~ Carly ~rtlt W11C1t the r~~1111111sSIVi1'S 111StTtlCtlulls were tU the111. Mayor >;11iS stated if anyone would liLc tip spe.:al_ in favor i•r in opposition of tl]~:• 1'e~1LleSt, t0 1?lease i'~i~111t fulward at th1S t1111tr. Claudia Willis, 160 Marine VVay, Delray Beach, stat• d sh:• disagn•,•s wit1- Mr. Pil'e`•-l~~tla'S lllt~•1'1?1'~t1t1011 i~f the. LDPs. ~h~• 3t~lti•~~l ti! nl~w~: ;1hGdil v/lth tll~Si:• wlivers alirl v:.lrianc~°.s vve. li~tva to ig]iGlc LDP Section 4.`.1(1/)(5) v~llich states "r~.location of llist~ uric bui1di11gS alld tn,lcture,:~ t•:, ~ ~tller cites shall not tal_e• place. unless it is sh~-~~=nl thlt their presclvltic~n un their existln IJ1 ~~n~lnal ~;itc.~. is not consistent Witll the ptll'1?osu'S OF tlilS SGCtI~ Hl i!1' Wulllil Gatlse tlll~ tU=~ ~ 1 ' Ci i U1U1111C htll'dSl1l1, ('~_~ t11c' pl'i ~perty ~ w.11Cr. Mrs. Willis stated in order tc• proceed with rcln,wal •.f this h~~ll~e. th.= lpplic~ll re~luects -9- 08/19/08 this llev~r i;crllstl'lli•tlc-11 Wlth V:11'1111i•eS alld llatr~d thr-~ LDI~s :u'e Very e7!plli•lt wlth 1'espeit tx~ remcxvll gild this house. is consistent 1v1t1] tli1S Se~•tlirll itlld t111S Chellt i•all 1'eah~x: reasonable .uid benefvial use. ar r-etulll ~-11 this property. S11C. stated in prx°sC.lvlti~.n C'•C•Oll~r1111C h11'~31ll~ 1S 1"1~?l t11~• 1T1:1blhty ~~r l11 Uwll~•r t0 111:1111111~~• it 1)1'~rl)~l'ty'S iCirll~llllli. r~tLU11. Mrs. Willis stated as IIl'B lid, shy. urg~.s tll~• Ca111111issiUll to f nd that these Va11111c4'S alld W:11Ve1' :llld th~•1'eFi~l'e tl'le 1'~ ~:Llltlll~ 1'x'dl"li xV.11 11'e 11]Ca11S1Stedlt with the LDRs and deny this appeal. Jonnu Peart, 107 N.W. 9th SCreek, Di.lray Beach, stated 1~.:.rsa11111y she. h1s always liked Mr. Zenaaoe. and loves Mr. Pere-.4~ua'a wart: in thx°, disll'ict. In adaiti~ rn, MrS. Pc•arC st~~Ced shc• lilacs tl~e. iJe,a th.IC t11is is tl'ansiti~ real and lil_es the c.hall~e.s t11ey have made. Shy: stated the. first time. this cime to the Historic Preseavatian Bcr£trd (IIPB) she, woLlld have. voted "yep:' For this bllt the. City had iu~.t gc-nr. tln'uLlhh the. n.,w ardin.111cx::s ~llld the new LDP~s, Ml•. Goll"ale~, and S.E. 7th Ave•llllc• walltlllg ~ xllt of the. district. >Virs. Pe1rt Stated ~V~d'y tllllx:• w~ lit Cl hl$ta11c st'1"L1Ctll1'~'• Gllt CrF a rI1St11Ct 1FJ~• lT~• leSSe11111g the 1115ti r17C stack 111 that dlStl'1Ct 1111x1 eVeryt,i xdy ll~ts 1 1'e1Sa11 ar ;.111 e}:Cll~e :.111x:1 eVeryallc~ LlSll.:illy SalllldS good. Slle ~~.l:x:•d ~`l1121t 1S gulllb to 111ppe11 tllx'~ 11x'•}:t tll7le tllx:. 11aLl~.e 11e}:t d~ xor says they:trc. the. only hollsc. ~ xn the black anxl they want ~ rff Mrs. Pc.~u•t stlt~d because our districts are. llc~lr daVV11t~ xwn and tall buildings shc~ Feels this is aoitlu to be. a a~rmincr :xFFect. Mrs. Pcal•t stated she. Llnacrst:~llds th~it Dcll'ay Beach Wants to bc. 1 "Pr~selvaticxn City" ~~.nd an All-A111eric:1 city. She. stated that St. Louis just wall All- Alllx:dlx:•a Clty a~,C1111 after many yeas 1114 ~n% aF thell' dovJlltx_~Wll 1S hlst~ xl'li• hl'e5~ 1'~~atl~lll. Mrs. Pc.art e.presscd c• xncC.lll c~b~ rllt 1~vllat will happ~•n t~ - crux hisi~ rric xlistl'icts iF the. City l~eep3 1n11allg e_iCel?t1a11S. Tom Cai•uiy, 1219 Vista Del Mir, D~Iray Beech, suppol-t~ the. apps::-1 x~f HPB's decisioli ~uzd stated 11c• is a member aF tlic CcxnmlLUiity P~edevelapnlent Agency (CF.~~) Ba1rd 1n,~ tllx:•y starte.-:l looking at this ~,rajec.l bccaLtsc. of the. chlnbe. in the. LDPs SeVel'al 111a1.1t115 1ga 11111 spent tulle dl'1Vlllg t111~=rlloh th2• n~•igllb~ xl'hV~ ril ter ~~•~• wh~•tll~•1' It vJalild al' wxjllld llat flt. Ml'. CC1111Gy stated this hls tiex:•11 lppravx:•d far th~•li~ to relocate the hxlLlSe to illlx=rtllGr lai•Lt~l~ xll. Ile stated he is a blg ~upparter of lilstexl'1~' dlstrlCtS allil hues 111 a 1935 hcxllse.. AC solve. point, Mr. C.i111ey stilted everyunc• h:zs to lulderst~111d that E~Vx°. arx'. ~alll~ tc- ll~lv~• tl';=1I1~1t1~=ells. )-I2 3t~lt~~~ thG'y 11~1V~• ;3 111~~~~ j~ ~b 111 thG h~l~lt, th~• 111~iSSlllb, ~111d C~=xllslde1711,^-3-3 tl'1~ :.~lll;-ll'~ F~ riitl~~,C' tll~ il~•31~T11 1S r~•1]lill'1=ably r1Un-ililpcr5int;. Mr. Cc1171~}~ Lll'~C'x~ the Camnlissixan to sLlppolt the appeal. Th..rc. being na one else. fi'o111 the. public who wished to 1.ldres~ the Ccrlrmlission re.g~~rdina the.lpp~11, the public hclrino ~~~as dosed. Thel'e Wits Ila Cl'a55-~:}:r1111111at1a11 fiom either Mr. Darling cxr Mr. Wi:.1114'r. Mr. Dolling gave the f~llawirig rebuttal: Mr. Darling stated with respect to the reFcrellcc. tO carnpatibility to LDP Section 4.5.1(>/)(5), it wa" noted in tl1e. ataff report ~md states that "Pursu~tnl to LDP Section 4.5.1(>/1(51, re.lncation urhistoric buildings and structurxa to other sites shall next take place LlI11eS~ It 13 ~alavVll that t17e11' pl'2~+'•lVatlall all tl"tell' ~}.13tlrla xjr al'lgllial s1teS 1~ -10- 08/19/08 1101 Ca11513tellt Wlth the pll1~~L~5e•5 irf (;1115 ~'ru'CC1011 irT WOllld C•itLIS~• lllldlle eci rlli r1111C hard3111p to the prcrl?~.1•ty ~~Wn~.l'." It is nvt~.d that thc• hislulic scaling ll:~s b~~~.ll dl:istically and 11TeVe1'Slbly Cullll?1'UI111SGd by reCellt ;lppl'OV;115 firl' the Cr ~115t111C•t1Cr11 Or lh1S. 11~•W r:rLlT-sti rly parking garage. (L'.lucl: (9 office building and Worthing Place. re.sideliticll pri rject). Mr. Darling stated ullde.r those circumstances, required f nding5 can b~. made li r LDP. Se•c11011 4.5.1O/')(5). Secondly, Iv1r. Darling stated Stclff way: nut privy tir the revise•;l elevations that the applicant. 1?rese.nterl ctnJ fc.e•1~ t11e.Y ;u a lung wily in acidl'essing s~ Mme. or thr~se• items th::tt Were addressed by IIPL'. >\~ir. Dr,rling slated there ~verc. pre.V1~ rLl~.ly nine. Ci4lClen5111; L1111t5 Which Were, shown i rll th~• Tirirr allil h~• VJi rllld 111:e lir ~I1Sll1'~ th~tl the 11~W design zpl?rvpriat~.ly screcli~ thu~~. (Cunrlition 1;13). Mr. Weiner gave the following rebuttal: Mr. Weiner thanked Mr. Dulling f~rr covering that important point abottl the CO11del1Slllg L1111t5. III. stated that 111 tI1G h15101'y Of D~.lr:ay Bc.aC11 Cert:~t11i 1113tir1'1C• Stl'LlCtlll'eS 11aVe beedl lOSt bi•CaLlde they Wed'e 111 li rC:•ltl~ X115 that lkrer2• lllappl'~ rprlat:. alld either tlu'vugll 11e~le•Ct, fll'e, Ol' uth~•r l:1ndS Of C:lBllaltle5 the• Clt}~ C•r_,Llld 1101 ~ll~~ly th! ~5e I11Stu11G Stl'LlCtlll'e5. 1~~11'. Wi; lllel' Stdted the}~ £tl'e• dOlllg the i rpl?CrSlte ~Zlld V/111 111a1:~ 3LlTe that the Stl'LICI tl'u' 1S 111VVer:l to all :ll?pl'irpl"l~tte lr~CLihirll. TIe StcttC:il that 15 Why thi:.r~• iS the Wirl'd "Llllle•55" in that pal-tlcul~r i 4'dlllill"1Ce 1'e•ilLlll7ng that yOLI Call 11i0Ve a Stl'LLCtlll'e 1_llld~l' C•ertalll CIl'C•L1I115ta11C~S ;.11711 1?r+°;i~l'V~tt1011 1S llr~t i•ullsl$tel]t Wlth the SeCt1011 ~ rll th1S p~IrtlCLllar olte 1?:.CallSe It 13 ;.111 111app1Y~1?1`latG Slte :1S a 1'e5lllt of aC tlir115 tak~.li by the (~lt)r CO11u111S510n over :>, pea'iud of years with the. utller neig~hburing Tuning «~. had. 1\~Ir. W~•incr stated as far ~, the. economic hardship is ci rncel-lied, h•' stated it i_. c1 700 sgtlarc. font bttilding and colllllle.llted t11:=it they ~u"~: nut 111a ~:inli~ing their bLliklillg becaLlSC. if they Were. they wutlld try tir a(: lecvst go to the height th:af is a11uWC•d irl the• l=-~;SIL=1L- L-istlict. LTnd,_r those COI1d1t1irI1S, 1~I1'. WC111C1'atatr_d £tll Gf the 1'e~?lll.'•tt10115 ale li1Gt. IIe pOlllt~d Olll (belt 111 the Marina 1=Iisturic District th,_re ~Zrr. h,,uac.s as l;:trg: its 5,110 agLl~lrc f_-e.t Under air conditioning and Stated they 0111}~ have =1,7S7 square. feei under air collditionillg. IIe Stand VJlth 1'e5p~•Ct lir Va17:.lllr',eS and Wa1VCl',i thc• 10111]"II1551u11 has granted Wa1Ver5 Olt many OCCa810115 011 llel~ll~l01`111g 1)1'OjeCt3 Sll]lll;ll' t~'r (1115 alld thC• ~lty'S 1?dr1:I11U a~r~,be (although it v/c=ts in CBD not Luldc.r tlle. restrictive ~=-SfiIIAD r,_gLll~ttians) re~luired a VaT1a11Ce 117 Ol'del' tr ~ b' built. Mr. Weln~.r 3t3.t~d they 1'lle~ t each alld :•V~'r j T~~1Ll1re111G'111. Mr. ret~._r culillnent~.~l about the 1'' Conditii ru3 ~p.~cifi.d by ataff ::u1d a,:kad if the applicant is in oollcurrellce Evitll th~s~~ conditiu115. Mr. Wclll~•r stated th;:.Y amee With each i rf the 12 :., rnrliti, rn3 listed in the August 12,_'OOS nlemoralidum. Mr. McDuffie stated he• believes Coliditioll l ~ Was added dul7ng d1SClls31011 lV111G11 1S thi, 111nt'. CCr11Ji7113111? Lllllt~ tir t,e. ~li_leilLlittely SCl'~ell~d. Mr. I;liupoLllos oLlggCSt~•d that a C•O11iht1011 bc. lllade f01' St:.1ff t0 1'eV1eW those. elevativlis ::ald concurred that they do appear to address a l• rt of things that Were in and brought Lip by IIPB. He. Stated as T_vir. P~,r~.~-,'1~L1a 1'~,V1~.1v~.il the ~levatiiru~ during his prC S~11tat1411 thel'e 1'171'Zllt have LiC.~.11 ~tllirtll~'1' ge11C1'ai1J11 Ot C,1CV;li1~~1]S b~•CaLIS~= \V11atataff has is nut the previuLls~un,_s. Mr. Pere.-A~LI;I• stated lh.a'e. Wcrc actually t111•e.,_; th.' vliginal sLltilllittal, the. one. that weal to III'L' with nlodifcatiu115 as pc-r staffs reclLl~•st su h~° may -11- 08/19/08 have the crlla111:11 Sllbllllttal :I11C1 t11C 11eXt oelldratl~ll 1V111C11 ;-lCtually e111T1111:1t~•S that p~11'a~pet. Mr. 1/liupuul~rS n1ad~ l~f~r~dlc~- tir (~irtldltlull ;•';'~1~ Which sCat~s "That the r~.li~i•dtlirll T application contain an application fur individual listing, ev~al if t11~. n~.w location is within 1 deSl~ 1at~•d 111stcr1lG d1St1'1Ct." 111'. 1r110pOll1US StatCd f.-r thc, r~.~ urd that It llas t• r be 111 a lusbnlc distric(. Mr. >rlial,uulus stated he believed that t11is st111cture is respectful err thc• dlstlict ;old 1S 1 aUVd trallsltlUl] alld fcc•1S t111S Slte 11eedS t~ ~ h:aV~, a a!1'eat 31tc'y ~~l'cat visibility mid shc-uld nut be behind anything else. The Clty Attu rllk'•y Stated shy, ~~Juuld like i•~~I1SCd1Sll3 fl'~ Ill thc• C~~11,1111551~ rn on the change in Condition #10. Mayor IJllis stat~.d she. c~~n s,:,e. this Stl'llctlll'e littlllg in appropriately in several areas in crur City that iC ~~~~ Buhl fit in nicel}~ :,nd add Cu that p;a'ticlll~u' ne.ighborh~x~d which may n~ ~t happen lcr br in a historic district. Mr. McDuff e. strte.:l he. would lvrt lil:e• Cur this Cunllr~issiun to see. this hOLISC aga111 tilld Whel'~ VeP It D~~cS 11: lleedS to 1'clllllll alld 1_lc. SaVe~:l S! ~ lhat thl C~ d]111115S1~ri1 Or anutllel' C~ rllll]11SSIU11 ~~OeS llut 11aVe ter Ca1;G a 1~ rC~l: at delliUlis11111~ a Stl'llctlll'e. IIe stated t11e house need3 ter bc• pl'i_~lc•Ctet~ Whc'.1'cVl'•T It g~Jc•S 5Cr th:3l ChIS Cu1111111:S1i~11 err .111~~thc•T Co11ll111SS1G11 d~~~S ll~~t 11aVe tCr tale a loin: ;dt d~d'll~ ~11Slllrlg t11C. StruGtlll'e i H' ~~u117~ ~r_r1171 t11111~ else. with it aoairl. Mr. Mr.Duffie. asl_ed if C• ~nditiun 9 e•crvers that. Thc. City <~tCculley stated Culiditiun i~~l basically re~1ttire.s ~t Certircttc. oC Apprupriaten~•as (CO<'~) for relcrc;atillb the. house. but iC dues not neccss~trily 11:av:• to be r~lacat~d it in the. historic distlict ::tlihuugh akrng with Chit relc~c~ttiun spplicttiull needs to be f ~1' all 111d1V1dUa1 ~~~=Slallatl~rll d5 1 111St~rllc~trllCtLll'~. CVell if ]t 1~ uLlt3lde of ~I h1otC~llc districC. The City .1t1o111e.y stated if the Cunuiliasion «~, rind lil_e. to 111it1_i slue Chat. it is in a hlstollG dlotllct She Suoae3ted that COlldltlul'1 ~ln be IliudlfieJ tG State "the. Stlllctllre shall to ~=tppropriately rel_rc~zt~=d tv a historic district ~1n~1 acculnpal,ied by to apl,lication for individual designation." Mayor 1;llia ataC~.d the. desi~iatiun is sufficient. Mr. Lenlard stated he, agrees that it should bc. relocated to ~~ historic district. Mr. Tct~c~r Staten he i~v11C1lrS ~ Wlth (~cr1111T118S1ir11e1 McPllffle ~11ii1 Conmlis:.i~,ner L'c111ard and would lil:.e. tc~ see. this as part of Con~liti; r11i~10 as well. 1t Wao thy. CullSe115113 Uf t112 C~~11""ll1113s1~t11 t! ~ 111i rdlfy Cull~htl~ X11 ;! 10 that thi• Stl'uCtUl'e• be. ~Iplll'Gpl`lately r~l~rc~ltGd to :1 h1at=~11C dlstllct. The. City A1tu111~.}~ briefly revietve~j the. Botrd Order ~:~it11 the Ccrlllllilssiun Wh, i 1118~j~ fllldlll~o ai•C~ rl`~hlly t~~ thelr c. ~IlSC•11SL13 (attac11ei1 11C'•r~•tu 1S d c'upy 211L1 111:tde 111 c~Cficial part •.rf the nunutes). -12- 08/19/08 AC this p~ pint, Che, City Atlul~:•y clal7fiea thal the• City Cunm~issi~~n approve3 the appeal subject U• Conditi~~~n3 ;`1-l.' with Condition !'10 being modified to state. "that the. structure. shall ba appropriately relocated to ~~ historic. district ant acc~_~mpanied 1_iy an application f_~r individual iiesia~l-ration." The. City Attunie.y stated an additional condition (Corlditi~•11 13) be. added to state. "that the. air c~~lxlitic+lling condeaisers will ba scre.znzd.,, Mr. Fetzer Moved t~ ~ <<~, ~l~t t11r. Board Order as presented sulijc,ct to the Co11d1t1oU3, seconded by Mr. McDuffie. T_Tpon roll call the. Conmlissiou voted a. follc+ws: Mr. Fetzer - I'es; Mr. McDuff e• - Ye.s; Mr. Ber7lard -Yes; I~~Iay, ~r Ellis -Yes; Mr. Eliopo-.llos - I'es. .Said n~oti~•n passed with a 5 to 0 vote.. At this point, the, tirne tieing 7:1~ p.ni.ihe Con~n~ission rr~oved to the July adve.rtise,d Public Healinns p•~rti~•n orthr Agenda. 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 10.A. ORDINANCE NO. 3b-OS 1 SECOND READING/SECOND PUBLIC IIE ARING): City initiab~d amendment to the Land Deve.l~ ~pnlellt P~egulatiolls (LDP..) by amendim` Section 1.3.8, "P?coustr~.rctiol~ Neces3itated by an Act of God", Subsection ~4) to 1?roVlde for' the. clblllty tip 1'G'l_ll.llld the pre-~~a~tlllg 3~hlc'll'e r.~i~ta~e 111 additional Clr'C1r1713ta11i•e3 111 the e•Ve11t. ~ ~f de3tr'llet]E X11 by all Set Of l rod, The. caption of Ordinance. N•.. 3~-0813 .~s f_~1L~ws: AN ORDIN.~NCE 1=-P TIIE CITY r~'CIMMISSIC-N rJF THE CITY C-F DELP~AI' BEACH, FLL-RIDA, AMENDING TIIE LAND DEVELOPMENT PLE~iULATIr=-1.15 C-F TIIE C~.-F-E 1_-I' C-P~DINANCES, BI' A1t~~ENDII'1G SECTII:-T1 1.3.8 "I:Er"uIJSTP.UCTII~-N I~TECESSITATED BI' AN ACT -_rF -Jr=-U", SUBSECTIIJN (.A) TC- PRr_-VIDE Fl=-P~ TIIE AL'ILITI' T-~ P.EBUILD IN ADDITIC-NAL CII;CL TMSTANCES, IN TIIE EVENT GF AN ACT C-F Gr=-D; PPC-VIDING A SAVING CLAUSE, A GEI.TEP 1L PIPE.=ILEP~ CL.IUSE, AND ~1N EFFECTIVE DATE. (The, off vial copy of Ordinance. N. ~. 3u-08 i3 on file in the. City C'le,rL-'s office.) The City Att• ~r-nc.y re.a,l the capti~•rl of the ordinance. A publrc healing ~/as held having b°en legally advertised in compliance. with the l~i~vs of the State. of Flolila and the Charter ~.f ll~le. city ~•f Delray Beach, Florida. -13- 08/19/08 Paul Dorling, Dire..t~~r ••f PlalulillL gild Zollillg, Mated tills is ~ City initiated amendlneait t~ ~ tile. LDP.s. The. cul-rent reo~111~~Ci~ ins ~ll~iv re,sidenti~l an~~ conlnlercial s1:111clllre.s that have. be•e•11 de.stroye.d by art Act ~,f Gc~d to re•bllild in aCCurdalli•~• Wlth the. llse• a11d lllllllb~•1' irf L1111tS pel'1111t1~~d by their resliect1Ve• Cea•ttfic~lt:• of f1cc11p~uicY (CO's). This ame.lldment w. ~llld geld the, term "square, fog stage" t• ~ that list that would be. pea-mllted t... rebllild tc~ the.ir cul-1•ellt lavels. Ml•. Dorlil]g stated this is U.•illb re~1lleol:eil t~ ~ ~lilill'C:•3S tii ~111~• i•~111i,e•1113 that w~•re. v~ ~icu'il ~111711~ tl"le 1'e•C~•llt i1~1C~1)t1011 tj1-11111 the. L~lke, Ida Neighb~ ~rh~ god Lte,sion Guidelines gild notad it would be Cit}nvide. ill its application. AC its mee•tino ~•f July_'l, ''OOS, the• P1.Zlullno anal Zol]il]g Board considea•~.d thin Auld lmaninloualy recvnullended approval with a 4 t.• 0 vote.. Mayor Ellis declared the public hearing open. Thea•e, tieing nv ~ ~Ile• fr~ ~In the public ~vllo wished to address file Colllmis~i~_~n, the public he~uing vas uk~sed. Mr. McDuffie Ir~ove•d to a•1••pt Chdilial]ce N• ~. 36-OS on. Second and I'INAL Reading, seconded by Mr. Bealiard. Upon roll call th;:. C• ~1]uiiissi~ ai voted as follows: Mr: McDufi'ie. - Yes; Mr. Be•1liard - Ye•s; Mayor Ellia - Ye.s; Mr. Eliopoulos - Yus; Mr. Pl.t•_'.er - ~'~~. Said 111ot1C~11 passed \Vlth a S ter n VC~t@. 10.8. ORDINANCE NO. 34-08 iSECOND READING/SECOND PUBLIC IIEARING7: City initiated ::uliclidlile.nt to the. Land Developme•nC Regulations (LDP..) al]lelldlllg Se•~t1011 4.r,.7, "S1a~71o', Sllbse.ctlorl (I I), '~E~:~lllpt Sloll~'~, Sllb-SL1L~oeitlull (1(_1), "Tr-.mpg Crary Siblls", to clarify when tca]1p~ ~raly non-c• ~nwl•~rcial si~is placed on the. public right-~~f way or ol] private. pry ~perty re~luire the ovnler's perlni~:si,~+n. The caption •.f t=lrclin~111cr Nr_~. ~4-i-8 is tw f~ll~~+ws: office.) AN C-P.DIN_ANCE Or TIIE CITY C'1:-Iv11_VIISSIC-N 1~F TIIE CITI' Or DELP~AI' BEACII, rL~=1P..IL1A, AMENDING ; THE LAI~1T~ DEVT/Lc=~PMENT P.E~ ;T TL~~Th_~NS Clr TIIE ~~'~=-DE ~=-r ~=-LLIINAN~~E~, BI' AMENDING SEl"TIUN 4.E~.7, "SIGNS", SLTBSECTIi~N (II), "EZEMPT Sh~NS", SUB- SL1L?SECTION (10), "TEMPI:IP~AP.I' SIGNS", Tl~ CLARITI' WIIET`d TEMI'f~1P' •_I' N~~-N- C~~l_~IMERCIAL SII~NS PLACED C1N TIIE PUBLIC P.IGIIT-Ol-'-WAY tiP_ ON P>;'_IVATE PRt~1PERTY REt1LTIPE TIIE 1.1W1_'1EP~'S PEP~]VIISSIt~N; PRA=IVIT~II~l~s A SAVINts t~L AT TSE, .~ t~ENEP.~~L P.EPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN IPI'ECTPJE DATE. (Tl]e ~ ~fCci 11 copy ..f Or,Jinance. t-l. ~. ?4-08 i~ ,•n file, in the City Cle.rl_'s -14- 08/19/08 The City Attu -lzi~.y r~.~~~ thy. c~=-Ptiun „f lh~. ,~rainanc~.. A public 11~.~,ltin;~ was held having b~e.11 legally advertis~.d in colnplianca with the laves of the Stag. of Pl~x-ida and thc. Charter of the City of Deh'ay Beach, I'knida. Paul Dorlill~, Director of Pl;uuung and Zollinn, stat~.d this is a City- lllltlated alllerldlliellt t~~ thc. LDRs. Temporuy 11~~11-Col]1111C1'Clal Sla~lls al's ClllTelltly allou;~ed in thc. pL-blic ribllts-vf w.7y. This prop. -s~.d or~lin~ul~;e. requires that pellizission fi•on1 th:. rldjacellt 1,1-ivatc. property own~.r first ba obtained. Mr. Darling sl,at;.d it also pravid~•s clalifclti~•11 that allows talnporary Hall-conull~.rcial sio~lls x•11 private. propel•ty so lolly ~_~ the prop~•rty own.=d''~: pe1n11SS1o11 15 Obt~lllled. At its meeting of July 21, 2005, thc. Plalming a11d Z• nlino Bo~-rd C~~11S1d~1'~•d th1~. a1L~ Llila111111oL131y 1'~.Ci ~na]acrld~•d appr~ wul with a 4 to 0 vote. Mayor Ellis declared the. public he~u•ing open.. There bein; nu ~ ~11e fi'o1n the. public. vrlio wisllcd C• ~ ad~lr~•ss the. Comnlissi~ a1 r~.gardillg 1_n•dillalir.~. I~1o. 3'1-~15, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Elie ~1,,.~ulos tn• ~ved t. ~ adept Ol'i11112111CG N~~. ±4-~-^ ~ ~Il SeCi~lld alld )='INAL L~eadin~, sec. nlded by Mr. Fet~ca'. Upon roll cell the. Comnli~aion voted as follovlrS: Mr. L'e171:trd -Yes; May. •r Ellis -Yes; Mr. Eliopoulos - Ye.s; 1_vlr. Pet~cr -Yes; Mr. Mc.Duffic. - Yc•s. Said motion pass~.d evtll a 5 to 0 vat:,. 10.C. ORDINANCTJ NO. 33-~~5 jSIJCOND lti±/ADING/Si;COND PUBLIC )FILARINGI: City initiated alnen~lnlent t.• the. Lund Development I',gLllations (LDR) Sei't1~-11 ~1. S.G, "The. S.,Ut11WGSt Nelghb~ ~r11i i~=,~~ 1_-V~•1'lct)r D1~C11CC", Slt1~~~,Ct1~=~11 '1.5.~~(~1), "De.filled" and Article 4.7, "I-~anlily/Worl,fc~rce. Hi~115111'?" Secti~~n x.7.1 "De.fniliona" b ~ f f ~Llb3i-ctloll x.7.1(11), "S. ~LltllweSt NelLhborh~~~ld t_IVe.rlay L-15t11Ct," to 111odlty the d~•Si l'll,tli Ul ~lnd pl'iwlde for ~ }:.pclnSl~ X11 i it the Si~L1t11~Ve•6t T~Ielnlltiorho~ u~ C-V~rl:ay D1S11"let. The ~,~-ption o:f Ordinance: Nu. 33-OS is as follows: AN ~=-P.DINANC>/ -=-r TIIE t~ITY c~~=-MMISSI~=-N -~r THE CITY 1_-r DELP`AY BEACH, rLORIDA, A1b1ENDI1_`1G TIIE LAND DEVELOPMENT R C-~LrL:4TI-=-i~1S -=-r TIIE -='~_-DE ~=-r -=-PI-IrlAI'~1CES, LY AMENU1NiJ SECTIc=-1•I ~.j,~a, "TIIE S-=-LTTIIWEST NEIiJIIB1=-R1I-=-C-D ~:-VEP.LAY DISTRICT", SLTBSECTII=-N =1.ti.~-~A), "L-EI'II~lEL-", AP1L 13Y .MENDING ARTICLE X4.7, "r~~N1ILY/W-~-F'~~ I'C-I:CE H(lT_TSIN-s", SECTI~=-N 4.7.1, "DEPINITI~~-rdS", BY P`EPEALING SUZSECTIC-N ~.7.111~), "S1=-TJTIIWEST NEIGIIL~=-P~HO-~-D uVl/P~I,AY DISTRICT" AMID ENACTING A NEW SUBSECTION 4.7.1(p), "SOT 1THWEST NCIGIIE~-IiIIO1~-D OVERLAY DISTR.II~T", Tl=~ 1_VI1=-DIFY TIIE DES~.:FIPTI~=1rI AND PRA=-VIL-E P~_-F EST':-lNSI~=-1J ~=-F TIII/ SOUTIIWI/ST -15- 08/19/08 NEIGIIBUP.II~~~=1L- ~=-VEPLLAY DISTP.ICT; PRA -VIDNG A SAV IN~~ CLAUSE, A GENEP.~'~L P~EPEALEP~ CLAUSE, AND AN ErrECTIVE DATE. (Thz t+flicial coley of ~=-rJin~nce. N~ ~. 33--~~~ is can file. ill the. City Clea-l:.'s office.) The. City At~tolriey re•~td the. cL~ption of the, ordinance.. A public. lle.aring was held having beeal legally adv~l-tise.d in compliance. with the lalvs of the State. of rl~ ~1-i~a and the Charter of the City ~•f Delray Leach, rlol`ida. Paul Darling, D1reCti•r ~•f Plat111il1g and ~onirlg, stated this is a City- initiated to both the defirlition s~.ctions alxl flee ln~lps re.latin~ to tile. Soulhw~_st Nc•ibllborhoo~l Overlay District. This ch~inge lvas iluplclnented as Dart ••f Comprehe.llsivc:• Plan A111GL1d111C;111 ~1)n7-? and. this is the, respcclive. LDP..4111e11dlileall t•. be. consistent with that. IIe. stated it adds an additionll area ~~long Lth Avcnu;°. belv.~ee.n S.W. '_'nd Sh•e.c.t and S.W. aid Street to the designcllion •.•f ihe• SutlthWC•st Ne.ig11bo1•llood Ovea'lly District and, t11e reoul~ttiuns. Which apply t.. that. Mr. D~ ~rlin~; stated its hart of ~t l~a•;er hrivatc. SeCt~ ~1` redeVeliip171el1t 1111t1ittlVe aS5oil~tte•d with the. enure Co11'ld~!1' Or S.W. 1?th AV011l11.. At 1tS 111ce•t111g of Telly ~1, ?~1(1~~, the P1a1ll1111g a11d ~U11111g Loard CL~11Sldered th1S 1te111 alld Llna111111ollsly recomineaide.d approv~ll With a 4 t•. n V~~t~. Mayer Ellis declared the. public. hearing open. There, being lu. one from the public who lr~ished to address the Conllnisaion, the. public healing lvas closed. Mr. retL~~r moved t•• adopt Ordinance. No. ~ ;-OS all S,c~ ~rtd alld FINAL Rca~~ing, seconded by Mr. McDtlfrie. LTp~•li r. •11 call the. Colrnili~.sion voted as follows: Myer Ellis -Yes; Mr. Eliopoulos -Yes; Mr. Pe.t~~r - I'es; Mr. McDuPre. -Yes; Mr. Ll'•l~lilyd - 1'e•J. Sale. 111 ~tlull pi1SSi:•d Wltll a 5 tU 0 !%utV. lf_1.D. RESOLUTION NU. 33-US/UU1T CLAIM DIJrD/AUBURN TRACL LTD.: Consider appr~ oval or Pte•sollltion No. 33-OS ~llllhi ~1i"i11o flee. City t• ~ 1`elease. any intei°est tllal it has in the real properly L_~cate~~ in the, vicinity of the.:'lubunl Tracy Development. The caption .. '''' P~eS~ ~hltl~ X11 N~ ~. ~J-Ob 1S i1S ~ ~ oWS: A P~ESC-LUTh:1N Or TIIE CITY CC-NIiVIISSh=-N Or TIIE CITE' c=-r DELP~AI' LEACII, r'L~_-P~IL-A, AUTIIC-r:.I~ING TIIE CITY T-~t P.ELEASE Ar~I' INTEP~EST TIIAT IT IIAS IN TPIE PEAL PP•t ~PERTY LC-CATED 1N TIIE VICINITY OF' TIIE ALTELTP~1'.l TP~4CE DEVEL~:-PMENT AS Ml=-P.E P AP.TI~~'LiLAP.LY DESCP.IBED IIEP.EIN. -16- 08/19/08 office.) (The t~flicial copy of P~asc~luli~-n t1o. 33-0°, is On fle in the City Clc,rk's 1. TRACE LTD: l~ppr~~ve, and accept an easement deed ~•anting the Clty 1110 11+~11t to lTlallltalll C~ r11S1111i•tl! ill illlil l~ ~i•ittC 1tS 11fL Stah~ X11 ~~ll Tract F of the AubLU-li Traci Plat. ACCEPTANCE OI' AN EASEMENT DEED/AUBURN The City t~ttc~111ey Stated this res~~lution Scel~s clear title t• ~ a purti~•11 cif property arld ct~llve~ye•d by Quit Claim Deed to AuL,LU11 Trace. Limited cur inle.rest, if any, to tl':1C1~. She Staleil thea•e is a ded1C:111~~11 ~.n the. plat to the City urDelr<<y Eeach ~1nd w2 11'~ a~~llla to sttbstitltte. 3.11 easerne.llt fc~r that .u1d thin will clear ttp ally title. prt~blenls they 11ave. The. city Attorney stated we. still apparently h:ZVe an cascm~=nC that we need f,r the lift station. Mr. 1;e111ard declared a ec~nflict of intcacst and stepped down from the dais. Mayor Ellis stated if anyone. would lilac tc~ Spcal_ Cr_~r ~•r against the Re~.uluti~ ~n ~v11ic11 l~ea'tluls tc• the. l~ult Cl;liln Deed and t11e Eas.,ment Decd to a_nlle• forwal°d at this time. Mr. McDLlff e. stilled he ~vanCS t. ~ nlal:e. sure. that he. understands this con•cr.tly. The• City ~-f Delray Beach is ~~uit Clai111ind s,:,lnethillb t..• .Auburn Trace. and they are t11111111j ar~~lllld illlil dedlCat111=; hoer; t~~ Ll~: tlu'uLlah :1.11 ei1Se•1Tlerlt lllste•ad .~f 1 dedicati~ ~n o11 the plat. Mr. McDuff e. 111 ~Vdd tc~ approve, I~esalutic.n T1c~. 33-OS, sec:unded by Mr. l/linpc-ulo;. LTpcal roll c~111 the. Cv^uliissiun vc~led as fulk~ws: Mr. Elic~puulos -Yes; >\~Ir. Fetzer - Yes; Mr. McDuff e - I'e,s; Mayc.r Ellis - Ye.S. Said lr~~~liun passed with a ~l to 0 vote. Mr. McDuff e mOVed li ~ appr~ ~V~ aCC eptillL~G i~f all eaSedlle•llt deed aTrtlllt111o th~_'• Clty ~ ~f Delray L'e.ach t11G 1'1111 tC~ 111:1111ta111 CGli5t1'L1Ctlu11 alld li ~G:•lt~ 1tS hfl 3tat1~~11 ~~11 Tact "F"' c•f the..4ubu111 Trace Plat, Se.c~ ended by Mr. Eli~~p~xtk~s. Upon r~ X11 call the ConulliSaian v~~ted aS f~lk~ws: Mr. Fe.t~e.r - Ye.s; >Vlr. McDuff e• -Yes; 1\~Iayur Ellis - Y%S; Mr. Eli _~p~illli ~u - Ye.3. rJ~lld 1]lC,tiun pa3Scd with a 4 1~ ~ 0 Vl~te.. nt t111S 11Ci111t, COl]71111S:i1U11~•1' B~.lllal'd re.tllnle.d tV the da1S. At this paint, the. lirn~. be.iu 7:25 p.rl1. th,: C~~nmlis~ion nlov~.d tc• ICrvrri 11, Comments and Iuquiries on Nou-Agenda Items from the Cily Manager and the Public. -17- 08/19/08 11.A. City IVIauaQer's respvuse to prior public couuueni and inquiries. Ill re•spanae to canc~.nls e~:pr~.55ud by Mr. Churl: Fridley and a resident in th~• Southwest Ilelghbi-1'lb~Od last WO.O.I: eYl)1'e~Slllg Ci_rll~•Clll abat{t 5~!111~• Gri111~• pry ~b1e111a 111 the n~ighbarhaad, the City M.~llager Stat~•d lll~. Polio:~~ Departlnerlt is W~ ~rkill~ v~ay cl. ~s~.ly with that 11Cig11borl~ood 311d will i•iUltllllle tip da so. 11. From the Public. 11.B.1. Carolyn Zimmerman, ~1~ S.V. ''"d Aveuue, Delray Beach, r~•garding Mr. Chuck P~idley's calic~.n15 slle suited they llad the Sa111~• plabl~.m irl a gr~.at deal c•f the SolrthWesC aria. Miss Zilmrle.l`lllall stated t11~•y a1•~• prup~~aing a nle~tillg With the. Chief ~•f hi ~lica• b~•caus~. the h• ~u5~ across lh~. stre~.t from her they taak th~.y the entire back end ~.r thy. 11oL{5~. aff and w~•nt in and. d~stroy~.d the. illside of tll~. hol{s~.. Slle ur~~•d the. City to lacy b~•ttel' atlcntion to Chia pr• ~blenl rather than just talking about it. SAC! ~11~11y~ 1`~1s3 ~1117]ll~•1711:111 ~•~all'~•SS~•il i•~~11~-111 ~1b~!llt ~i•ttlllu 1`l~ OF ~lllllll~l control in the City. Shy atated eliuiillating animal c• ~lltral Will not stop owners of laic bulls alld 1lated t11e1'e cite. t0~11 gangs that awn pit bl{lla ~llld by lli~t liaVlll~ Sa111ea17G Who l:lla~=/s how tr_~ hu7dle these d. Aga will nat Stap the. traublc.. Miss Zinulienliall a51:~•d Wh; ~ will be ta1.111g C::tle ~,r tll~• ;.1111111;115 Wltlli~l{I a111117;a1 G01111'Ol bCGaLlSB tll~• Pi~hce P~•pz11't1110.11t 15 already ov.lload..d With What they have. to do and she. feels that file County Will 11••t be able. t• ~ help the: City 1•ight away. Shc• ev.prc•sa•ca c• ~nccl-11 aver the, rabid :x11in1~,15 that could potentially bite s• ~nr•ane• and What Will h~~ppen if children get 1°abi~s. Mica ~ilillnellilan Statecl thc.rc~ are. now ,~ lot or igl{antis and rural srlakaa and both are illegal to have, She. a1S0 e~:press~.d c011C~d11 aV~l' re1'~11 cats. Shy Stand thy. ;-1lli111~11 Ca11t1Yi1 1'eSpalld5 to al)pl'u'illllately 1^~-14~ i•C111S p~•1' 11ia11t11 c~{lld pli.;k3 L{la ClOga alld iota th:1t tire. either Sick •.•r dead. animal.. Mina ?imnle•rman alated the C~aunty Evill not c•~mc. t•~ the. Cit}~ ~•f Delray Beach far a Slcl: ~ ~r d~.ad cat. Shy Salted We calllli~t J115t Stag tcl1:111g CfQ'~ of these. animals because or the budoel and reels there. are. oth~.r things in the. budg~•t that col{ld be eliminated. 11.B.~. Joauu Peart, 107 N.~V. 9th Street, Delray Be.ieh, concurs v~ith colrullents e ~:presaad by Carolyn Zinuneliilan about the. Allilnal C• ~ntr,_~1 llffic..r. Mrs. Peal-t Stand several years ago there. was a prablelll in her n~•ightiorlload with bands t,r stray dc•gs killing people•'s cats. She• conwaente.J that she. Ila~l a huge. iguana ill her yatd t00. 11.B.3. Rosetta Rolle, 301 N.`V. 3rd Avenue, Delray Beach, asl:cd if there are copies .•f the budget available. t• ~ the. public. The. City >Vlanag~.r slated if Mrs. P. Mlle w• Auld like t• ~ c~ ~nlc to City IIall Staff can pravi,je he.l' a copy ••f the budget or a copy eau t,,_ lllailad to her. MrS. Iiollc. Sl~~lad if the. City doea n~ ~l liavc animal cc~utr~ ~l we. Will have, an ovca-~1u1 of allinlala in Pe.lray L',e.<<c:h. MrS. Tolle. stated this has happ~.n~_d bcrore. and you -18- 08/ 19/08 Callllot 0;111 the pohc~.. She stated dogs and cats are especially it danger to older iatl~i'~115 and children :end feels this is a health issue because. when ,3i rdy snd cats, nln loose they poop in public. places and on people's lawns. She stated some people. work ill their ysrds VVlth thelr llalld3 alld lli-ted yirl.l Gall get llllo-,1x01111. IVES. Pv=r11~ ~ ti~~r~SS~•~ i ulli x•171 uvc'r th~• health of a Co1111111u11ty alld stated We have. to tlllllk of the i:ltlvell~. Slle llrbed tlle. Co11ll111SS11r11 that be•fol'e• they ili - Srllll~•thllla ~riiStlG ~tll~ t~lhc~ ,?i-111~•th1116 i -Ut irr the t~ll~g~t that the.}, i:reate. a Tall: Force lriade llp of illdividLlals fii ail the. c. ~illl]luiiity t• ~ t::~lk it over because that is what the. c•itiLens are for. 12. FIRST READINGS: 12.A. NONE. At thlu llirlllt, the. tulle bedllg 7:~ ~ p.m. the Col]11111S31o11 111oVer1 back to tha Regular Agenda. 9.B. APPI/AI, OF SITE PL ~N REVITrW AND APPEItANCE BOARD DECISION/ 1_bIAItOONE DODGE DEALERSIIIP: Consular an ~-ppe•al of the Site Plall Tvl•V1e~V a17d Al)~l~'~-1'-llr::e P,i r;:1P~'S ili'C1S1u11 1'~•ncll'i~ll'1~ CuI1~~ltlirll of :lLl~lr~w:11 tl"lilt photonletlic plans be l,ruvidel, alld lighting be. ilisi:allccl u11Jer a~xnings .ias~ rci~-te.il with a Class I Site. Plan 1\~Ioilifc:lCir•n for thy. two IVlarirone Do~oe sites lircate.d at 7~1C- ~~. 7~1~~ N.)=J. F`h Avenue. (Q~t~rsi-Jrr~licial H~~7rii~g) Chevelle. D. Nubin, City ClerL•, swcae in thi ~~.e. individuals who wished to address the Collwiission. Mayor >/'llis era}.ed the Cirnwlissii~ll to discla~:~. their e•_•= pane CGllllllllllli:itii-na. Tll,_ Ci H111711S81i rn had lli r ~•~: 1)al"ti' i•Ollllllllllli3tli r1iS tir L]1SCl~~o'. Paul D~ ~rling, Director crf Planning ~rnd Z~ ~ninb, entere,~l the Pl~ulnin~; incl. zoning Dapal~tnlent pr. eject (ila ;`?Oi-8-I4? and ~•?00`,-l~}3 int• ~ the record. . Pahl Dol•lill, Director crf P1a1111i11a a.lld 'ollillb, S(ater~ tliia is consideratii rll crf an appeal crf the Site. Plan Review and Apl,earancc• Bcr-rJ's (SPI.AL') conditiirn of approval that phoConleh•ic plans be providad, .old ]ightilig in~tt~llerl un~lea• a~=,nlinbs associated with ~- Cl~~ss I Site Plali Mcrdircatiorl f •r tyv~ ~ Marocrn•~ Dodo2. •aites. AC ita lnee.ting ..f May l~}, ?Or1C;, SPF.A>; tabl~_d the Lbws I Site. Plan 1Vlirdlflcatli rll a11d l'eihle3terl c1a171lcatlol'i ;15 t0 \vh~.thGr h~;htlll~ was to b~. prGVlded urL1eT the new awni-lg:. The applicallC sub111iCCed a letter dated June. 25, ''008 indicatilln that the owner did not inten,~ to provide. lighting under tlle. awnings and would. lil_e SPP.AB to conaider ~q~provina the awnings. 1_VIr. Darling stated the applicant came bai:L' before SPP~AL' on Iuly ?3, ?i-ir;=,, alld SPP.AB 1'ei.i rllllliellde.~l lppruval with X14 l0 0 vote with tha can~~litir.ll that the applicant pri ~vi~e liGlititl~~ and phi rtonle.trir, plan.: fcrr the. five. a~~nlinas that were to be installed on t\vi r tuildings luca%er1 on birth the ~~~-sl and we.~t ~ir1,_•:. irf i+l.)/. r`h Avenue. tie,t\veedl N.>;. 7`h Stl'e.et ~md N.1/. S`h Stree.t. The. ~lhhlic:~mt has aph,_~~lcr1 Chat decision or that condition in tl•lat Choy contend Clint it i not consi~tenC or cirlr~p;:rtil,le with - 19- 08/19/08 any LL-P. ChaC currently exists. Ivlr. Dorlinb stated it is Noted Cleat ill fact tel.. LDP. Sectic-n 4.1;.~ TeleTS t0 illur~ninati~~11 levels alld L1111fJ11111ty ~~f llnhtlllc Chl'i_-LIvhOLlt ~~LltduUl' 11a1'1:111~ areas and aanuliercial sites. Ill sttfPs original re.cc-nl.mealdation of approval, they did not require any cc-ndition that lightinc be provided i13 pal°t of that Class I Site Plan Modification n• -r did the applic:ult c-ffer that while. lighting can be pursuant t. - LDP s~.i.tl~-1'1 =~.(i.~ ~C011t1'ary t~~ thy. 91)plic;ant's ~lsSlllllptli -11S), it would app~.:31' to L~~ e~:i.GsS1V~• 111 this instance. Staff sllpporls tll~, applicant's appe.ill of this cc-llditic-11 aC Chic time.. Mayor );leis sC~~ted if anyone. from the public would lie:,. Co :peal: in fav~~r or in oppositic-n ~ -f fhe appeal, to please. colll~ for-~vard tt this Cime.. There. be.in; 11• ~ ~ ~tle• ri•~~rn the public who wished to ~-lJ~lress the. rummissiun regardinj the. ~=tppeal, the• public hearing was clc-sed. Mr. 1=/liopoulos illgluire•d ab~ -llt Che• f. ~tlr siclcs ~ •f the, building. Mr. Dorlitlg clarified Chat t111S 1S fiV~• a\V11111 jS oll ttiV6 bllll-]111~3 ;,teed 1)e11eV~S It l~ i ill thl'e~• Sldea. Mr. Bliopc-ul~-a stated he is 1lopilla ghat SPP.1'~B saw nl.•re and voted based on something mere subst~uiti;~tl thali what Che Conuuissi~ -11 11aS before, them now. Mr. D• -rlilla stated SPP~.AB SaW ::l Slll"~~e•y alld thy. aVJ11111aS ldelltlfleil i-11 that Slllve•y 1V1t17 1'~.~1?e%t t.i~ tll~. e.~:1St111~ blllld111~3 fr! X111 \Vlk'•r~ th~•3~ awninbs w• Auld be• located 411 thy. ~1te. The• City Attorney briefly reviewed thc. Board Or~jc.r with the C• -lnrnission who lllad~• fllli~ll"1gS ~lCi.~~l'-~llla tv the1T i.0115~.11SL1S ~:1tt~tGh~~ h~r~.t~~ 1S l ~'~~py illy. n1a~~~• ~Il c-fficial piLrt of the minutes). ~ - Mr. I;liop~xlk~a mov~.d to ~~dopC the. Board Oid~.r a•: l,re.sente.d, secc,nded by y Mr. Pet~cl'. Upon roll call thy. Cor~lrilission v ~ted as fellows: Mr. McDllffi~. - Y~•s; Mr. Bed11i11'd - I'l'•s~ 1.1~ayor Ellis - 1'eS; Mr. );lip ~p~ ~ulos - Yc.s; Mr. I'~.t~ea• - YGS. Said nl. -ticnl passed. with a 5 to 0 vote. 9.C. TIIIS ITEM IIAS BEEN WITIIDP.AVVN TRONI TIIE AGENDA PER TIIE APPLICANT'S REQUEST. 9.D. DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT/CA_NNERY ROW, LLC: P•.evi..w ~f the. Developer's Abr~.emenC beltive.en lhe• City and Caluiery P•.n,t~, LLC for colnpliallce with the. tellies of the. Agrcca]lcnt ecccuted May S, ''007. Co1111111351~ ~Il~r.l/110po111oS declar:.d a ~.ollfllct of lllt~•r~•3t and stepp~.il d' ~VJ11 from the dais. Bl-ian Slllltt, Assist::ult City _lttoniey, sCaCe-1 appr~ -~:imaCely ~ one y~ ,ar abo the Pity of Delray B..ach e.nter••d irlt~- a Ilevcl_-per's Aa~•eemeall with Che De.ve.l,~per f,~r Catull,l'y P\L-w. Ml'. SI1llCC stand I-''lorlda Statutes requires the City on 111 alluual 1i:.lsis to revie,~r the. D~.vclopea•'s Aarecment C• - nl;:tl:e 5ure• that Che d.:.vclopc.r li::w complied with the te1711S of tll~:• au^-r~•~.lllellt. 1=I~• Slated there• were tWO terlliS 111 the abTrc•~1ilCdlt that they dedicate. the Noreh~aatel•11 parc~•1 Co the City for a earl: which eh~.y have dona on th,, plat and ChtC the. City ~.f Delray L'r.~tch enter into a Purchase and Sale. Abre..lilelll for a parcel on the, South,_asterll pztrC ;•f the project. >VIr. Shutt stated wh,~l the. devcl~~plr~enC ;aCs to -20- 08/19/08 that point they will notify the. City ~1nd tlle.n it will cc+me. bc,f_rre. the. Con-mlission t. ~ make. a d~cisiall an whethar they would lih:e to purchase. the. 1<<nd, the, building, cu' ~~ ~ nothing. Ml•. Shutt stated they hive. campli~.d with those. tenri~ alld this is now berirrC. tllc• City Ca11111115•01011 faP approval that they co111p1y with the tel-nrs of tile. as •ee.111e,11t. Mayor Ellis asked if this is an e-xte.nsion. The. City Attorney stated this is llirt zll] e•?ite•11S1a11 belt It 1'~~hlll'Cs all illlllll211 1'e•Vlew ~ rf the Gali1p11t11K.e• with the• te•1'1113. The. City Att• ~nley sC1Ce.d ari inllly staff ~v.~lnte.d same Cinlelines in the, a~7•ee•111ellt that tile. City Co1111uission did not supp~ rrt sa now it is ~ ~prn cnlzd. Mr. Feuer moved t,_r dppr, rve. t1ic. I_lavc:l~ per's A~'eement bca~~Jeen the. City crf Delray L'eacll alld C~ulnery Row, LLC f..r compli:lncc. with file te.nua of the. A~ •ecmcnt ~~'{i'r'LlteCl May S, 2007, ~ccor~d~~d by Mr. M~~Duffir_. T Tpca-1 roll call the Canlnliasioll voted :1s fill: rws: Mr. B~ill~u'd - Ye•s; M~ryar )/llis - Ye.3; Mr. Fet~el• - I'e•s; Mr. McDuffie - YGu. Sold lll~ltll rll paSSBd with a ~ l• r 0 vote. At thl~ pUlllt, C~ H]11111sS1~ rlle•r I/hi rp~rLllaS 1'~.CLlllied t~ r the does. 9.E. PUBLIC COMMENTS/FI' 2UU9 PROPOSED BUDGET: The City Callll111531a11 will he.al• pllbhi• Collie-nellt3, if ally, 1'egal'dlll~; the FY 2~)1_ly f'1'~rpL~~ed Blldge~t at this time. None. 9.F. BID AWARD/WEST CONSTRLiCTION, INC./LINTON BOULEVARD BRIDGE TENDER IIOUSE RENOVATIONS: C• rnsidrr approval of a bed aWC11,1 t~! West CU11Jt11.lltli_rn, I11C. S?Colld 1~r\v hlrlil~l', In t17~ a1ll~rLlllt of ~~Q5,1111),~II) f~ ~r Lindrll I~~~Lllev rd L?ri~lge Tender IIouse• Reny ovations. I'rlndinb is av~~lilable fi'unl ~34- 31n2-541-40.05 (G~~ncr~11 Collstltilction Fund/I'ublic. Worl_s I?o:=la ,C. Stree.t:,/Lintun Llva Tender House). Prichard IIask~ ~, Directs n• . rf Ellvirannlerlt~~.l S~:IVice.s, stated staff is reCa111111C',Ildlll~ ~-11V;1.1'il ~ rf the. second lcrw bldClel' fire' the C~!115t1'Lli'tlall Of 11111?l'~ rVelllellt~ to the Lilltan BuLllward BI°idge. Tend~.r IIouse. P.enovatlon~.. Mr. IIaak~ ~ st<<tc,~l we. pare. getting p~u•ticipatian fi•om Palm Beach County all Ch1S project rn~t to e.•_cccJ ~1~i0,U00.00 a 1'elliiblll'sable ~~°aut. IIc: stated.thcre. w+'r;, tlu-~.e bidd,°rs and they c~ulle in very cL~+~e. Thr_ apparcalt la~~~ bidder was i_~IcC'abe l;rothc.rs Constnlcticn-1 at ~Lr7,103.''; West Collstl-Lictian, Inc. vJ~1s ~+,_'1)8,u111.f10; and Clle. high bidd._r was +,235,011).00. Mr. IIaaka st:ate.d tile. 1'e~lsun (:haC ~t~.ffi.: 1'eiall"ll1lGlldln~f t0 ;ll`Jard to the s.C+~lld bldile.l' has CG do \Vlth some canc~l-lls the. City has. IIe. stat~.d staff is notsUJgCstlllo that McCabe Brothers Can~tl'Llit1a11 IS llat ~hl~ihred. IVIr. IIasko stated Mi.Cal-re. ha.. done wcrl'l: 111 the Clay befal'e• bLlt st;:Iff 15 C~!11Ge1'1-led at~~ rllt p~l'r ~1'111~111ie. ~*lith 1'cg~11'~:l tr1 ~t~ll't111a pl'~ ~~e,CtJ ~ rYl t1111e. IIe• Mated th~l'~ 1S Sirllle 11LI1C;:Lt101.1 that thel'e 1S Sal11e C~!1"flll7allahly bettiVr'e111~~IcCabe a11d allvthc.r c:cnltractor that the. City bare \Shll'klll~ all elitll'ely dlfr:l'~-11t type of ~;wl'l: 111 te11i1s Of per~.alule~l, staff, and affcers tll~lt wc. had same. isall,_s illl~l challenoe.s an c.olilpletillg. Mr. IIasL-a Mated that togethel• with the fact that we. have. << very goad relationship with West Const111cti,.n in tcnil" of the. project that (.hey leave Banc. in the City which is much more -21- 08/19/08 parallal with (his typo of worl: tl]al] soma of the projrcts that wire. subinittad or ref~•rl•ad to by 11~IcCab~. in tel]ils of tl]~ typa of work iti;:-( this is. Mr. IIasl:o stated stiff fads very confidant tl]dt West Collstl]lc:tiot] wotild ba able t• ~ • complate this pr-ojac•t in a til]]ely fashi~ -n for tha budgat that wa h~va. Mr. )/llopolllos 11]ovad t~~ 3ppTOVe tllu' bld awal'~ ti i Writ C~~1]tllli-tloil, Illi•. (second low bidd~.r) 111 tl]e• ~tl]lollllt o.l ~?C-S,t~1t-.uu f_,r the. LinG~n Bl-idgr• Tea]dar IIotise. P.anovations, sacondad by It~il•. McDuflie. Upon roll call the• Con]lnissiol] voted as follows: M-yor I/llis - I'as; Mr. L•,li~~poulos - Yc~; Mr. rat~~.r - I'~s; Mr. McDuffia - Yc.s; Mr. Baniard - Yas. Said n1ot1~ ~1] passad wttl] ~ S t~ ~ 0 vote. 9:G. SELECTION OF EAGLE NEST IIOMEBLTI'ER: Considar the. ~~l~~:tlo11 ~,f a fiTJt, Sacoik~ :1114 thll'i_1 ranted a1,p11Ca11t ~o tl]CZl tha Nal~l]borh~~i•d Salvicas Division may ac.ciue a boyar for tl]a );agle. Nest 1]orne. locat~.d at 4( N.W. 1'?tn Avaniia.. L~lla Butler, Dire•c.t~•r of Con]lr~tn]ity Ilnprovalnel]t, stat~:d staff is r~•~1lleSt1lla That the C~ 411rn1SSlo11 select ~! f1rSt, sVCullil allcl t1111'd ral>1•:e.d app11U:1~t1o11 a~ solicita~~ by the• Ci[y's N~.i;1]borhood SarV1c~S Division for the• purchasa of tha )/~-~le• th -. T"fast 11oUSa 1~=~C~lt.a~1 at 4~~ N.W. ' 1•_' ~V~dlll~•. I11 ''(11_Iti, tha (_,lty alltaP•il 111tC~ ~L 111Llltlp~lrty/111tar1oC:]1 ao~Taedllad]t batlvae•11 tl]e City of Dalrily Bi•ilCll, tha• Collll11111]lty P-.c.~~cvalol,iriei]( Abai]cy ((~P~'~j, thc• Lh~-illbar of ~~',,nu]]arca, Palm Be,.ich ~~',~tu]ty Sch,~~~l Bo:1~j and tl]e. Atlantic, IIigh Scho~ ~l Carear Acadcn]y to tiuild this h~xlsa. Mrs. Butlaa- stated th~: City donata~l tha lo(, the. CRA luz]ned Cha constlluai~ ~~] mon~•y, tha, Chan]bar of Col]]1]]arca• helpad SollClt v. ~hlntaar SarvlCeS fTol]] ihfral al]t i-i_~lltrzl%t~ -rg al]d tl]e. Sch~ col ~ District has allowad Chair Cunstlllctlorl Ac::-dan]y to do this work. She. stated they have spent two years buildinb th.. house. and ara. appro~:imataly 90°% f Wished. Mrs. Butler stated ~~Jhat Ihe• City aa~le.ed t• ~ is th.1t we. w~ ~t~ld proved.:. the. e.liaibla homebuyar tluouoh tl]~ Clty', P•.ae];aiss:]1]ce• Proaral]1; howeVal', the City no li Hlae•r h~-t: tl]e• P..en:-issae]ca Pro~rae]]. Th,aafora•, Mrs. Butler stal~:d haa- staff solicited an advertisel]l:all for eligible• buyers anal had 1 S people. why ~ c::una foilrrir~l ~u]~l tlu~ae of the -se 15 actually mat the. c~ualifcati~~ns. Staff ra~lue•sts the Coe]w~i~sion t• ~ rarll_ th••s.• tlue•e ~1ualifie•rs. Mayer Tullis asted it the applicants had to prcwe the( they could ~ obtain that n]ortbaac. 1111•esl--anse, Mrs.. Butler stated the tlu-ee ~l~~alifiers have. been pre.-qualified. The City Attol]iey stated tha• `1 choice. is Adan]s, the. '2 choice. is Williams, and the ;; 3 choice is McGriff. Mr. I'at~er moved to appr eve A~lan]s ;aa 1 clioicc, Willi~uns a~; ;•';"_' choice, ae]d McGriff as ;`3 ch••ice., sec. aided by Mr: Lli~ ~poulos. Upon roll dill tl]e Conuliission voted as follows: Mr. 1/'liapoulas - Ye.o; Mr. 1'et~e.r - I'es; Mr. Ben]ard - I'es; Mr. Mc:Duffie -Yes; Mayer Bllis -Yes. Said motion pissed with a ; tc• 0 vote.. Mayor )rllis st.-ted sha• remembers the. ~~ Fund breating ceremony f_-r this l,r~ eject an~~ tl]c~~•e. stu~lent~: and tha• cc,nt~ibntors .i~ ~ ii]-1_in; this happei]. She. ~;tate•~l it was 11111 j~ a di'e:ae]1 tl]at 1L ~b~~dy thoLlght w. ~,_lld 1llate It tlll'ollbl]. l~~lay~ ~l' I/llis stated ~•Je. now -22- 08/19/08 113VC peupl~• that \V;111t trl 111CrVe• llltr=r thi' hCrlllr= :11101 :aP~ truly t~~3~lVlllb Crf lt. sh~• St:Zt~•il th1S pl'ubl'alll \Vlll Cu111111Ue, alld e11cUL1rL1ae1 eVelyOlle ttJ 117ve by and tale. a lur_a: because. It is Vel'y llli•C 11rJllsZ. 9.H. OLD SCIIOOL SQUARE RETAIL SPACE/LETTER OF INTEREST/ARTIST ENRIOLiE MARTINEZ CELAI'A: Provide dirrctiun regarding ~t ]e~tler of interest fi'alll 1~11'Cist Enliclllc. Mar1111~•~ Cel3ya fir the sale. ~•f the 011 Schuul Square, Retail Space. 1. CONTRACT AWARD/C'OASTAL COMMERCIAL GROUP/REAL. ESTATE BROKERAGE AND MARKETING SERVICES/OLD SCIIOOL StILTARE RETAIL SPACE: C~GI131de1' al,~,l`CrV;ll of ~t CCrlitl'ai,t a\val'd 1Cr Cuaotal CulYlllle•TC1;11 ~rulll] 111 all anlulllll of X5,~~7d.~~U tir `f,11,5r}=1.00 l,lus 1liiStci~~. CCrStS ful' 1'~•ll-Gat:ltc' bl'crle•1';aoe• :1111 1"1131'l:etlllb a~l'V1Ce•~ fcn' thc• Old Schur,l Sgl.lar~~ retail apace.. rlinlillg i~. availlblc. frul]1 3c0-X150-57_'- 31.~r0 ~?ili i:} lJ.~_l. Lcrnd/Prcrf~ssii anal Se.lvice./11thcr I'rufessicrnll Services). The. Clt}' .~ttp171ey Stated this is ~t le.tter of interest r•°.gardln; the Space frulrl Cutslal Colrurlcrcial Group (L1J~1-id );;eaulelner) on 1_i~.11a1I'crf Al'tiSt )/111'iqu~. Marline•~ Celaya. She: Stated. tharc• tre. referencca to l~~lr. Ce.l;]ya and hiS art ii"1 thy. City Ccrlillnissiun backup. • M~yur 1=/llis state.~j Mr. )rliapnulo~: sum_ui~_r~ It Llp pit their ~,rcvicru•S nle•e.tino that WG 11ave. b~.'=n Ch~1S117a tl"11S 111:"11'l:~•t ::II`irl.l11i1 11'l ~l ill'i•li• ~111C1 th~•y \nJallt tCr 5+=11 t111S property. She. atatc.d ihc. C~ ~1171111SS1Cr11 Wi rlllrl hl:~ th15 pl'Crl)e,rty ter ~~ S~J111ethllla apprr ~pn~tte. fCrl' \Vh~d'e• It la IOC;aterl 3114 they have t,Ge•11 t:illall~ abirllt aV/cll'ihlla 1112 P.t:.gllcst fur Proposal (P~T'P) tv a trcrl:ea' that \V~,lll1 Ming us pulcntial clients su th~lt we ecrull accomplish this. Mr. )/li~~p~_rulcrs cnnculr~.1 with CCr111171ellt3 ~~:prc.ascd by Mayor Ellis. Mr. Eliupuulus Stated Pllleapl?le• ~ruve la the Clty'3 art diatllCt :,=llld tCr 11itVe ~Ol]1~.v112• Crf Mr. Celaya's fame. ihcre. i. very excitirl Mr. );liupuulua si:~t~d hc. \'Jirlllel liL•e to L-c.cp all options crlie.n and sllcruld use award the P.I,P leC the. brul:~.rs du it and brilio ,_verybudy and anybody to the City. The. City Attulll~_y statel in the P`F'P thc. respunse. Cllr City bot was `% C! ~1111111SS1Cr11 :111x1 the bl'Crl:el' 1S the Si ~l~' t,l'rll:el' rll' CI~% if 11 1S :1 Sh~ll~~i~ Ci rl"Y11111Sc1u11. 511E state.) at the tlnle'• (b~C:1L1SC 11 W; 3 uVel' :il yea)' :1~ir) that t112 CCrll"11i11Sc1Cr11 \~'JirUl~l b~ ~lalll by the purchaser. this along. ALIT. 1~~IcDllffie• Stated hc• la 111 CuliCel't \;rith this alld fe~cis VJc 11?ed t~~ I11CrV~ - 23 - 08/19/08 Ml•. Eliopoulos liloved to approve. the. con~:ract award to Coastal Con111 eacial Group/Rral Estate. Brol:erag~= and >t~1cu•1.etinL Selvicea, seconded by Mr. Feuer. Upon roll call the Cornmiasicel vole~l as folly ~ws: Mr. Fet~ea- -Yes; Mr. McDuffie. -Yes; IVII•. Bern;u-d -Yes; IVlayor Ellis - Ye.s; l~lr. Eliop~ ~lll~ ~s - Yes. Said nl~~tion passed with a 5 to 0 vE--te. 9.I. COMMISSION LI_•AISON ASSIGNMENTS/SEAT ,#4: D1SC•L1SS1~~11 Te~.lydllln Clty ri ~nll]11551~~11 Se~l~ ~ ~ Ll:IJ.SuIl .4SS1a711111~•11tS ti ~ V:•ll'lull3 _4~V1S~!1"y B~~al'~js and ctltside agencies. Mr. Fet'?al 111oVe•d to SLlb3tltute C~~1u1111SSlone•1' Bed71a1'd for f~ X11"IIer Commissioner lVlonta~lle's liaisoll assiL~111nea1ts, secollded by Mr. McDuffie.. TJpoll roll call the. Commission voted -" follows: Mr. McDllffe -Yes; Ml•. Bernard -Yes; Mayer Ellis - Y~.~; >VIr. Eli~,pouk~s -Yes; Mr. Fet~er -Yes. Sail moti~•11 pas~~cl with ~~ S to 0 vote. ~.J. SELECTION Or NEW DEPUTY VICE MAYOR: Select a llew Deputy Vice Mayer to serve until March '?r;, '?009. Mr. McDllffle 1110Ve•d to 11!,llllllal.e C~ -1111i11S51i r11~1' Ells ~p~ ~L1I~~3 ~l~ t11e 112•W Deputy Vice. Mayor U.• se.lve until March 3~~, 3~ir19, s~conde~_l by Mr. Fet~e•r. Upon r~,ll till the. Cor~ulzissiun voted as f_~lk-ws: Mr. Bernard -Yes; Mayor Ellis - Ye.s; Mr. Eliop; ~lllos - I'es; Mr. Feuer - I'e.s; IVtr.1_V1cDuI'f e - I'e.;. Said lili•lion p::i•,sc.d with a S to 0 vote. 9.K. RESOLUTION NO. 35-US: C• ~naide.r approval ~•f P~e~;olutlcm N• ~. ~~-OS a111e•ndilla P.esolution T'1o. 55-117 adopted September 18, ''007, F:esuluti,-gin No, lei-OS adopted May C, 'Uf- ~lnd I~e.solution No. '?4-ir; ;ldopted July 1, '?00;, ,:~llicll made appropriations of sums ~.f lnuney for ~dl nec~_s_.ary e.}:penditllres ~•f the. City ~•f L~e.ll•ay B:,ach, Florida, for FY •?C-i-7/•'00~, by se•ttillg forth the. anticipated revenues and G' p~•lldltllreo fi ~r the Oped'~itlllb TeVedllleS alld e~_pedldltlll'eS fi ~T the. Oper:lt111g f1111~13 f~ ~1' the. City FY 2U~r7/2UU8. The• c~lpti~}n ~ ~f res~ elution No. 3S-OS is zs fall~~+ws: A P~.ESI=ILLTTION OF TIIE CITY ~~1:1MMISSION 1~F THE CITY ~=1F DELrAY BEACH, FLT=1P~A, AMENL>INI~ P..ES~ -LL TTIC-N N-=-. 5-i i7 AL>C-PTED SEPTEMBER 18, _'i -i -7, I' ~ S~=-LUTIC-N 1 r-~-08 iii -PTED 1b1~4Y r;, ?uG° ~4NL- P~ES~=-LUTIC,T~ NO. 24-0° ,4Dc=-PTED JL TLY 1, SOU°, WIIIt.'II MADE APPR~=-PP.L4TIC-NS C-F SLT_MS ~=-F MC-NEY FC-P~ ALL NECESSAP~I' 1=;_~1'ENDITLT:ES ~1F TIIE CITY OF DELP.~4I' BEAI~'FI, FLOP.IDA, I'~-I~ TIIE FISCAL YEAP~ 2007/2008, BI' SETTINIJ F! ~PaTII TIIE ANTICIPATED P~VENT_i ~ 5 AND E~:I'ENL1ITLrP~.ES FC-P~ TIIE -=1PEP,,.ATING FL 1T•rL1S 1.1F TIIE CITY FC1R -24- 08/ 19/08 THT rISc~,1L, I'IrAI2. ?i 107/2ui i:?; P.EP~ALING ALL F.ES~=ILUTIt=INS INCA INSISTENT IIIP ~ WITH. office.) (The. official copy of ResoluCion No. ~S-0" is on f le. ill the. City Clerl~.'s The City M.irlagea• s~1te•d Chic i~ an amendment to Che. Conununlty Development Fund. The• lnajur parC of iC is C• r add tr_~ Che Utldget Che Colmllltility Pe•develr}l,Ine.11C Ane•ncy's (CP.A) conC1iU11Cio11 f ~r rc•habilitaCicrll of 1?S N.W. Stn Av:.nue.. Tl1e City M:lliaSer stated Chic i~. pr• rpea•Cy ~ r~~nied by t11e CP.~~; h~ rwever, Che. ~iCy of Dc•1r~Zy Leach will Ur_ handlill~ tlie• cunsC111cCi~ rn Lrr them. IIe st:~,Ced :~ coLlplc. ~~f r~Cher mini rl. t11111aS are. C11e• Dr:uit fiom tha Dalriy Housing AuthoriCy and some fourlll quarter SHIP reve.llue. Tlle• City A~~ulaaer stated thin Boas not affecC the General fluid iC ~ rely affects tllc Colllllllllllty DGVClr_rplnellt Fund. Mr. >r'liopoulos moved to approve. P~esolution No. ;5-08, seconded by Mr. McDuff e•. LTpo11 r~ ell call the C• rnwlissi~ rn vote•d :as follows: Mayor Ellis - .Yes; Mr. Elie rp~ ~ul~ rs -Yes; Mr. rc,C~ea• -Yes; 1~~L•. Mc•D~lff e• - I'es; Mr. L'enlarJ - I'es.. Sairj motion passed with a S to 0 vote. 9.L. APPOINTMENT TO TIIE BUDGET TASK FORCE: Appoint one (1) alte•1•n:atc• ln.'d11~~e•1' t! ~ the LLlilget Ti131•: I'ori•e. to ~e.11~e all L111G.':p1r~.d te•17]1 ellr~lllg JLlly 31, 2009. Lased upon the. r• rCati~ ell system, Che app. ri11[1ne11C will be Made by G~111111issioller Eliopt-+ulos (Seat #1). Ml•. >Jlicrpolllos liloved IO ajlp,,int M;arl~ D~.lll:ler aS c111 alte•111::tte~ llle•111t~er to tl'li• Llldge t Tasl_ rorCe t~~ Se•1•Ve ;111 L111e:•:1)11•ed te1711 Gllding .July ~ 1, ''009, 3e•CCrllded Uy >t~Ir. FeC ~cr. Upon r. ell call the Conmii~~ ir_rn v~ rCed a~ f~ rllcr~rva: Mr. Elir_~p~ rule rs -Yes; Mr. ret~ea• -Yeas; 1\~Ir. McDL1Pfie -Yes; Mr. La111ard -Yes; ~Iay~ rr Ellis - I'e•s. Saul 111• rtioll passed with a S to 0 vote. 9.NI. APPOINTMENTS TO TIIE SITE PLAN REVIEW AND APPEARANCE BOARD: AppoinC fve• (S) regLll~tr 1i1,mbers. to Che. Site Plan P.e,vi~~w alld A1.~pearance• Loard Co selve• C1vo ('?) Ye:=tr Celnls e.ndillg AL1gusC 31, 'Cllr). Based upon the. rotation system, Cl1c appointments will be, rnad~. by 1VI:~y~ rr IJlli, (Se.aC `S), CCr111rf113Slolled• ~lli rpm rlll03 (r9e~tt ~'~ ); ~Cr1111111SS1O11~•r I"+a~er (~G':at ; ~), Cu1nInIJJ1! rnl•T McDuff.. (Seat ;;`3) and C"~ rrrnllissi~ncr Benl:lr~l (S•_aC ;~=1). Mayor 1Jllia statad she. ~:~i~:he.d to r,~appoinC Marl_ Gr,=aory ~w a re.~ llar 1ne111be.r lCr the. Site Pl::u1 Purview atld Al_rpearance. Lr yard Co se1-~~e. ci l1}/0 (2) year G°1111 eliding ,~L1U 1St 31, '_'010. Mr. McDllffc so nlov,°.d, ~,_ccrnded Jry Mr. Llir_rpoulo. TTpon roll call the C•~1ru11ission voted as follows: >VL•. Fe.t~er -Yes; R~Ir. Mcl:iuffie. -Yes; Mr. Beallard -Yes; Mayor 1;llis -Yes; Mr. Elie rpoulos -Yes. Said nip rtion passed with a S to 0 vote. -25- 08/19/08 1Vf1'. EhOpolil~,s I11i~Vei1 t~~ 1'e;11)1)u111t Shalle .'~-17"les itS 1 1'ebT111:11' 111~I11L,er t~l :9 ., the Slte Plali Revie«~ alld AppeC1rt111i•e Boal'd t~~ Sel"~%~ a tVJir (~) ye•ll' ted111 elldlll? ALIT lSt 31, X010. Up~,n r~~ll call the Conunission voted as folloWS: yh•. It~lcDuff ~. -Yes; Mr. Belllard -Yes; IVfayor Ellis - Y~ s; Mr. Eli; ~p~ ~ul~~s - Yew; 11~f1'. I" et~el' - ~'~'•s. Said In. ~ti~,ll passed with a 5 t~~ 0 v. ate. Mr. 1'et~e•1' llloved tC~ .1pp! ~111t T;Illi~•S B~?1'Si~S ~1S ~t 1'~ ~~11191' 111~•lliti~d' tC~ the Slt~ Plall P\eview alld Appe.1ra11Ce BOaI'd ti ~ solve a tlvi ~ (?) y~ tll' te1111 ei1d111~ Ally 1st 3 ] , '?010, seconded by Ml•. Eliopoulos. Upoll roll call the, Gmllnissic~n v. ~ted as folli-ws: Mr. Be111ud -Yes; Mayor Ellis -Yes; Mr. Eli~,puulas -Yes; Mr, Fe•t~ca' - Ycs; Mr. McDuffie. - Ye•s. Said n1~ ~tioll passed with a 5 to 0 vote. 1V1T. 1bfCL1llfCle 1]]~ ~ved ti, app~?lllt rhl'ls Stl'ily 21s i1 rem liar ni~•111L~e1' t~1 tll~' Slte. P1~111 ReVle•W alld ,~ppe;ll';llli~. Bi_~;1Ci1 tip selv~' a t1:~0 (1) y~.~l' te1111 e11d111L; ALlnllat 31, 2010, seconded by Ml'. Elie ~p~ ~lllc~.. Up~~11 1'~ X11 call the• ~~uliinlis~.i; ~n v~~teil as f~-+llc~~*~s: Mays ~r Ellis - I'es; 1_~ir. Eliopolll~ ~s -Yes; MC. I'e•t~e•1' - Yes; Ml•. McDLlff e. - Ye.s; Mr. Be111a1'd - Yl'•J. Sald lllotloll passed With a 5 t~) 0 V. ate. Ml'. Be•111i11'd 111oVed tC~ ilpl)Olllt Jel'UI"tle San~011~~ ~S '•i 1'i•~Lllal' 1]7~•1111)iT t0 the Slte• Plan P.evicw ;11111 -~ptlcal'arl%e Bi~:al'd t~) ~~l'Vi :3 tl•VU (^) year ted111 edl~jlllJ All~-'1.13t 31, ?010, seconded Uy Mr. 1'e•t^ea•. Up•.n r•.11 call thc, r~~ltllllis~ion vot~'•d as Follows: Mr. Eliupullloa - Ye•S; Mr. I'et~er - ~'eS; Mr. McDL1I'fic. - Y~~s; Mr. Bet'11~u•d - YeS; Mayer Ellis - I'es. Slid moti~ a1 p~lssed with a 5 to 0 v ate. 9.N. APPOINTMENTS TO TIIE BOARD OT ADJUSTI_VIENT: Appoint tlll'c,e (~) 1'eol_lldl' 11ie11iL~e1'o alld tlVu (~) illte111ate nl~•nltierS t0 tli~ BOaI'd i~f Ail~LlstlTl:llt t~1 SC'•rV~~ tl~lo (~) yeal' te1111~ ~•lldllla ~~lloll3t 31, ~~1(_~. Bc1Sed lll)011 't11e• 1'i~tat1611 s}'~tG-111, the apl) ~111t111e11tS Wlll t~~• llladc~ by (~~ ~llllllls3loller Eh~ ~puLl1~~S (Sc•;li ;~ 1), (~i ~11i1111SS1~ ~11~1' T~•t~~•r (S~•at '~) zlllJ CGrnlrliosi~'~nC'•r Mi•Dllrrlu (Scat i'-,`3). Mr. EliopoLllos rlloved to reapp~ ~i11t Clift~.n Miller as a regtllar nl:.tuber t~~ the Bi ~al'd i~r AdJLlstlTlellt t! i S~dvr' 11 tWo (7) year te1111 e11d111a AL1aTl,lst 31, ~~1~), seC~ ~11Nleil by MI•. r..t~er. Upon roll cell the Conmzissiun voteii as rollo~vs: Iblr. ret~er -Yes; Mr. McPLifCe. - Ye::; Mr. Bern~lyd -Yes; Mayor Ellis -Yes; Mr. Eliopoulos - Yrs. Sari motion passed with a 5 tc~ 0 v ate. Mr. Pet~ei- moved t•.• reappoint Belliaril re~le.r~•een as a r~.glilar m.anber to the Bi~;iil'd ~_~FAdJLl5t111e11t t~~ s~•lve :1 t\V~~ (~~ year t~1111 ellihllb AL1oLlSt 31, ~(11(~, s4•COllilcil by Mr. McDuffic.. LTpoll roll c:lll the Culi11ni5si~ ~n votc.il as f_~llows: Mr. McDLlffi~° - Yes; Mr. Le111ard - I'e.s; Mayi ~r Ellis -Yes; Mr. EliopoLllos -Yes.; Mr. I'et~er -Yes. Said 111 ~ti~ ~n pas~~•d with a 5 to 0 vot~•. Mr. McDLiff e stated he• ~~~ould lilac t• ~ def~.r tlis apps ~intrnerlt tc~ the. nc..•~l Regl.llar Meetitlg i•f Septc.111b~•r 3, ?008. -26- 08/ 19/08 At this paint, the time. being 5:14 p.m. Ch2 Cun111zissiun 1]luv2.d t, ~ Item 13, Conmleuts and Inquiries ou Non-Agenda Items. 13. COIVIMENTS AND INQUIRIES ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. 13.A. City Manager The. City Manlge~r statad the. BuynU.•rl Beacll Pulic-2 Depart111el1t vas ettreane.ly ci ~nlpli1112.nt3ry ~•f D2•lray's par::ulledics ~n1d the. ~v;1y they handled the sll~ ~utiiln that accllll•ed and the• Cara they gave their Police Officer. ~2.ci ~ndly, he. ataC2d the. Plul-ida Lean le of Cities (PLC) cunferc:nc2 was bond. The. City 1~~Ia11a?el' e}:p1a1112~:1 h2 went Cu idle SGS~.lu11 i~11 "rOlna ~1'2e11 Wlthullt Going Bri ~l:e" and it vas very interesting. T112 City A~Ianag2a' ~tat2d Chc first b~=n~~rz1 Sl~JJ1V11 Sj)2•a1:21' ~=ras Jim L±~vell tall:.iu~ <<bc~ut tlle• A.poll~~ 13 nlissiun ~~n~l hc. ~~rew some analo~~i2s bl•ttiv2•Gll that alld the cll'i•Lll]1~ Ca11C2• of what lucal auVi:•1111'1`li'11CS raG2 111 Plul°lda. Lastly, the City Manaber stated he is lool:illb f~ ~rwar~l to Ch. Budbat Wol'1:Shi_il, 1~~IeGt111LJ, Next W2.21~: (TLl25Clay, Allollst ~Ij, _'11U3). 13.B. City Attorney The City _'~Cti,1112y sCated t112.y llad ~ t1y~=11 t11at ci~nclLld2d y~ster~l:=ly and th21'e nl: }r b~. Sul"112 1)i~3t 112a1111~ llli,tlullc•. Slie StaCed ih~• Clty W~1S fuLllbl liabl.. 10 perc~_nt and the. other p~u•Cic.s 90 p2.rc2nt ~lnd Chia is t112 resuli of the IIa2.ffertt v. the. City of D2.lray Beach case. 13.C. City Commission 13.C.1. Mr. Fetzer Mr. Peter tllaril:2d the. City M:ulaber fur his nl,_morandum retarding the c.coll:~mlC llill).ZCt ~•f th2 tealllis tuu111am2alts and sCated he. vr~uld like, tli~_ ~,pportullicy at one of tli2 bLIdt2C wul'1:ahopS to tall: ;1boLlt C111S 21 little blt 171o1'e b2G~0.1~'2 th21'e 13 b~ii.~il 111f01117atluli lli tllc. 1112d17o1`i111dL1111 t17at 1122dS to be• reviewed. Secu11d1_y, Mr. PeC~er stated there were a2veral peuplc. t11at ]lave. t:=ill:ed about a11i111a1 ci)lltl•i•1 alld d•~i11~J away with 1112 Animal Culltrul Officer in the, budbet. He stated at the. last Workshul? 1VIeet111~ 11C'• :131:24 fol' 541112 lllul'e ]111~~1111at1u11 1'~•oal'dlllt t111S and the i111pact assessment uC what w2 are: really flying to ~:1~ ~. Mr. Pei~er :.fated another 1SSLle that WaS d1SCLla5Gi1 at the Worlahop M22tlllg \Vl1S 1112 r1bUr2S that Wire t1V2n rebar~~illb the. atnaunt of water Chat is tr2~=ltc.d but nut bei11b bi112.~1. 11~Ir. Peter asL21 if this 1S b,'lnb worked u17 t4 3naly~2 lVh~tt 13 C.0.1S111'2 that or if Chi ~Se 11L1111t,,YB V!~'P~' aC2•Ul':3t2. The. City Ma1laLCa' •~tatc.J Cl1c. nulill~c:rs th2nlselv2s are ai.~_Lir:ai2. The. City iV1an~lger Stated ha d4c.~: not: ~.xp2cC Chat ive 1*~ill h~we, a f11~11 ali,,we.r to that within the, next lilonth or s~ ~ but staff is abbl'ca5ively v/or1:111g u11 it. -27- 08/19/08 13.C.2. Mr. Eliopoulos Mr. 111apuL1laS iallllllellted abc-Lit t11e c•11art that was enlatled to the Ctty Cununisaiun shawirld how tlle• wlter is ettillg pLllllped. IIe. stated he too ;v~~Llld like. to see how this pry ~blem works ~ gut. Secolldly, Mr. I;lir_~puLllus stated at Millel• Pal'1~_ at the. south elld c•f the pall:ino before you enter thc. larbe pal'1:i11g lot illere used to t~~. a stop si j 1 tlle.re.. Ike stlced from ;what he earl tell tlle. sia~ll disappeal•ed probably dLll'ing th~• storm. Mr. )/liop~~Lllu.. Stlted when the. clrs are• taming Llp that way ~Uld the•1'e ;:Il'e ills; ~ C11'S Gallllllg allt of the pilrl:1110 lot liu ~!lle• 1S Sty ~pl?llly ~1101'tll cif Dattel'el I:.aa~~~ itlld t11~ 1'e 1S p~ ~tedlta:l,l fi}r illl a~•i•1de11t. 13.C.3. Mr. McDuffie Mr. McDuffie C~ rllllll~•llted aballt a llleetlllg he had with the. agent f_n• one. of the bidders un the. beach cunce•ssiuri. IIe. stated he. mc.t With the. attol-ncys f .r a11e. ~•f dle. bidders along ;with tile. bidder .himself Mr. McDuffie atated lle would lilac. to discuss SG111e Uf the•lr ~O11C•ed11S Wlth tl'le clay Mi111i1ge1' i~11d is pretty Cel'talll th1S ~illl be• 1'e•o! ~l.Ve•d. Secondly, Mr. MCDllffle• i'~ 4]1111ellced aballC the allllllal i'allh'i~l Sltllatlall and asked it the. City feels the County can actually pick up the slat}.. Tlle. City Maliaber stated the County will nut provide. the. ~1uality of service. that the. City •..f D.lray Beach has Veen pry ~viding. Mr. McDuffie stated he. had a wunderfi.ll e.~_tended wee•l1e•ncl in St. Allgll3tllk ~1 s11~ art tulle aou .111f] feels It 13 the j,~TeateSt c}:an1171e of h1St~ ~1`IC 111'C''8~ 1"V;:Itli ~Il In the St:ate ••f rl~ ~rid1. He. stated llc sCayed in a I;e.1 alld Breal:faat quid :.a;;! beiiutifill homes that W,~rc. restored impeccably. II,_~;r~ever, Mr. McDuffie ~.tlted h: ;v<<1L-cd ilraund all,} b~~t lllta S~ ~111e 11'e•a5 chat ;`!el'e lip ~t 111 the 11'8:.1 thilt catered t =~ toll}"13t~: ~ili~ r=~Ll11Cl 8~ ~m~. ~ ~lil StrLli•tllr8.3 have, became so blighted that is is Luibelievable.. I-Ie scatc.d same. of these Stl"LlCtlll'8S }lad sheets of plywood flailed un then}, roughly painted aver, scr_ens l:rlucl:ed C~Llt, a11d day ors misaing. l~Lr. McDuffie stated it was such it contrast franl just a fe•w blacks away. IIe stated the. Colillilissiun male a decision this cvenino C•• siwe a gorgeous GOlltl'lblltll'lb hlstallCal Stl'LlCtlll'e by ai•tli~ll~ they taCrl: tuliloht which way "out-uf the.-box" thilll:ing t~llt fc~e•ls chat is whclt it lakes t• ~ lour: 1t llu;v ;ve. cill~ save ill} these atnlctures. Mr. MCDllfhe• Stilled llle Clly lleed3 t0 roar: 1l 50111e a1118•r Wa}'S thin W8• C:111 da ~a111e ulher thlllg5 f_~1' Sa171e i~f the other' SCl'LICCLlr85 that ctre ~ ~Ul }here sG tl'11l bVe du [lot tL1111clraLllld 111 a c:~ ~ul,le of years ~ui~ f nil aurse.lves in the position th::~t Si. ~1Llgll~;tine h:~s. fc~LUi~~ the°mselves 111 ;Vhel'e"' the•}' haVe• SalTle ~tl'LLi tLlreS 11111 are CrLllnb1111b ~Llsl aLllSlde the laLlrlSt attllChull area ~.f their city. Mr. McDuffie stated lie feels the. Conllnisaioll did u o ~~•d thing conighl and feels we. need la t11i111: ~-bout things like. that and lour: at uLU' ah~lnatives in saving 111eSC 111stanC S1rllctLlreS. Lastly, Mr. McDuffie. tharll:ed the Porg; ~tten Soldiers gild evelyolle, fir recognizing his son tonight. -28- 08/19/08 13.C.4. Mr. Bernard 1blr. Ba111CaTd stated he• reCelVerl 11LI111eroLlS tc•leph~ rlle• Calls 1'c~Dardllla the. animll control especially fr• rnl the S~ rllihw~~st area. III. sCater1 h~. had ~i me.~.t~inb «~ith Mr. C"llucl: P.i~lley and the. homer_~wners assn rciation :llld iC appe~us Chat the re~ide•11t~ llad a 1~ rt of pr. ~bl._ 1113 in re ~;ards to 1• rose. dogs 111 tlic• llelbhbr,rh~ r. rd. >Vlr. Be.111~~rd :.laced he would hlre t0 s~e~ if the Clty Call cal:e C:aru' of the d~!o 1SSLleS that are• no111b ~ r11 lli t11e Sout1lWGSt ad•aa. IIe stated Conllmlllity Patr~ rl, Che• Policy Captain and the Chief of Police. ware there and he beli~.vaa they are. worl:ina Co try ~anl mal~e• tli~at neiohborh~ god ~, liCtl~ batter. Secondly, Mr. );c111a1-d statacl his wife. is h~wino contractions and he. will ba at the• hospital f• rr tlle• lle_~t couple of nays. 13.C.5. Mayor Ellis Mayor L'llis sC~lted ~viCll regard to c~ ~1111ne•nls expressed by lhe• public re~ardin~ animal contl•~ rl, Jllc• stated a1C11; rUgll evel~,~on? staid to l:ael7 the. Auiulal Co11Cro1 Officer not r~lle. lh'•rS~rll had ~ sir111t1o11 ;as to V/h~d'e thl~' 111o11~y G~rlllil Curl"le• fr~r111. Sha suited the. Con11111SS1o11 h1S Strllgglei~ with whaC is golllg to be Cllt alld What 1S nO111D to lnal:e. it. Mayor >llis stated. we. slr:,llld encourage Chc.~e. people: who l:llv;_ these. personal 1~Slles t~ r t:hllll_ ~rf a ,~rllltloll thilt RroUld hale the. C~ r11ll111SS1o11 11"1 . ~1'der for thedll to get What they want. Seccaldly; she. stated sll~: enjoyed Che. PLC confer,::lv.e• in Tampa this weel~end and slle. particularly lil:al Clle Mayor.' C. inference that they had one. day. Mayer l;llis stat~•d we. all h~i.ve. Che ~~~ulle. problems belt feels that whin yvu begin t•r 1111: about tlied77 ~jirll beglll ter sae her\S/ ~llSt il•Veal_lllg thllloS ;1 llllle blt wlll g1Ve yoll Solll~~ different ideas. Lastly, Mayor 1Jllis Col]"llllellted o11 Ch,~ Mllllicip~ll Solutions P~cpori the Colill~li~~.i~ nl re.ceived at lhe• Worl_sh~ ell MeeCirlg lasC wee.l:. She. atatad alCholloh there era Si r117e loslles that llcail to be. ailih'eSSed the CCHlslllt:dllt lV;a;i very flaccid"llla Of i rlll' f111~11C1~1 savvy and rnrt that it has jllsC happened in a year tiui; th~rt i( li~~~. h,lppelled over the l~lst `?0 years. Mayor >/'llis ,:fated the. report also lllealtianed that the clcparCnlents hav. a ~.pirit of providing e:t;cellent sel-~~ice. arld iC spreads fi•r,ni Che. d~~partnlenC hearts d~rwll Co the dapartnl,_ nts sand it was very e.videnC to Chem. Ivl~~y~ n' 1/llis sCaCed sh? is very proud of that and feels the City Man:~~~er deserves a lot of the. credit fur this. Thera. being ilo fur(hed- bllsin,:ss, May..r Lllia cle.cl~~rca Cllr. meeting acljou111rd at 8:34 p.rn. y -29- 08/19/08 ~ .. City Clerk ATTEST: ~Q~. MAYOR The. iuidarsinnad is the. City Clc~•l: of the City of Delray Beach, I'l• ~i-id::~, end the infonri::~tiun provided herein is thy. Mintrte.s of the Pagul:;ir City C,_~mmissi~•n Me~e~ting held on Aube-at 1~', ~-1C-8, ~vl~iich Minute: were. f=~t7iially approved ::uzd adupte.d by fiha City Conunission on Sapte.mbar 3, 2008. ~~ ~ ~ City Clerk NOTE TO READER: IC the. Minutc.~ yvu have. raceivc.d are• n••t completed as i-~,1ic::~ted ~=~b~ we•, this meuls that are. nut the. ~ ~ffivial Minutes ~ •f the City C. ~rmi~issi~ •n. Tl~-ey v~ill bac. ~n7a, the official Min~ite~ only after review c~nd approval wl~iich niay involve so~nle. a~iiicndniealts, additions ur deletions as srt f. n-th above,. -30- 08/1 y/08 FORM 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS LAST ltA61E-FIReT lt.ANE-AtJLILILG NN1E ,t~14h1E ~'iP fY)4fiG,,~',~I~JfFJIL, ~`~'~R/Ml:. ib"JN, AUTF ~RITr , ~~fi ~.;i ~lAMffTt:E GATE ON THE L'•~~ArG, C+?IiJtb;IL, ~'~~H6113b?tl, cIJTI-Iv~'ITi i~r. ~~~MR111TEE LN II•:H I ~•ERVE I i A Uf fIT ~~F: ~~fTf p%~SUffTi 0 ~3THEr` LuCALA•3EtL_Y 1461 :tF` -LI1b:rZ1.. J1;iG :Til~J`f: !AY PuiITN~tj 13, ELE~TiVE O PFPGItdTIVE WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B This form is for u:~~ fey ;any pars~~n :~~rving at th, ~ounly, city, ~.r vth.:r local Iw~a of ~juv~rnrni;nt url an aripuint~~~i i~r ab:.a`..~ tN ~ar~9, c_•un._il; cc~mmis~,i~m, :autl~iurity, or curnn•~ilt~_•_. It apfdi~as o~_lually to fn~~m~~r: ••f awis~~ry arnJ nun-a~ivicory b~~Jii::~ who an. I:~rus•nt~~i wiftl a voting conflict rf inU.r~st un,j~~r ~•.clicn 11~. X143, Flori•ia 3latut~s. Your n_:.punsibiliti~s'urnj~~r trn~ Isar whan fac:•j with voting on a rn•~asuro in which you h;av~ s c•~nt1i~t of intal-ast will vary grvafly drrpcn~ing on wh~thrr you h~~l~~ do el~.ctiva or appointi4y f~~sition. for thi::~ «.a~on plus? pay C14S3 att~nti~in to lh7 iriyUu~ai,,ns on this fume bafota cumpl~.tir~g tha revors~_ side an.1 filing the fim~. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143 FLORIDA STATUTES A r~ersun hui•~ing ~I~~~tiv~_ cr app~~il~tiw~ cuunly, n•wnicipal, or oth•~r 6,~^al public trflic~, MUST ACiSTAItJ fr:,m v~~ting ..n a ma:r~uro which inures to his or her sp•~~_~al privat,~ gain ur lugs. E~~•_h al~ct~-~i or.aF~F•uint•,d lu•_al ofii~_•_r als~~ is F~f~hibib_•i fnm F:rn~wingly w~~ting on a m~~a- sure whi.:h inlfn3s to th~~ sF«,ci::,l gain or lus; i,f a prii-.cipal (vtii~~r than a auv~~rnn-I•-nt a~.,ncy) by whurn h~3 ~x ch`. is ratyir~~~:,J (including tha parant c~rganizati~ ~n ur s~.dsidiary ...f a corFurJt•~ principal 1.y whi•_:h h.~ .,r 5hc i~: n,t:~in•~•i); to Uic Sp~~~=ial privab~• grin ar lus:~ of a n_I::,tiv~~; ur t~J they sp~,~:fal prlVyt.~~ ~]'jln ~~f I~~,ia ~~d`,6 bUln~?5~ rl3~v_lat?. 1-'~Jfllnll.i~aun•r3 •5t •^r~nlrnlJnlty I'~~•~•i:Vvl•~pRl:nt clJ~~n~f~.j IJn~wf ~~~_~'. 1C~•J..J~-,O Gf 1F3.3`7, F..~., an~~ uffic•,rs .•f irnJ~, ~?rnl~nt ~. ~~.ti~,l h:,;: dis n~Js ~I~~r_.t•~• , ac n_ v+at•~ b:asis are nut pruhibita~l from v~ding ire that ~apaciry. For purpo~.•,,; of this lativ, a "r~lativu.° incaud~,s only the of6•_•_r's iath.=r, rnotl-~or, sun, daughter, husbar~•J, wifa, brolli~_r, sister, fath~,r-in-13w, niu,th~,r-in-l.,w, con-in-I::~w, :ir„J .jaughtar-in-I;~w. A "Uusil ios a_ ~a~~i~6~" m~~ ar~_ any Jr,rsur~ of ~_ ~ ility ~_ nga;~ad in ~ •r carryirn~ ~.n a buaina~s ent"rpriaa a~itl•I th•, .,f(•>~r as a purtn?r, j~~int v~~ntlJn~r, c•~~owrn_r of prop.-riY, ar c•~rpur~t,~ shan~huldcr (wl-n~r~ th~_ shares ••f tli~= .::~rf•orati~~n are n,a li:;t•_d un ariy national Gr n~giunal stv:E: ~.~~.hanga). ELECTED OFFICERS: In a•~diti~an to ab.:aainin~l fruni v~tina in thn; sltuatl~_~ns ~~•- crib,~d abuv~, yuu mu.a. dis•~lus•= the ~,• ~nfli~_t: Pf'I~ir-: T~~ THE V~:~TE GElft~~ TAF:EtJ by put~li~_ly staling t•~ tli~ d,;.;.~n-~t~ly tl-~o. n:abJrc ~~f y~~ur ird~,n,at i~~ ttn~ Irn~aaur~~ •~n whi~_h you ar~~ abstaining ffurn v~Ming; anJ WITI-IIhJ 1~ Ci4Y; AFTER THE VuTE ~~~~~~UR~ L-y c•~rrq:~kting and riling Uiis iorrn with U~I, p~:rson rrsporwibl~ fur r~c~rdir~g d-r~ niin- Ut~~.i of they 1'll•'~aing, who shoi.lb~ in.;.rJ-,urat.~ the fuil1i in tli~ minutas. APPOINTED OFFICERS: Although y. ~u must abstain frun~ volina in tho situat]or~s ~~~3s~~rilr,d btro~_, yuu utr~•=rtivi;;~~ ni;ay parti~_ipat~~ in th~~s~_ matG;r. Hiw•,v~r, you must disco Esc tha ndturo. of thn; ic~nlli~_t bafcm= rnaF:ing any aia~:n~~rd to inflw~n•~•~ the da~;isi~.n, whether ~;r311y ~.r. in writing .an~9 wh~_tl"r3r rnad:= by you or at y~aur ~iirectiun. IF YOU If~TEWG TO w1t:F;E At~'~' ATTEMPT T~~ ItJFLUEtt~::E THE DEC:I,~h=~tt PRIG=1R TU TI-IE MEETING F,T VVFlli:hl THE VVTE lMLL EE TAKEN: • You roust ~;~~mJ51r~t•~ and fil•_ ll~~is funil (b•~f~~ro rnaF:ing arty ~ttcrnpt t•~ influan~~ Ui~. d~~c;aiun) with tlic, pars•.n r~~.=possible fOi r~~a~idir~g the minute; Gf thy, rnc~~ting, wfla will inc• ~rpur~~ta li~~•, forr~i in th~~ r~iira~t•~.•. (~_ontin~.le.•9 on oth•,r siJa) CE FGRM GL' - EFF. 1/~OtiO PAGE 7 APPOINTED OFFICERS (continued) • A wpy of tha form must ba provai•~~i imm~iiabay t,~ thy. athar mambars of the ag~rny. • Tha fume: mint t, j; r~a~i publicly at tl~r~~ n~~:,t n7~:~ting aftc c ilia fum is fib.~i. ' IF YuU ti1Ah:E NO ATl'EMPT Tu RJFLUEPJCE TWE DEVISIUN FrCCEhT EY DISCUSSIutJ AT THE MEETIPJ+.i: • Yuu must disclosa orally th~~ natura .,f your ax-fli~t in tha maasu.r~. h+~fura parti~patirr,~. ., : , _ rs~in pus nsitly f~:,r racor+iin, tl ra minutas of tha • You must complain tha form .and. fill it within 15 +i-:+ys after tha vut~a ~rcurs with [t•' ~ po 3 ma.6ng, who must inr;~rpurala tha b~mi in th~_ minulas. A c~~py ref the farm must f~~ prvvi,i~~~i irnme~ii at~~ly to tha ~_~th~~r mamb+:r5 of lha agency, and tha form must ti? rand publicly at the nea ma~~ting aft~:r tha f~:,m~ is filed. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST I, ~~ L ~\\~~ ' ti , h,r~L,y ~ii5~;lv:3~~ th.st ~m ~? ~~ , 2+) -,~~ .: (a} A m~~asurr +:am~. i,r will Gini~~ t•,+rfera my ugancy wl-iicit (~hec~ vna) inured to my sp•::.ial privata gain er I.ss; r„__ (-~ + inured to tha sp ~~;ial gain or loss of my h' u.~irn~ss ass~~ciaU , C ~ ~ ~.~]~.- _ inured to the sp~.~_aal gain car I.,:~s of my n_Lstiva, _ inur..,i to tta_ special gain rr hiss cif , ny whrm I am n~taine~i; ~~r _ inun~d t~~ the sp~~~i~l grin er loss. of ,which is tfr: parent i,rg:_mizativn or sub.~i.ii:3ry .,f a principal vfiich has rataira:d nro~. (t,) Ttu~ m~a~:un3 tr'.f~9r~- n'ry agan~::y and th~:+ nature. ~~f my ~~:,nfli~aing inf~.r~..t ire tlr rnr~~Wuns i:~ as folh~,ws: tl~!TI+~E: UIJbEr Pf~+~Vl~IOlJ:3 +~F FL+=rF;IG4 STATIJTE~ ;11:'.317, :1 FAILURE Tu M.4F'L- AtJ'r' rC+~UIF'EG DI~+~L+~~UhE C~~(I:~TITUTEc: GF'irUfJG:~+ F+~F; AIJC+ MH+' CiE F-ItJISI-IEG E`+' +!tJC Crl= MGF;E +~+F THE FvLLGVVIII~~: IMfEA+~a-IMENT, f EMuVAL +>>C.:iU:~NEtJ:iI~~tJ FR+:JM OFFI~;C uF. EMPL~J'i AAEt•JT, GEMvII+ ~lJ, f~_EGU+;TI+rtJ IIJ C:r\LARI', REPf-.IMAtJG, +_+!Z A CIVIC PEIJALT+' tJ~=rT T+=+ E;~.! :EEG '~i+~,u~~~i. GE F~_~RM F_!0 - EFF. 1r~rn_w~ PF:GE Z FORM 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY MUNICIPAL AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS t1AA1E--FIRST rr.~~IdE-1.11DDlE MAh1E ri<11A[ ~?F RL~t3RG, G~JIRh:IL, i,;~:~lAldl:iSl~:+f J, AUTFN:RITi, ~,R+::~}Mb11TrtC- ~J~-~~-~t W' , m 1S-(- I,' .1-1s _I. ;~r; .,.'~ J ~ 1.1111 . , ~- - - -. - r. ~ ~-` 61,41Ufrv ADGr+.Ea: ~-. -'-`=•r---'- ..,y_~ - - -- - - - ~n ~ ~ TFIE 6GAf•C~, "?+Jfb~IL, ~:•:JA1CL11.iSb;N, AUfH~;fiiTi ~~R t:.CMAMfITEE i:itJ --~ `~ ~- ~.. ~- _Y ~ '•~ ~ `, 'F , ,~ r ~~ ~, ~ WhIG`t~S'EP b~ A IJtJIT iJF: !'IL1' ~-,_, TI 1T~n-i ^ ~:~JUtJTi ^ ~;TI1Ef? LG+_ sl A•~Erb~ t rC~ ~-,4y,L l.. -- ' ~ ~~ i t~ f14ti1[ "~FPGUTUPlc I~;[`~~I~1S!•;rL DATE Oft Ir'H ~~TE ~};t:.UP.RED ~.~ 1~i ~! ~ ~ ~!~-'- I~~~ '~ ~-r<'=~~ ---- -_ g ~ElEt:11VE ^ APPJIflTIVE WHO MUST FILE FORM 8B This farm is fir u~.~ by any p..rs~_m s•.rvin.J at th•; c•;unty, city, car ~th~r I+-,~ ail lwel of ~~~.v.-rnm•~nt rJn an af+~~c+inb~•J yr ~~6~ ~t~ J r~oanJ, ~•;+Jn~_il, c:,mmissi~;n, authority, ur u•;mmilt~~:. It a~+Kdi~s ~~ually b; m•-niL~~ry ~_~f a~Jvis~~ry an+J non-a•jvi.;~;ry b~~•ji~s v~li~; ara pr~s~=nlr~~i with ~~ v~;tin~ confiic.t of int~~r•;st un•j.r :3•~•_ti•;n 11.314;,, FL;Ii~Ja :~lalutas. Your rr,;:,p,;n5it:~iliti•~:; urna ~r the law whin fa:•;•i with vutin~J vn .; rneasura in whi~.h yell have a i~on0i•a of int~r~st will vary ~JrNatly dej:en~9ina «;n wt>•ahar you h•;I~i an •~lr~aiv: ~r appointive: position. Frr this r~.as•an, pl:-asp; pay ~y~s•~ att~ntivn to th~j instru~tivns un Uiis fumy twf~r~ c~:x'nplr Ling thr nwcr5•~ ieJ : en•j filing thi; form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES A p~,rs.;n h.;bJing e~lactive ~~r apl-~ointiw; c•;unty, municitr~l, ur olh•yr b;cal public: ofti.~•, MUST AG~TAIN irom outing ~,li a n'i~~:sure whi,ih inurHs to hir; or h•;r spe~_:i:.J prival•, .Jain ter I~,~s. Ea•: h ele•ae•J or app;,int._ ~J log: ~l ofn~_•sr als•; iy prohihile~ Irom knowirr~~ly ve~tin.J ien a mea- sura which in+.rn_ :, to tr+~ f»;~~ial .Jain r:r less of a Nrin ipal (vtrnar than a ~~ wernrre.=nt ag~.ncy) Ley whom he or she is r«*tsirn:.J (irn_lu•aing tha par~.nt organization ~;i sul;si~Jiery ~f a •_•;r~~.;rata principal by whi•_h li•-, :.r ~:he i n;taini;~_Ij; to th~~ p•;•:ial private; ;Jain or I•ss r,f a naativ=; or t~ trb~ SF•~•I:al prlVat~? g~ln {,f Ii ~J::i .;t ~ Lusin•_sJ :3~,3G<.13t3. 1~•~ninils~k;n~.f:, •~t {•rnrnUnlry fe~~•~Vel~ ~pfn•~flt a~,_I'~rn~l•~s une~,~r sec. i+3.:;n6 ,;( 1d:s.3F7. F. ~~., and c•ffi~~•,ra of ir+•J,,I_~en~Jent spa,~iil t.a:• •Ji~,tri~.t.; ~~b~ct_d an a one-acre, t•rn;-vbb' b:a:~is :;re rn~t pr.•hibit••J frrrn voting in tliat r.~pa~ty. - Far p+.irp•~_e.: of this I:~+w, a °relative° irn_lu•Jes ••nly th•; offi~_ar's fattier, nicdlier, ion, ~laugrQ•;r, hu~trrnJ, wi6~, bn;th~r, yist~~r, fstlier-in-law, math•r-in-law,s_•n-in-law, anew .laughter-in-law. A "LuSin,~_..=. a,;;.;o~_iai~" rnaan :any ~_r..,-,n .;r ~.ntity •;n;Jag~_~j in ~,r ,_;+rr,rin~J pan ;business r:.nt~-rl;ri~a witr~ tr+•; eiffi,_~-r as. a p.;~rtner, j,,int v~ntur~-r, ~:c~;wn~,r r;f pn;h._ry, ~;r ta.rf~•;rab~ ah~+reh•:•IJ~;r (wli~:r•; t~+a shar•=s •_~f th•~ ~_•;rf,~ gyration ar, not li';te~J on s,ny rational or re;Jie,nal stoe~J•: ,_ ~ cr+anga). ELECTED OFFICERS: In ad•lition L; ;:,Gstainina fry •ni vr_etin~J in tlie. it+_rati:,ns •le •;rilw•j :~b•;w_, y.•u rnu.;t •Jiaclv.;e the coi-illiCf: PRIOR TO THE VOTE EEIt•JG TAh'Efl by publie;ly strtiog to th•; ass•_nibly lrn; natun, ~,f your int~;re.;t in triG mea:ur~~ un which you ara abstai+iing from outing; and WITI-IItJ 1~ GA'+" AFTEF THE V~JTE ~!~=+,IJR ~ by e:Unipb=tiny anJ filing this form with. tri•; per~•;n r<a,ponait~6= for re_ording lh~~ min- utes of thr ni.e;ting, wh.; shaul•J in•_•;rp•;rat•; tha form in the rnuiule~. APPOINTED OFFICERS: Althou~ar+ y;+.r must at+stain fr~.m voting in the situstion.; •le~_rib.~~l ar~ovF, you othervvi.;.=. r+iay F~yrtiripat~; in trn-.~: matG~r. How~wer, you must discbs• lrn: rrature of Uie e_onili~.t b~,ie;r.: r+i;F;in•3 any 8tt~,nipt t•• inli+.+•;ncw the .lee_i;ion, whether orally ur in wrilir~g anel whetliei Ir+a.le by yuu or at y.;ur elirrction. IF YOU ItJTEtJD T+=+ R1,al•:E AtJ'i ATTEMf T T+1 ItJFLUEtJ+~:E THE GECI ~l+=JtJ PF'IGF. Tr:1 THE MEETItI+.i AT WNILH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: • You rnuat complete a+i~ i fit•_ this form (beF~re rnaE ir+g eny attempt to infiw:rrt~, the de~_isi~;n) with the p.,r~on re~por+sibl.~ fter rc•_~;rdirnJ Uie rninut•~s of the +ii.,ating, who will ir+corpe;r~,G~ the 6xni in the rninutea. (Cc•ntin+_+.~9 on oUi•~r side) r;'E FORM PC - EFF. 112000 PAGE 1 APPOINTED OFFICERS (continued) ' • A wpy ~f the fomt must bC, provi~j~-~j imm~.iiat~~ly to the uthar m~~mtr:r5 of thy: agan~:y. • The form must tea r~a.j publi~ay at Ui3 n.~t m~sating aft~ar tha fomi i:, fib~.i. IF YuU MAF:E Nu ATTEfv1PT TO I~JFLUENI.E THE DECISION F~CCE{'T BY CJI:~+.USSI~~tJ HT THE MCETItJG: • You must disdosa orally tlia nature of y~urconQict in tha maasura Ir.for~_ participating. • You must coniplet~a Uie. form..and file it within 15 days afta~ thy, vota ours viith thc'parshn responsibly for r~c~r~ing tha minubs of tli~, myyting, who must inwrp~xat•, thv fixrii in thy minutas. A c~~py of ilw b~nn roust b~~ pr~wi~i•~~i immc-~iiaGay tr, tha other m~~mbars of th,a agyn~,y, and the furor must.b: read pubfii:l}i of tl>z nnxi n~~~-ctirtg aftor lha fomn is fib=~i. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST J, ~•~~~; ,. ~• ~,~)Li1~~~t, ~-~~ r-..rcl;y,ii~closy that ~m Cr ~~~ ~ 1 `'1 a~ ~-,•;. (a) A niaasura cam,, or will a~mc tr.f~ra my og ~ncy v~iiich (ch~~~:Ic piny) ~inurti to my sp.~~ial privab~ gain ~r la•}~; 'inured to.thy sFN~~_i~l gain i,r loss of my businLss ass~,:i3ty, , inura~i to thy, sp~•`ial gain car I~~ss of my r~la6va, ' inury~i to th, sF~~.~a~,l gain yr IE:rs.S cif , by wh~.m I am rytaina~j; yr _ inurFd,tu tha spa~:ial gain orlass of .' , v>hioh is.thy parent arganizati•.n ~:,r sutsi~~iary of a.prin~.ip.~l ~~hich has ra.ain~~i ma. (b) The nic:asur~ b•.farc. my ~,gyn;,y and th~~ n3lun~ i'+f my ~ ~~n(ii~.t+n~ into=rest in tha rr~ ~a.~uny i.: ay f ~ll:v~s: • 1 ~ ~; i'~~ ~ ~r~ Dato File r-. ~b~n~bJfa ~J~~TICG: UNGEP PFGVISh=+td:~ uF FLuF:IGA STATUTES ~11`.'.31i, A FAILUF.E TC+ b1AF:6 Atd'i RE~IUIPED DISCL+"~~UPE. C+JhJSTITUTES +3R~!UtJG~ F~ +P AtJC+ MA'+' BE PUtJI;~HECr G'+• +~tJC +=+P M+~F'E +~F THE F~~LL+=rWIIJG: JMPEACHMENT, REMi~~AL Ufl :iUSPEtJ:~b~tJ FRuM +~FFIVE GP EMPLU'r'MEflT, GEM<<+ThJtJ, ~ECrUCTIutJ IPJ SALAR~1', REPFIMAt•JD, OP. A CIVIL PEfJALT+' tI~JT T~_+ Er ~_:EEC+ $1~i•3+~+~. w. Ce Fc~rra a~ - SFr--. v~ucN~ PAGE 2