Res 805-51 RESOLUTION ~0.. 80~ A RESOLUTION Ob~ Ti~FE CITY COUI~CiL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUI}~ING P~ANS, S~E GiFIGATIONS AN~ ESTIMiiTE OF GOST 0F IN- STAl,LING STO~U~~, DRAIN ON NASSAU STRE~ET~ FROM GL'~EASON STREET TO ~ POI~ 266 FEET WEST OF GLEASON STREET, WF~EREA$, owners of property liable to be assesse,~ for the installs tlon of a storm drain om :~assau Street, west of Gleason Street, have petitioned the City Council for such improvement, and W~REAS, due to accumulated surface water after r~ins, it is deemed necessary by the City Council that such stor~u sewer drain be installed, NOW, TIIEREFC~L, BE IT RESOLVED by the 'City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: SECTION 1: That the City ~.anager be required to submit plans, specifications, and estimate of cost of such improvement to be msde, and that the same shall be placed on file in the office of thc City ~[ana~er. PASSED gSUD ADOP?ED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Flcrida, on this the 9th dss' of' July, A. D., !9~1. ~ C.~ty O~ e rlr: .... '