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08-26-08 Minutes WS
WORKSHOP MEETING AL~b ist 26, 2iiC~8 A ~v/oi:l~shc,p M~e~ia of tli:: City Cc ,ir~-rissic,n c ,f di,~ Ciry of L~~liay P~~:~cl-i, P'larida, ,~~;s call,~d ~c~ order 1_,y Mayoi: Ritz, Ellis iii die rirat door Conf~°renc~ room :~t City IL~ll ai: 6:00 p.m., oil Tu,°s.3ay, August 26, 2008. Roll call sho~a~ed: Present - Coi-r,_n~iission~.i Gaiy P. Eliopottlos Coir~rissioil,°r rr~d L'. r',~r^er Coi~,.t~v.ssi; moiler ~X1oo~1i.~ T_`/IcDufFi~ C~mtrission~r T_t~1~~cLens._,ii reri~ar~l Mayor Rita Ellis Also present ~E~ere - Pat-id T. IIarden, Cily Mailag~r ~tlsaii I'iut-.y, Ciiy AtU~ri~ey Cl~::celle D. 1'lubiii, Ciry Clerk M<<yor Ellin calle,_l the in~elii7a t_, order and a~mouil~~d drat it l;ad L-„~e~~ c:1ll;:~1 for tl~,~ l;,il~~os~~ of Coiislderiria hlZe Ic ~11G~x~iii~ itc177s: WORKSHOP AGENDA 1. L>el :;;z~, P;.acl, PuL-,li~~ LiL-~:~iy P,~<<rd I-~`i '~00~-'009 Eudget Pc:~~~ie~t Alan Y_ori1L-lau, Lit-~raiy Directc,r, pr~;se~itecl ilus it~i-r~. II.~ iiiuoduc~d Libraiy Io_ud MemL--ers D~iziel Murt:~u~fh, rtl~tn CheslaCl:, PG~I~rC CUYrlc z!n!j ~a11~1y ~llLiotl. I'_ar~:i7 ~~i:"?1:;011, ~l~'~1~LSL11L Library DIr2•~tJY, ~~Ta~ a.l~o present. 1_`~~Ir. Y..ori~l ~l~ua did. a Po~f~crPoiiic pr..se~iiatio~i outliriilg (-he FY_'OOS-''009 hiLld~~et rcdu:at. III diacusscd file ir,issi~•il statci113iit, ~Tisi._,n Gild aozL of t17e Public LiL-raiy. Mr. I~ornl~lau act.~~i::,,~d that overall tl-ie L-udae~ h~~d a .91% iiicr~~as~~ ii1 ezpen~iit~.tres «~lvcli is b:i~ically p._rsoian~~l 1:•.°cluse of ~_~tci,d~~cl ~~v~~ruiia lio,irs an~j increased h,°ald,c~r~ uls,ir~nc~ ~,~;ts. IIe ctll-e.] t11._ P,_iL-~li,: LiL~r:~.i ~ 1-~~~ ~r~,~-~c~s,~rl tc~ T- ~, ~ ~XIi-Fi access t, ~ Delray reach free c.E charo,~. The Ere.: s~_i-~Tic.= would L-•e lc.c:~r;~d ~.c 11.7. IS` A~-,~nue aild At15ti1Clc F veilLie "il-,icl: is oil tl~~ Tenni:. Cencer prol~eriy. Mr. I'_oii~bl:~u discuss.~d fi.~nclii~~• Eroi~, +1,e Ciry and CGi11i11L1111Ly P'_,~;L~~Telol~i~a,~nt ~~g~nc~- (CP_,'1), ~__pe~~dltui~s ails ~z~l~ere costs coLtld b~ rut. IIe, cG:.cuss~~r1 son~~~ of d~` seizTic,,s die P~_it-~lic lit-,raiy provi~lcs c... ics pai~:ons. May_.r Ellis tl~anl_~d Mr. Yornblau f_~r 1-~is l~r,~s~~it~,uori aii~1 :~EFiriried it is .,n .°=~c~llent library. Mr. rct^er coiri~~ent.~d i~lz'l[ ii7 ,'lpril '_'008, he ~~r~s <<ppoinc.~d as liaison ~o d;,= PuL-~lic LiL-rary. IIe stated shat die road ~,t die P~iL~lic Lil_raiy is t%~iy dedicated. 1_~ui lli,;y ar.~ Eace1 ~ajid~ L-u~lbet and rep%ci,Lie cutL-~ack challei7bes. I,2r. h,liopoi~los cjLte~iion;:d if d1c fiLi~alsil7o acuViiy is :cr,7,ist=a7t :,cross d7e l;ra<<rd. H.° also discu'~sed die att~l7.lance at d7~ lit-rrary anal ~.,l:~cl if S>.ulel:,y is :, eloi~~ day. l.'h'. I_GiC11i1:1L1 C11~CU~~.e~ C0171,~ ~,f il7e rZl11Jt:11a?o :1r~i1i%1U~5. 1Ic :1Clir1~'cCl 111:11 ~l"lftCliiy i3 a i%~r}~ 1?Ll,iy clay al the libr:-tty L-zit personnel. iL%otlld have to l.e paid cn~crtui7e to •x,ver it. I,~r. Er~rnar~l asL-~°d if Illr 1'~elray Lil-rrstly c~~,ue~tr~d a llioli~r amount frvlil Il7e CF A f_,r F~`i 200x- 2009. II,_ ~1L1~°5i1,_~liCCl if L"11i:]'~ is a cast f_rr ~~~i-ri to ~11~ lit-~ru-}r. II;: illiscues,~,1 Illr~ 11,_=TJ oe~alsi^:~rion That old ~ch,~ol Scj,_iare i•~ ststiul7b f_rr jTotiuio l~rafe:.siolials. 1',~Ir. Pr~riiaccl ~l,ie:.iiorteCl i=~liy 1-17c liL-rary's hauca tc~ ilicr~a~ing ail iiddiii,_rt1a1 tilr:~c (~) ho,"lrs cnl Tlinr•~d~ty. I:Ir. I:orr~L-lau aclVisr°d liar a re.l,a•°.,t Cor rilorc f~_it1,1:: «Jas i~iad,~ b.• llie CP.~1 iii JL>ly. IIe als.~ .• adi%is~d th~ce is llc ~_si: b~caus~~ tlic ~I1-Fi sy::tr~rn i~ it1,_lcpclid:~nt. IIc discua.,r~rl 11ie ne~i~ Graai]1.~a11on L"1"lat fV)l.l J~~IiCrGl .``,C jLl~l~~ i~;, SCitrCLllo i~~ ~,11ia PL,~f~:;~ir_~11:a1•~. ,~f L~~~il~ty (`i'P~_~L~). r~Ir. I'_ociil~lau e_~_plauie_1 tl7e cur.=lit lil~caly hours snd 3[aCCCl that ille Board r.~clu~~st~~r1 e-~t,:ndr°d 11GLi1:S d~uuib the week. P.2syor 1=/lli<: asl ed h,=,ii~ lila~iy _z,1i,11 a_~rilp,~ters the Litrc~tr}~ ll~tve.. 1`JIr. Y_c.isiL-rlt,_l 1;lvi;;ec1 il~ere :i,•~~ f_rriy (1.0) ~~Cl~.ilt conip,it,~ic and s,°v~il (7) coL71p,_iters for ,~17i1Clcen, iV171C11 t11cy i!Ye IOOkJil~ t0 e ~-p:ind. Mr. rc-t~,~r t~l~e_l if d7~~re ~ atiyd7li~a fcotii di, CPA iticlicaiit7g Ilieir propC rserl fzuidilio. I~a~~id T IIardeli, City Maiiaaet, r,_spolide•l no. The C~_ar;l"rtission 11~izu1Lcc1 Il7c Delr«y Bc~~ch FtiL-rlic LiL-r:~i-y foc its j~res~°iitation. ?. Proposed ~~ve raiicc Pi7cLa Iaa%id T. IIardel?; City l.Zanaaer, presr~tit:.d this item. IIc stai,~r1 ~~F7rJ tllllib. V.~crL,ld L-r:~ a~ldl:essed; ulceiltii%~s for estrly reliieiiient ~?nd lay-offs. IL° statr_U h~~ su~l-ey~.r1 locs,l gaVeri7in`nts oil ti7eir ~eVe:rallCc pacl_atac~' Gild Yi;COlYilliiilClr.it Ili~~ 1=~11otUlilb: Glie ii~eel:'s ha}, j.,r C::i.Cl7 yc~tr Of r1!ilTiplct~ir~1 sercia~ ~=~itli :t ii7iliiliiLU-n of f,_rzu (4) i=.~eel_s _<tlid ::t iiti_~Irt~alii of t~.Velv;~ (1_'); 1:1,~ also sti~est`d ~racaiion tilde i~%ill L-re piiid i71 frill aL1d stccLVed aicL- Lave =dill L-r~ pairl iii scaardal7ce =~,itli City pvllcy 1~_r1 e111~r1oyG~°, ifJhG reslati iVltli 1?Ollo~ Or 1'r=Ut~ after t~xJ~Clly ~~~) ye-~i':; Gl' 11"1Crr~ ~~ri%1Ce, TT%lur_h~i'cr lv :1~rj110lr;-i_,tr~. T`.g~dical lliF,,"Lr:lCio~ \=JGLllrl als!~ 1:,.: CG11i1i1Lled for Ilia 1~noJi of U17ie fvr ~_ =J VC 1 sev,~rail~.e is paid. ILA •:,t~ttr.Cl cliiployc:~s that ~:rc i7i il~e Dr.lr~rred reLircin~~nr Op(~oli P an (lal~OP) i=JO,ilr_l l,e eliaibje foi Ilie ~ra=eraticc pstcL-sae espr_-,.Ltll}~ posiiiolis i=Jj7icli coLild L-r:~ 1.~Et vacant for the ccrmilia year. _ C3.°r L1licCl". r ~ , ~ 1 .~~_ r_ ~_ r 1 r I' , Pilice Y_r ~ , r -rf I I,"-lii_<<L1 I' es azirccs, lis ~z :.~ - 1 ill ° _ :;v =canc..: j;z.cLabe_ c f o leer 1 ~~=a1 ~~Veti111iZnts. Mayor Ellia a•:.1_e,31io~.v rnaiiy j~eopl~ iiroiild L-e liticl;:ated ill ilie ~~acly cr.~lc,~li1~°nt iric,~rliive. 1_`.~r. II~.rdeli stat,.r1 alrpro_i171:7tely Half :1 do~eii i=JOUld L-re iitt,.r~_~,ied. 2 August 26, 2008 Pdr. Eliof~. ~LLlas ~lucsii, fined ~Tih~ii the iiic~iltiv~ ~voLlld as into effect. II~~ al~.o asl-•,d if 112x. IL!rcle.il [TlaLlld ,:11~°Cl~ t~j ~~°c ~FTll.!t tl]~°_ S_l]%lllb3 ~T7~~Yi: 1.15t yi:~tl. P,Zr. IIardeii advised tlii~ ~=rc,uL1 be ill effc;ct ~!~ ...f `eptcniL,r-r •0, ''00~. II.. diaiiL-ut~~d .1 liand._~Llc to C• ~Irilriissi~ ,r~ tvl-,ich ~lets!ilecl the aniiLi:il ~av>lias last year of `~ X4'`,000.00. P,~r. Eli. ~l,oLllos ~tat~d ili:~c lip d. „~:; nvL Il_1v,. a fr, ~l~lclii ~~:r~dl ilie propos,°d pacL-_!be. l_`.2r. IL!rdeil advised if tll,~ idea i~ a,;c~litabl,~ llc ~F~oLlld L-~riilg tlzi~ ba~~L- as a Consent Iie111 aL1 i-lie S~~jib.lnt-~er 3, 200 P«bulai ,'l~eiida. r.... _ i. I'~L'::cl' ~!dvi•,e,l lie :~~aLild lil_:~ tc, s,~,~ ili!. focLis on po~luon~ dial lTJlll L-.~ lc-tt ~~acailt nczt year. Mr. P..°rilard :1sL-ed if diem ~T~er,: ills,°n(ive:: last year. P,1r. IIarden advised tll~r,° eras an ,early rei11-c17i~~nC i!ic~~itive L,_ic floc sevcrail~~.~ j~acl__Zg~a because there ZvcrE no lay-offs. Mr. ret~er cased lie tiv~ ,Llld lil_~~ tlii: sani!° foriiiat slio~viila illy ~aviilg ne__t year. It ~T~i-~~ tllc CC!ll~eil~LlF, C~f tli~ ~,=4lil"1"ilS'olall t0 sd~l t1llS t=~ it"t~: ~Cl]t~~i"i1L~Cr J, ~,JOv flgc-Ilda. 3. ~1SC~1551a17 r,~~~arCllli~~ d1,~ ~`1iilii7:~t1 ~,-2iLr,-~1 I'71IICi1~-~11 I~.~vid T. Ils.r;_le,l, City Manager, pre~ci-t[rd tliia ii.cln. LLlla ILlder, L~u.~,~car ..f G=~iiuliuiilty I1 iil~toveiiicilt aliCl ,~l Eeeo, As~iscant Lair,°clor of Conililuiliiy Irii~rot~cni,~~it ~v~.r•~ also pt~~~,ent f._,r ~-ln,°stioils. 1_`.~r. )-Ial~deii gave i~ ay;iofsis of the aniln:,l ~,auu:al fLUictiolis f_,i tl]e Cii)j a~~d County. T.qr. IIard~°n also dt;;cu~e,°d 1-il. ceo:iccrn~ Zvlth L13ii1a tlic G_~uilty. .2r. P~°iilard ~!zL-ed ii ili•~ at17C;t tiiaiiiliS ~t~•~re caii~iat~~;:~t wiili tic i.~~~o rrialltlls slio«%n. >`.~Jrs. P~atl?t _!dvie~d diai t1-le ~ili:,r rn~ uldi:, ate co~isi~c~=lie. Mr. Eliahc.ula. stated lir_- "=,1;; sLlrl~ris,--cl l;y ilir_- :ic(iviiy. Mayor Ellis diseLlssc,_ days and i~;res of ,_, "1 ~,, -1 dle -p,~r:iii, ~~~. ~ le asl_,~d if dicre :ire fatty- _t=•°sl ('1-7) da~3 to be iliil?GLlildrd LUt Dilly i:9~°iiiy (^~) :?rte ~,~;i[ tG ~,~uiii~%, ~fJli:i liaj!~.~,~IiS [G il"1 :~~11~r tlUel7ty-S2iTel1 (27). Mrs. Buller advi;~:,1 that tli` a\F,ii~r n• ,riiially ~icL-~, tli,~iii up. 1`,2r. 1!et~er asl-~°d ille Iasi [a f~ra~rid.~ ibis sere-ice. Mr. ILlr:lcn stated llie case is '+;5,000.00-`100,000.00 «~iih 1 '/ eii~fl,:,yees. Mr. B~rns!rd asL-cd ~z~liac liability the Ciiy ~~.,oulcl hav,~ iii sllif+llib the 1_iLl;l.~n to tli,~ Cauniy. 3 August 26, 2008 Sus.In R.uL-y, City ,~litorney, e-rplaii~ed i1i,~ City lead t`tr+~ (`_') 1_~io la~~rsLiita rco.nily L-ut no bids isst1es ....~ otlieiwis.°. T~qr. IIard,~n siac+,+1 iliac tli+° Cii-y list; sc+ver::ior~ iiillnunitjr. .~ I•.4t. II~u:clei7 stated lie i, ~1~t7.ii"ii311C that die City <<rill have lr,.. +re ftinrla to ~v+_~rL- ~x~idl :iC tliC CF,A appr~ +E%es fLUld: for tl-le City .i~7 Il-ic alYi+~LUlt ~ +f X500,000.00, ~z~llicll ~~~~ rL11Cl 1-+r+~•aeiit a nlyri:~d c+f options f~+r th~~ Coliil~iission. T/Ir. j'+=C~~i :1~11r1~~C1 Ih:l~: (lip Clty Tt7l~ Ii:1~%+~ !O floc icC~t_l+;(1GII:' a~ Uli7c i,G11U17U~~..~rltill~ll +~Gi1Llv1 15 an i111pc+itant and ur1i,1Li+_ f,_iii+~iic+n ~ +f ilie City. I Ie E~roLll•1 F+refer nc+t ~~~.~lil~ ~ cutl_,~,.cl~ iii allilnal eontic+l Lu1ti1 all aveiiucs ha?~+~ been e-_hausted. Mr. T'et~er ~.i~c,Lll+~ lil_e to Curl ~L"lier ~~r~ys to lilal~e r+,-ductions. Z.~Ir. ~1L~+~vt11oS CGil+_LirS t+iltl7 l~~r. 1'~~t~:el'. IIe stated 1L~ sLlhj~orb~+l 1'_Gr'pli1~ ailllilztl CC,litr~l Sll1Cc It is clic respo~7siL-ility of ili:~ City to liial:c s.~u+~ it: T•~oidcilts ar+~ sate. T,~I:iyor I/llis asL-e_i if the CP,~'i approve Ilia X500,000.00 +~~ +uld ill,, Cit;f Ll3e r11+:; rinds t• ~ redu.~+~ th,.111iIIabe rab° or L-~~p ailiinal coiitl...1 gild c~~lioc+l crossing au:lyds. P.Zr. McDufCie tallied aL- c+Lit ilie safery~ of die cili~;eiis. I Ie advised dl it he supported 1-.~~pi17g the r_1iildicil ~.:<fe t>.~li.-.ii (li.~}~ cross ilia su.~ets frcail zclioc+l. I Ie al. + a+llnitted dial li+. did ^~a IsiozF7 tJle valnlii~ of tiiiiigs iliac ~lrlir~ial C+_+ntrc+l +1oes. Pnayor Allis a_h,ised drat ilie City had ~i rrtid-y+.ar btulget r,~aoh_i+ion. she ad~,i:;e+l 11i~it di+~ Ciiy i Ilot gawlg ili•e ~.+iG~eCt~+.l 1+°Vc11L1+° 11111ii1 ~.:1~ \Vh.iCil r~~t11t~+~ lll lYi~~r~ CtlLL' lll 1:11~~ l:+Ll+~o ~i: 1"itl+l-yc:lr. Mr. I-I~rcl;~ii dig+.Lissecl (lle cl1of, ili als fazes that resLilted iii ~! dt._+p ui rr,z,.:ilu,°. Mr. McL~ufCi;i st:ic,_d iliac frof.,erty c:~z is 11~l1f of Ilse City's revenue; die rcli;aind.~r is oei-l,irated ici Llti1111+~5, p+erlfitl'S Gild gas tares. T`,Zayar 1/llis ~-u~+isted usilio ~150,O1-0.00 to r+i+lu~c- ilia i-,-,illao,° aild ~',150,000A0 t+~ L-.~~ l+l~+~e~l iilt+~ resew es. Mr. 1=JliopouL_s d.t~CLl,Sed C~~i1SITll~~11oi1 bllilg111g ll1 11i~ +r~~ ifivil~y. P,~r. McDufCic advised tli'at he did n. +t hstT+~ a proL-+1+~lll cF~ith Ili+~ fi_~rids going to~x~ards r~~dt_icLig tiie 111111:10 1':lt+~ ~'ll1Cr3 the re~e1Z%i;o arc "tdC;+~Ll`!t°. 1'.~r. 1;erii:lyd ssL•.~d if ~t~.~ rec,~ived ilie X500,000.00 ~F~c+Lil 1 ili+~ CoiTt11t1S~loil be iii :aliseii;;us to keep dlli11ia1 cancrol. 1`/Iay; ~i E ., scat+.+_l iliac ali+~ suf+ported l:eef+iiia ,4iviilal C~~lu:ol L-.,at she ~T~,_+uL? als;. lil-,~ t+~ t~~orl;. on reduclrig tllc ifiJllagc lace. 1`.2r. IL~r~1ei1 sd~-is?d tli_at .~ bLldg~'_t resoluliorl <<~•~uld L-+.~ put cog~ili.~i ~}~idi ili° d1SCLiss~d p:araliiecer~: and it ~voLild L-e F+Ll1 ; ul dl:~ ~el,teiill ~•~r ~,_'00~ %lgend~~ und.~r Publir_ II.iarinas. 4 August 26, 2008 It <<~_ts th,: Coi-1s~,ri~Lis ~ •f th.~ C_~ll2triz~ior~ t~ ~ L-,~;_p Aizu1~:,1 Contiol ai7d r°~1,_i~~~ til~° lizill:?oe. 4. ~~'/ater anal ~e~t~er Rud~et for 1~~ 2009 I~1vid T. II~trrlcli, city It~I~ilaacr, ii1L<oduc~~l this ieliz. I<dr. ILtrd~ll 3i'_ti7L-ut~d a hail~lout an the 1Li111aCL' Gf L'lic ',~T!L'c1~3c'.`~~1 lilCrc:l3c:. OII ~! ~Frtt~~r Lill. IIe 3LPagC3tcd i11.Tt 3~lV~r rate tic ll1Crcl~ed by 15% and !`.%i1tLr L':3t!:3 L-~ ilcrea„ ~.d 1_•y ~%. II~~ discLissed tl-~~.Ci ;~ of West Pa1uT P~_ach's 'T~ai~~r SyStc111 Wild Yates. . ~. r,~r. r~a`~Y advised tll: t h,~ ~Llll~~ irt~.1 r~~a sLll ~aicli~i~la City ce~:~~~r cOCta `F~itll City `~iateY rat°s. F~ich~~rd tIa:,l_.=., Dir~ctt.r of 1='.nF%irorilll~:iitJ1 ~~lvic~., ~isct_i~~,°,1 c1p:-tciry r,~aulttion~ ;~i1d ~~~~cl'atiGi7S. T_`,Tr. P.TcDuffi~~ ildvis~d Mat t)1~ Cit-~T spend, ii l,~t c,f 111Gllcy oil sf~peara~lces i.e. lr~~tiilt~l7anc~ of lllcdlail;;~ etC. i1~_~t drinl-_ulb Gr f1L13]'1tClo R%atcr. 1-I~~ Cv177f~111i7ci7iCd l~~r. II:1S1_G Oil ~~~lllo :1 ar`~:?t 1G0. Mr. McL~uffie ~-~pres„ ~°cl 1-,is ~L~pp, •rt ~ .f tll~ pl:ln ai7d ~v~t~ l~l~°a~,~d ~aiili ho~x~ the illoil~y ~=.%as af~~nt. III .,lc_~ advised dl:~t t`~:1t~r and se~s~irr ~!r~ 1_iig:lre~ts ...EpuL-lic ~afet-y. I`.~r. L'~Yi7ard _~clvi:~~,-1 that he is ,~o11a_rilyd zviill ~l~e f~.~i,_ir,° and if t11i ~v_.L>l~l iil,~!il ili:-~t iiilaih.~r 15% it1CYC:1Se will 1]c 3`_`Llallt 11eYt year. Mr. IIaY~1ei1 stated illat i-11e c, insultai7t's report advised tllac :~ 15% ilicreas.~ `xrill llot Le ne~~,~;;saiy next year. 1`~Zr. Eliopouloe.:1aLed if dle water loss i11:1t P.RLUlicil~~al ~oluiioils re~~art~cl :ill tlieii iti7diilgs hid l:tcC-11 llal'1.! ,«-Cd ! ~V~x/ll. 1`dr. IIi7sl~o Yecorrul~~.ilded doiil~ air aLtdit oil dle L-illitlg syscern ar~d prodLV~iioii pYObraliz in- house. It `.9a~ t17e C~~17~e1181.1C. Gf t11i7 COlrll 111°,S1On C. i oL. `,*!1i11 Li1ff'S L'e~: ~JL11111~~Rd2t1G11~ t0 lLlea'C:1`': ~e~'~l;r Yates 1.y 15°/n aiacl v~ater rates L-y 5%. y 5. ethert'i' 2f109 PLid~>et I~su~~s David T. II:?rd~n, Citlj A2ailageY, presenb,d dv~. it,_1-,--. Mr. IIardei~ stated li7at staff is zvorl:iila on t11e 1t~IL1i11C1p:11 ~<_~1t1{1Gi1G I'cp~ in :?11d IiLliloc! T_l~l_ j'GtCC L'G~017117"tcII~~?i1v11~. jl~l aaVF itll ~ ~V'cl'~rl~~sl of ~~ ~111.~ itenl~ t17at. s.re ct_uYeiltly L-~~~u1~ ~~~oYl~ed ~..-art. Tt~Ir. II~!i-d~,t7 Cllefi distlil-~uted a liaildo~li on Red Light Cameras. 1\2r. McDLiffi.~ asl_ed for tLc cost ,~f i17e P_.~, l Light Cai17~.r:1:. per i11C~r~eCtl~Ji1. T.~IY. IIar,~,~i7 stated 17e ~*~i11 provid.~ d~te Conll-ris~ion ~:-id, irtC_.rnlari..n on tl7e )t_lda~t Tasl_ Por.~e rz._; ,lrurieiidatioils. It~ayoY Ellis adj~iurn.~d tl~e «'/oil~sl~op I~~~~ii~~g ti 7:~1~1 f,.l~l. 5 August 26, 2008 ~ `, \ ~ Ciry Clerk ATTEST: ~,~ ~~¢~ MAYOR The ui1~l•~r~ialied is th,~ Ciry Clerl- ...f die Ciiy c•f Dell~~y P~e~icll, Florida, :,li,l die u~fo>•1i1~~uon ~~rovided 11~_r~.il7 is dic Mil1lit,~s of dic ~'I~.rl_.li~.l. P,~fee(il~o of di~~ City Col-ruilis~ioll lield Gil T~aesda~~, ALIa l~1 Vii;, ''00~ \vl-,iell r.2i.iiu~e:. \~,ere fc~riilally af~l~r_.v~~ ~~lid ad~pi~;d 1~5; Il~~~~ City C,_•rril-rilssioii c•i1 Se~~t•~i11L-er 3, ZOOS. ~; , p\\ n ~ Ciry Clerk NOTE TO RE_aiDER: If die Tt4i1~lib°s yo!- ll:~ve t.~ceiv,~cl ar.= riot ~~onil~lr ted .~:, 1iidlcalcd ~L-~nve, t11is ilieari:: li~~y are, iior di,~ ~ICici~l T_`~Lu1liles of i11.~ City C. ~l~urissioli. They •F~ill b~~~~oliic di...-~ffir_ial Mliilil'c:; G111y afL~r te71c'.xl alid ~!li~r10V:•11, "~l-ucli lriay lii\Tol\%~ ailic1id111~~11L"S, a~1tliU~_~li~ Gr deleuGilS r.~ t11c Mullltes as sct fotd7 above. 6 August 26, 2008