Res 745-50RePealed by ~Resolution R E S O L U T I 0 N No. 755, 3/28/50 ................ NO. 755 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF Tile CITY OF DELRAY BEACll PROVIDING FOR ~IE ISSUANCE OF ~42,000o00 OF SPEC~L T~ [~V~NUE C~T~IC~TES~ OF TH~ CITY OF DE~ B~CH~ FLORIDA~ PAYAB~ SOLELY ~OM THE R~ES D~IIV~ FIlO~i TttE CIGAR~TT~ ~CISE T.~X L~I~ BY SAID CITY~ AND~ ~ N~C~S.~I1Y~ FROM THE F~NCHISE T~ ON UTILITIES ~VIED BY SRID CITY~ FOR TItE P~OSE OF D~YING '~ ~PHOV~I~TS AND ~T~,iSIONS TO TIlE CITY OF THE COST OF HEPAIHS, DELI~Y B~CH MUNICIPAL GO~ COURSE, AND PIiOVIDING FOH THE SALE, SEC~ITY AND PA~ENT ~IEREOF. WIIEH~S, The City of Delray ~each, Florida, now owns and operates a m~]nictpal facility known as the City of Delray Beach Municipal Golf fours_., and whereas, said Golf Course has been greatly inadequate to take care of the needs and de~nds of the public made upon such Golf Course, and there was great need for making repairs, improve- ments and extensions to said Golf Course; NO~, THEH~OHE, BE IT RESOLVED by tile City Council ~F the City of Delray Beach, Florida: Section 1: It is hereby ascertained, determined and declared: (a) That the City of Delray Beaoh~ Florida, (herein- after called the "City") now owns, operates and main- rains a municipal ~olC course, (hereinafter called "Golf Course"), and Has for several years last past owned~ operated and maintained said ~lC Course. (b) That there is no indebtedness at the present time against said ~lf Course. (c) That, according to the provisions of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida~ ( the sa~ne being Chapter 25786, Speclal Acts of 1949, Flor- id~ Legislature), the City is authorized to construct (;olF Course improvements, and to defray the cost and expenses of such i~provements, by the issuance of special tax revenue certificates, and ~lat the City is expressly authorized to pledge all or any part of the revenue derived and/or to be de- rived from the levy of an excise tax on cigarettes, -1- or other tobacco products, and to pledge all or any part of the revenue derived and/or to be derived from the levy ct' any £rv. nchise tax, toward the payment of the principal and interest on such special tax rev- enae cer'tificates; and t~ass all ordinances a~d ~'~eso- lutions necessary to accomplish such pl~ge, and Notwithstanding any other law, general or s~:~ecial now or hereafter enacted, the City stroll not have ri~t to repeal or rescind any o~l~mnce or resolu- tion ln~poslng taxes pl~Iged to the payment of inter- est on any of the special tax revenue certificates iss~ herom~der, and any such taxes shall auto~t- lcally continue in force, until tt~ere shall be a fictent sum of money on hand to pay the principal and interest on all such outstanding certificates For which such taxes were pledged. Notwithstanding say othor law, general or special now or hereafter enactS, the City shall not tw. ve the ri~txt to re- duce any of the rates or amounts of such ~nuniclpal taxes pledged to the pay~nent of principal or inter- est aC certificates or grant exe~;~ptions f~m the pay~ent oF such ta:~es, (except to the extent, ~itn- in the lt~ltations and in the ~nner tlmt ,night be reserved in the resolutions authorizing such ficates) as lon~ ~sa~y certificates issued hereunde~ are o~tstandtng and funds sufficient for payment off the principal and interest thereof are not on hand. ?rovided, however, ti~at when all tax revenue certi- ficates issued undeP tl~e a~thority of this ~ct have been psid oFF, or when a s~fictent a~t of money to pay the principal t~,~ereof together witl~ i,~tevest thereon to mat~rity l~s been acc~ulated and is se- cur~ to the use of tlxe revenue certificate holders, then, and in either event, the taxes so levied ~y cease and determine. Tlmt the net revenue derived By said City f~m the From November l, 1948 to and including September 30, 1949 . . . . . . . . . From November 1, 1949 to and includin~ Nove~ber ~0, 1949, (p~suant to Ordinance ~f~-84, e~mcted by virtue of Chapter 26,320, Florida I~ws of ].949 . . . · . . . . . . . . . . · . -~,352.32 From December 1, 1949 to and incl~ldtng Dace~ber 31, 1949 (pursuant to said Ordinance ~-84 ) . . . . . . . . . . 5, Tlmt the net revenue derived by said City from the levy of a franchise tax on utilities is as follows: From fiscal year October 1, 1947, to and including September 30, 1948 . . , . $ 9,445.68 From fiscal ygar October 1, 1948, to and i~'~cludtng September 30, 1949 . . . . 11,996.39 That the revenue derived by the City From the levy off a franchise tax on utilities and the revenue derived by the Uity from the levy of an excise tax on cigarettes have not been pl~ged, either in whole or in part by the City, on the payment of any out- standing ~nds or obligations of said City. That the estimated net revenue frown each of the sold excise and/or Franchise taxes each ffis~at year hereafte¥ is in excess of tb.e amount to become due In suoh fiscal year for the principal and interest on the rev- enue ~ertiFicates hereinafter provided for. (d) That s~td revenue certificates hereinafter pro- vided for shall be payable solely out of the revenues derived by levy of an excise tax on cigarettes and, if neeessary, From tko levy of t~ Yra~lchise tax on utilities. (e) Ti,at it was necessary and advisable, in order to meet the increased need and denmnd of said f;olf Course, to repairs, improvements arm extensions thereto, consisting of the fo llowin{: (1) Installing a motoring system and p~p sprl~lers. (2) Reconstruction of Club Iiou~e. (3) Grading and planting offairways and ~reens. (4) ~ying out, and installing of addlt2onal holes, fairways, tr~ps and greens. Section ~: For the purpose of finan~ing the cost~ of repairing, l~q)rovin~ and extending said Golf Course, there shall be issu~ negotiable Special Tax Rewen~e CertiFicates of said City (hereinafter called "Certificates"), in the aggregate principal amount of FORT~' TWO 15{OUSAND DOLI~%t{S ($42,000.00), which Certifi- cates shall be dated June 15, 1950, and shall be in the denomina- tion of One Thousand ~llars (~I,UO0.O0) each,n~bered 1 to 42 ino l'~siv~ly, and ~ m~a~l bear interest until paid at tt~e rate of three 'per cent (~.~) per annual, interest payable December 15, 1950, and~ semi-~nnu~:l~.y ti~e~-eaCte~, on t~e 15th day of June, and the 15th (b~y of Dece~,~ber of each yearn, and shall be payable as both interest and p~inclpal in lawful money of the United States of ~aeric~, at %he office of the City Clerk of the City of I)elFay }~each, Flomida, in the City Hall of said Cit~-, and shall mature serially tn n~erical order, on June 15th of each yea~, as follows: 1951 ~4~ 000. O0 1952 ~i, 000. O0 1953 4~ 000 1954 4,000.00 1955 4~ ~00. O0 1956 4,000.00 1957 4,000. O0 1958 4, 000. O0 1959 4~ 000.00 1960 6,000. O0 Said certificates shall be ~allable for redemption on or after June 15, 1953, prior %o maturity at the option Oity in the inverse n~erioal order of issuance. Section 3. The Certifioates shall be signed b~ the ~,1%.~ Clerk, and shall have Mayo~ of said City and attested by the '"' -, impressed thereon the corporate seal of said City. Interest fall- ing due on the oertiftoates on and prior to the maturity shsll be represented by appropriate interest ooupon8 ~o be attaoh8d %o the o~rtifi~ates, which ooupons sl~all be si~ned mith %tie simile sig~ture of said ll~yor and City Clerk. Section 4. The Certifioat~s and the ooupons Zo be thereto attached and %n~ endorsement %o appear on tt~e baok %hereof shall be in substantially the following form: -4- (Fern of Certificate) UNITED STATE$ OF A~;~,ICA STATE OF N~fl~ e~~ ~1, OOO. 05 Ti~s City Of ~elr~y }~each in l.'alm l~each County, Flori- da, For val~c receiYed, l~ereby pr.o~ise to pay to bearer, solely from the re¥c:nue hereinafter ~peclfied the su~ of One 'fhousand ~)oll$~rs ($1~000.00) on the 15th day of June, 19 ~, and to p solely from said revenues~ interest on eaid s~m until p aid at the rate oC three per cent (3~{) per ~nn~, paya].)le Fecember 15, 1950, ~,n(l s ,nl-anau~lly thereafter on ti~e !5th days or June and December of each year~ with interest due on and prior ~ the urity theroo~ payable only presentation ~,~d s~rr,~nd, er of the nexe(l interest coupons as they severally beoo~e due. i~th p rin- cipal hereof nnd interest L. ereo:l are pay~ble in lawful money of the ~nited ~Jtates of ~;merica at the o~Tlce of the City ~lerk " · - ~_:,eac,~, Florida. the City of Del~ay ~e2ch, in .~elray" ~mt only Certific~tes n,~bered 13 to 42 inclusive are callable for i-edemp~ion on or after June 15, 195B, and prior to ~turity at tl~e option of the City i~ inverse numerical order of issuance on any ln~erest paymen~ da~e, at the price of par and accru~ interest thereon to the date so fixed for re~emption. This Certificate is on~ of an issue of ~42,000.00 of like tenor and effect, except a~ to maturity, and red~p~ion, iseued pursuant to the Constitution and ~ws of Florida~ and a resolution ndopted by the City Council ~f saint City c.n January 24, 1950~ , for the purpose of p~ying the oo~t of repairing, lng and extending the Golf Course and Golf C~4r~e facilities of said City. Tills Certificate a~ the issue of which it is a part are payable solely, as to both principal and interest, from the revenue ~erl~e~ by the City from the levy of nn excise tax on ci~arettes ~old in said City, and In the event the re,enue rive8 ~herefrom la insufficient to p~y either the princip al or interest or both, then, fro~l ~he revenue deri~ by the Ol~y from the levy of a franchise tax on utilities. Each successive holder of this Certificate and of the coupons hereto attached is conclusively pressed to forego and re- nounce his ec~uities !n favor of subsequent [~olders For value out notice ~rld to a~ee that tiiis Ce~tific~te and e~lch of the coupons hereto attach~ ~nay be negotiated by d elive~-y by any per- son hnvlng possession thereof, howsoever, s~ch possession may have been ac[~ui~ed,~ an~ thnt Shy holqer who sh~.ll hnve t. ken~. ~ %his Cert iftc~.te o~~ without notice the~'eby has acquired absolute title %hereto, fPee fPom any defense enforceable a~ainst any prior holder and from ell equities and clai~?~s of o~nership of any such p holdel.. ~le City of Delray tteaoh shall not be affected hy any notice to t~e It is hereby' certifl~ and recited that all acts, conditions end things required by the Constitution a~]d. ~ws of t~lo~da and by the Chat'reP of tile City to happen, exist and be for,led pI'ecedent to mhd in t}~e issuance of ti:is Certificate have tmppened, exist and have been ~e~formed as so IN WITNESS WttEREOF, the City of :)elray Beach has caused this ce~tifici~.te to be executed 5y its ~layor, end attested by its City Clerk, with % tie corporl~te sei~l of said City hereunto affixed, and lms o&~t~sed the intel.est coupons hereto attach~ to be executed by its L~,yoF ~nd City Clerk by t[~eic face,nil[ signatures, all as cC ti.is 15th day of June, A.D. 1950. .... ~ayor - _ ~, .~ ATTEST: Clt~ gIerk (Form of Coupon) ~15. O0 On the 15th day o£ , the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, will pay to solely out of the revenues specified in the attach~ certificate, -6- unless said Certificate shall have been properly called for re- demption, ti:~e sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) in lawful money of the United States of .~erica at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, In Delray ~e~ch, Flo~idr,, being interest due that day on its Special Tax I~evenue Certil'lcates~ dated June 1~0, and n'ambered . At%est: ~ayor ~ity Cl~rk (For~ ct' Validation Certificate) Validated and confirm~i by decree of the Circuit Gourt of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for ~alm Beach County, lo~ ~da, rendered on the day of A. D. 1950, clerk' of :the circuit c°hrt Palm Beach County, Flo~.ida ~e_ct[on 5: The City hereby covenants and agPees with each st~ccessive holder of the Special Ta~; ~evenue CertiFicates heve~n authorized ~nd the co,pons thereto atts~led, that it ~ill pay into a spec2:~.~ f~nd, which is ke~"~.l.~t croak, ted and des~g~mted "~.~pecial Tax ~evenae Certificates f;inki~g ?und", ~n~ounts of money sufficient to p~-ovide for the pa~ent of the interest on and the principal of said Certificates. 5;ecti~n 5: ~t, wt~ile r~r''~. .~ of thc Speci~l Tvx ]~even- ue Ce~'t~ioatos issued hea-.e~mder shall be o~tstandlng, the City eove~nts and agrees not to issue any other obligations payable fror~ the revenues derived frora the levy of ~a excise tax on ciga- rettes, or deriv~ from the lewy of a Franchise tax onutllitl~s which will have priority over or equality w~th the Certifflcates herein authorized. Section 7: That uo taxes shall ever be levi~ and moneym s~ll ever be taken or diverted from a:~ f~ds of the City For the pSent of the prlnclp al of and interest on the Special Tax -7- Revenue Certificates issued here~lnder, except as hereinbefore provided. Section 8: That the Certi£icates herein authorized sh~.ll be hereafter sold at either public or private sale for such price or prices ~s the City Co~cil shall determine, ~nd such sale s~ell be confirmed by motion to be passed by the City Council. ~ection 9: T~,,t, ~s attorney for tl~e ~1 ~y~ joh~ Moore, is hereby authorized a~ directed to take appropriate pro- eeedi~gs in the Circuit Co~rt of ~e Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, In and for Palm Beach County~ For the validation said Certific~tes, ~nd t~e ~,~ayor' and City Clerk ~z'e authoriz~ to sign e, ny plea~lnEs in such proceedin~s For an(~ in b~mlf of the Com'~ission of the City of ~elr~y Beach. Section 10: That if v~y section~ pa~-agr~ph~ clause~ or provision oF this resolution sh~ll he held to enforceable for any reaso~ the inv~,lidity or unenfo~ceabillty suchmection~ paragraph, cla~se or provision shall not afCect oF the re~aining provisi~s oF this resolution. ~ection ll: ~ls resolution passed ~nd adopted this 2~ th ~y of Januar'y~A. D. Attest: City Clerk" '" -8-