Res 797-51 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA~ WHEREAS: The City Oouncll of the City of Delray Beach, ~'lorida, has deemed it advisable to amend Sub-Section 2 of Section ? of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Flor- ida, and WHEREAS: The City Council of the City of Delray B each, Florida, has deemed it advisable to provide for the estab-i lishment of a Policy Book, a Public Request Book, a City Status Board, a City Press Desk, and for the maintenance of a Land Assessl- ment Map, and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held after public notice on said proposed Special Acts, NOW, TREREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: That Russell 0. Morrow, State Senator~ the Honorable B. Elliott, and the Honorable John E. Bollinger, members of the House of Representatives, be requested to give and lend their co- operation in the introduction and passage of the proposed Special Acts herein mentioned when the same are presented to them at the 1951 Florida Legislature. PASSED AND .~DOPTED by the City Council of the City F · of Delray Beach~ lorlda, at a regular meeting this 14th day of May, A. D. 1951. ATTEST: Cigy Cl~r~ A MI1 To Bo ~ntitled AN ACT TO AHRKD SUB-S~CTIOH CHAPTER 2578~, l~; RE~T~6 TO T~ POW~ ~ ~E C~ OF D~Y B ~CH. A fflCIPAL CO~YION OF PA~ ~CH SO~L. FOR ~XC~AL F~DA~ A~ ~VID~G A ~~~, BE XT HMACT~ lit THK L~G~XSLATUR~ OF TH~ STATIC OF FLORXDA.* S~TXON,,!~,:' That Sub-mooriSh (2) off Sootion 7 off Chapter 25786, Lows o~ Flor~, ~p~ Ages of 1~, be ~ tho me ~g hereby u~ to r~d ao folloes~ (2) To acquire by p~mse, g~t. devtoo. ~~- tion or otherwise, p~porty, tM1 or permonal, or any oO~to Zn. wtt~n or vZthout the ~ty; to be us~ for z tho ~rZal of tho d~d; the eonft~otion or put. fo of i telephone systm; a~ woPks for s~pplyZ~ saZd CXty with w~tor. Zee. gas For a~ Aoat~ purposes, and ol~tr~o eneP~ for ~ll~t~ h~t- l~ or power purpoees~ the legation oF wato~o~ke; a~ sites for ~ publle utility vo~eo t~ eetabll~t off ~r ~ueee. peet- houeee, houses off detention ~d ~o~eot~on. hoep~le for ~o o~e or dot~tion off ~o elok. Jails. ~rket houses, pub~e ~blie ~o~ ll~e. publio hfehll a~ ~o~ hll parks. te~s oo~a. desks, e~ ulle. v~ee. var~oueee, p~o~dos~ plaate ~or statiC, neutralizing or o~e~lee~ doe~y~ Sever- ago. ~r~ge a~ r~oo. or oth~ ~oi~l p~eoe; tho City ehll al~ ~ve ~wer to ext~ e~er and dral~go pipoe a~ ~ins. a~ re. late the uee oF. spate, m&nta~; lmp~vo~ oell. l~oe. mo~go~ plugs or oth~iso d~epoee of the me or For part ther~/~e beanie of the City te the same extent bt ~t~- al per~ns ~t~t do; the any p~operty, ml or ps,goal aoqu~red by the City ~y be ugh. ulnta~. ~ld or l~s~. p~vid~p (a) ~at a~ r~l p~pe~y sold by tho C~ty ~11 be sold u~n the Follo~ ~t~one: (l) 'lb, et abaee bid o£ a mini, mm of thr~moq~rt~s (3/4) ~m~ ~11 ~ de~wit~ with the City s~ll bo ~ver~s~ one. a w~ flor two (~) eons~utlve We~l a newspapoF oF ~eno~l oireulnt~on publ~gh~ ~n tho City oF Dolly B~oh. (~) ~t any waeh lot o~ ~reel ~I1 ~ ~1~ at publ~o suet~on at the ~ty ~11 off the C~ty o~ ~l~y (4) ~t sll ~oh sales ~11 ~ app~v~ by the sion, by o~imnoe as it my des neeemma~, p~vidM tbt the me are ~t i~onsistent with tho above a~ (b) ~t any per~l p~pertr sold, ~ll b sold only ~toF the te~s o~ tho p~o~wd sale ~ve been adveflis~ in a nowm~per publi~ ~t~n the City o~ Dol~y heh, Florida, once a we~ ~o~ tvs (2) ~ngeoutive (e) bt, prior to ~e city la.ina a~ rul pPoper- ty o~ by ~e City, public notice shll ~ ~iven, w~eh notice ~11 a~te the t~g off ~oh p~o~ lass. tho hie, hour phoe ~e~o the City ~eil g~ll oonsldor a~ ob]~tiono to p~g~ lease, a~ s~ll also consider a~ ~e~ competitive bids For ~eh F~I p~pe~ty ~i~ leaw~ (d) bt, before any ~r~l p~Pe~F o~ by or ~lon~ to the City shall b l~med by ~o Cit~, an shall have been d~lar~ by t~ City Co,oil wherob~ the l~ai~ se any ~oh peF~n2 p~po~ty ~11 b ~u~i~ a~ is of bene- fit ~ the City, then any ~ p~~l P~pe~2 my ~ u~n 8~h te~s a~ provisions as my bo md, by the City Co~il. $~XON a: S~uld a~ wo~, ~se, ~~ph, pa~ of m~t~on, m~tion or s~tio~ ~r~f b d~la~ ~oongti- tutioMl, or i~pe~tivo, o~ void, ~h d~imion s~ll ~t ,fret ~e rm~ provisions of ~g Act. $~TXON 3: ~s Act ~ll ~oomo ~footivo u~n its ratification by & maJor~%y vo%e ct' the qual~ffied electors rooid- ing in the City of ~l~y hob, Florida, who ~t~e~te ~n VOte ing upon tho ~uest~on off the apparel any speo~a~,p~ry, or feneral elation held not htee t~n ~o~b~, 1951. St~TXON 4: Subject to the provisions off tho rot'er- endt~ hero$~ve provide, t~s ~,ct fltiall because eFFectSve upon its ~pp~val by the ~ve~or; or upon its beco~ a law suoh appl'oval. -.3- A Bill To I~e I~titled: AN ACT I~IiOVIDXt~G FOR THE I~STABLISttMi~,~T AI~D ~kINTB~Ai~C~ Oi~ A POLICY ~)~)K FOil TiiE CITY OF DE~Y BEACII~ PAI~/ B~Cti 00~NTY~ D~AIt~TS t~D SUB-DIVISIONS TH~'~EOF S~LL M~T AND ~INT~{CE OF A PUBLIC RD'tUEST F~JR S:UC~ CI~, ~D SP~YI~G Th~ THE C~)~TE~TS TIi~EI~; ~ITIi~t PROVIDING FOR STATUS ~)ARI)FOR SUCH CI~ AND SPECIfiC FO~TION TO ~ LIST~ THerEON; .P~RTH~ PIiOVID- ~NG FOR TItE ESTABLISI~T AN]~ ~%l~~Og OF A PR~ DBSK FOH SUGi[ CITY A~ SP~YING I~OI~TIDN ~ ~T~.~L TO ~ ~' T~IEON; ~T~ I~OYIDING FOR THE ~'TABLIS~NT AND ~XNT~NGE OF A ]~ ASS~~ ~P FOR ~T~E CITY (~F i)~I~ B~.Ctl; PAL~ B~CH FLORIDA., ~OYIDING T~T S~H ~ LN T~iE CITY COUNCIL C~B~S, ~D PROV~ING FOR Ti~ DATA TO ~ LIST~ TIi~ON, BE IT ENACTti,I~ BY TIlE LI~ISL~.TUt~ i.~F Tii~ STAT~ ~tF FLOHIIIA: SECTION 1: There shall be t~aintained a Policy Book for tlleOl%y of ~elray Beach~ Florida, which book sh~ll contain all policies under wi~toh the Departments and sub-divisions thereof are operated, which policies la~e been approved by a fo~a~l motion of the City Coaetl. T~o policies as set forth tn said Policy ~ok shell ~w the date of the motion of approval of sueh policy. Such Policy ~ok shall also show a ~eoord of changes of policy which ~mve been ~de. The Policy ~ok s~ll be kept on the oil ~ess Desk when not in use at Oounoll meotl~s. S~flO~ 2: There s~ll be mlntaln~ vit~tn the Olty ilall of tile City of ii~l~[ ;leach, Florida, a '~ok listing all public r~uests of the City Oounoil. Public ret!users s~ll be tabulat~ daily. Such public request book shall list ~he date of e~:~oh s~h ~quest, the ~me and add,ess off the person eking the s~me, a~ shall ~arther provide space for reflecting ti~e disposi- tion of su~ reliuest, by whom dtspos~ of, a~ the date of dispo- sltlon~ a~ ~all f~ther list s~oh additto~l l~o~tion as the City Co.oil may from time to t~ae de~ advisable. ~ny such addi- tion1 t~o~ation as list~ s~mll be reoo~ In the City Policy ~ok. ~.ECTXON 3: There shall be ~intain. ed within the Council Chambers of the City of Delray Beach. FlOrida, a C~ty Stat- us Boar~. wllich ~nrd ~hall contain the ffollow~ng infor~t~on: (1) Total assessed value of all re=l ~tate. (2) Total assessed value of all homesteads. (3) ~. Ope~ting (4) The monthly b~lanoe in the General ~nd off the City. (5) The monthly balance in the ~ntingeney ~d the 0it[. (6) The balance in the devolving ~prov~ent ~d (7) t priority list for the use of the Revolvl~ ~provement Fund. (8) List of all eity Debts. 2uoh Status ~ard shall list such addltlo~l ~tion as the City Council s[mll deem advisable and any additional l~ormtto.n llet~ o~ to be list~ e~ll be noted In the Cit2 Pt~I- S~TIO~ 4: The City ~a~geP of tile City of Delray Beaoh~ FloOds, s~ll establish ~nd ~tntsin in a neat a~ o~erly fashion a ~ess ~sk. ~oh ~ess Desk s~ll be kept tn the City Ha11~ and shall be open to the ~ess 2nd to the l~bllo ~t all ~loh ~ess Desk shall ountaln ~erein or ther~n the follovint IMomatlon and ~terlals: 1) i ~Oo~ncil A~enda", together with ~11 pertinent rotation pertalntnt to the next reAular or special Council meetln~. (The ~les ~overn~ such ~,~enda sail be set by t~e ~oaictl ~nd liet~ in the City poli~y book. 2) A File containing all t~e~as rev one year last past. 3) A "Co.oil Filea to be oarrl~ to all Council ~eet- into oontatMnl the follo~i~ inffo~ation ~ such -2- other lnfformation as the' Council fr~ time to sb~ll list, and such list to be entered into the City Policy ~ok, (Such File to be ~intained rently by' ti~e City Clerk), a. City Chad-tar with all ~end~asnts. b. Civil ~Servi6e Act witt~ all e. ~h~r~ent list °ff all salaried dj_ current list of all i~unoll or city appointed oo~lttees or commissions, and the duration off ~oh me~ber ' s ~ppointment. o. A copy' of o~rent City Budget coverlni all departments and sub-divisions, 4) A "Finance l;~ile'' wt~iclx shall contain the Following ltffomation and such other inffo~tlon as the Council From time to time s~ll list, t:~ such list to be ent- er~ In the City Policy ~o,~ a..~ one copy eneh of the previous year*~ audit, gnd six- year~ as each ls complete, o~ A proJ~ot~on sheet to be ompll~ by the ~ity Co~o~l Finance ~o~lttee at t~e e~ of each ~nth of the lasZ six months of eaott fiscal year, which sliest the c~rent year for eaci~ Departu~ent, bus~ upon penditures to date, and surro~d~n~ clrc~st~noes; and sue~ p~oJeotion shee~ shall show~ ~t the sa~e upon ln~o~e to date and surrounding d~ A compiled ltst~ kept o~r~nt yearly~ off the · ental and overall yearly expenditures for all City Aunts. -3- 5) A File containing nil current 6ounoil meetin~ min- uto~, and all subsequent minutes for at l~st/year back. 5) A D'ile listin~ in sh~rt fo~ ~11 C,uno~l eetien end the date of aurae, and the disposition n~ date of disposition. 7) A eepy of each O~lnance wt~eh is ~er eone~de~- tion of the City Co~cil, or which is peking. S~TXON 5: There shall be maintained,at all tim®m, in the City Council Chambers, a comprehensive land assessment map of the entire City. Such map to be kept ~der ~lass, a~ shall reflect the front foot value off acreage value, or such other val- ses, of all laml i~a the Cty of :,elri, y Beach, i,'lorlda, as may be used for assessment p,~poses. 'f~s land fleet the cra'rent land assessments In the City ~f ~lr~y Beaeh~ and shall be Otlai'l~ed Olll}' ~ ~ direct ~oan.ll ~ction. :,~u~.~L ~ ~,huald ar~y wo~l, phrase, para~reph, or tuttonal, or Inoperative, or void, such deolsioa sh~ll not ~,ffect ~he rem~inin~ pro~isiona of this SECTION 7: This Act shall beoom® effective upon its r~tifftoatlon by a majority vote of the qualified electors sidint in 'the City of Dolray B®~lch, Floc'ida, who participate voting upon the question of the apparel or disapprov~l of this Act, at any speotal~ priori or ~eneral ~leotion hold not later than Deo~ber~ 1951. SECTION 8: Subject to the provisions of the refer- ~ndum hereinab~ve provid~.~ tl~is ~.ct st~mll beco~e effective upon its approv~l by the Gover~or, or ~lpon its bec .... il ~ a law witho~tt -4-