Res 753-50II or(~mzn~; t,~e City Ln~ineer to prepare plans sad speciFic~:,tions and ~ estim[~.tion-,~f cost for the co:tstr~mtion, .... " .,. ~. Ot]~ Street From ;~. .~. Sth 7:ve]~:.]e to i-'[ l:...~, zl, said pay- i~]; to be t~e width oF twettty-Fo~[r (2q) Feet, Flans~ speciEications nnd estimetes oF ~.h oF s:~ci~ i:q~r'ove~ents to l-~e placed on File in the oFFice oF the u].t~ ~mE.''~'"'~'"~:~, increesed vehiculsr traFFic has ~ecessitstec t~:~e ..... ~,..~"ln=-' of :~':. ~". Oti~ Street ~:s aforesaid, of the City oF :~elrry ~,)each, Floriua, that it is deteP:~tined to rake the followin~ 0escribed im],rove.tLents, to-wit: Grading, co:~str'~mtion snd ]~,a:vi~ oF N. E. 0th Street From N. E. St,~ Avenue to i~.1~ Trail to a width oF twenty-Four (24) Feet, the total cost a.s estimated oF s~.~cn improvement ~':~..~ iT ..... ~u;~.,~' ~ i: :; C~'LVED that tae entire cost of such i'upr'ove:.~ents s]m!l be assessed ~[~inst ti~e fol].owi~g descri~:ed properties in Lelr~y %etch., I'vl~ l~e~cn Comty, Lots l, ~, ~, ~, 6, and ?, Block Horn Village, and Lots l, 2 and ~, Martha's Vine2a~d spid benefits to t~e deteu.~ined and pro-rtted gccordir¥~; to the foota~;e of the respective properties as set forth immediately a]~)ove. /~.'~I), WIiE/:~iS, the ~ity Council of t~te {]ity of .~elray !;e~ctt, k'lorid~, did on the 28th day of February, 1950, adopt [~esolntion orderi~g the City k%]gineeP to prepere plans, speciFica- -1- a.~d an estimation of cost for the construction, :;r[:di.,~g and i~u~; of N. E. Sth 2venue fro,~ :~. E. 5th Street to i~. ~. Sth Street said ~q;ving to be tkle width of twenty-four (24) feet, and requir- iu~ said plans, specifications and esti~,~stes of s,~ch ilaprove~,lents 'to be pl~ced on File in ti~e office o[' ti~e City i~,ana[;er, and ;~[~E:~S, increased ve~.~icular traffic h~s ~ecessitgt- ed the paving of N. E. 8tl~ Avenue fro:~ N. E. 5th Street to N. St~ ~treet, as aforesaid, N0~;, TiiE]:~o~:E, BE IT ti. ESOLVED by the City Council .~ ~ ~,e,.ch, Flo~'id~, th~t it is deter~nined to of the C'[tv of ];e].ra.y ''~ ~ make the Follo~'in~$ described imp~.ove:.~ents, to-wit: Gradin;;, construction and p~vi~.~ of X. E. 5th Aven:~e fro~x:-~ ''=. E. 5th Street to N. E. Sth Street, to t'. widt[i of twenty-Four (2d) Feet, the total cost~as estim~ted, of such i::~proveme~t is s~ch. improvements slmll be assessed a~ainst t!~e followinf; des- cribed properties in ~elray ~:each, [~alm Besc'~ Co.anty, ?lorida: Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, Horn's 8th Ave. Addition Lots 2R, 23, 50 a~ ~1, ~cGinley R Gosman's Lots ~3 and' ~, ~art~'s Vineyard ~ Lots 7 and 5, ~ock 2, Hof~n Vill~e All t~t pa~t of Lot 6 l~i~ east of ~cGinley R Gos~n's Subdivision, west of the City 1Mrs, Section 9, Township ~6 S., R~ge ~3 E. seid benefits to be determined and pro-rated [~.ccordi;:~ to the front footage of tlre respective ¢.roperties t,s set Fort[t ly~ ~ove. A~';D BE IT FJItT}/E}~ I~ESOLV~ titat s[':id special assess- ~:.~ents against e. ll the lots and lands a.s set forth above wi~ich are specially benefited, si:mi1 l~c and remai~ liens suf;erior in dj,gait y to all other liens, excei~t liens for taxes, until t~.e ds. re of the a. ssess~,tent ~_tpon t~e respective lots t~d pa. pcels off lend s, ssessed, and wi,ici~ shall, hear interest at ti~e rate S percent per annum, and wi~ich may be paid in ten equal yearly installments with accrued interest on all deferred payments. Fayment shsl1 be made ~t tt.~e same plttce t[mt taxes payable to the City of l;el~my !le~c[~, Florida, are paid; m,n~ely, t~t the office of the City Tax Collector, and upon the failure of a~w property owner to pv~ any annual instell~aent due, or any part tl~ereoF, II or s. ny a~n~.~t:l interest ~.tpon deferred,~3v. 3m~ent.~. ~_, the Cit~, of ,;elrav Beach may bring necessary legal proceedings by a i~ill in C~ancery to enforce payment thereof with all accrued interest, to;ether with rll !egsl costs inct~red, incl:tding a reasonable ~.ttorney's fee. The total amount of any lien laay be paid in full with interest fro::: the date of assessme~t. IT IS Y~i~iJ~tED t~tot the City Co~ncil shall sit at the ~ ~..~ ~ ~' ~',.'- F ' at 7:20 P '.,~.' on ~'~[arch 28, 1950, for t~e purpose of hearing objections, if ;~ny, on said proposed improvements, as set forth above. IT IS F~TIi~I 0~iD~iED that this ]lesolution be lished once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the k~elray Leac~t News . ~I)0PTED by the City Council of the City of :~elrsy Beach, ~ lor~d,q, on this the 14t~ day of March, 2,. D. 1950. -2- RI~;SOLUTll)N NO. 753 A lq. ESOLllq~'ION iAI,' Tttl~ CITY COUN- CIL O~ TI~E CITY OF 1)ELRAY FLORIDA, OBDERING TIlE Ct)NSTRUC- TION. GRADING AND PAVING OF N. 6~h STREET. FHOM N. E. 8th AVENU]q TO PALM TRAIL: ORi)ERIN~G THE STRCCTION. (ilLkI)ING AND I',IVING OF N'. E. 8th 'AVENUE t"BOM N. E. STREET TO X. E. 8th ~TBEET; ASHES- SING ADJACENT I'ROPEllTY FOR THE av o ~ Ca O~ lN T~N (10) EQUAL ANNUAL INSTAl, L- MENTS, AND FUBTIiEI~ i'ROV1DING THAT THE TIME AND lq, ACE DELRAY BEACH NEWS SE.a~'o OBJECTIONS, IF ANY TO SUCH IMI'ROVEME~TS SHALL B~ AT 7:ZO 1'. ~[. ON MAI[CH 28, 195U, AT TIiI~ Published $~mi-weekly CITY HALL IN Tills CITY. WHEREAS, The City Council of the Oelray Beach, Palm Beach Eounfy, Florida :8tn day of February. 1950, adopt a reso- STATE OF FLORIDA ,nation of et, at for the co.struction, grad- COUNTY OF PALM BEACH x.g. Sth Avenue to Palm Trail, said paving to be the widtl~ ut' twenty-four (24) Before the undersigned authority personally feet..and r~luiring- sa~ .plans, spa,if ira- appeared ..... l lam__K ..... Moral_on .... c,t ..... hVHEREAS, increased vehicular traffi. bas necessitated the paving of N. E. who on oath says that.h~___is~_~tsha~ ..... Street as aforesaid, NO,V, 'I'HEHE}~)RE, BE IT BESOLVED .................................................... of the Delray make the following described improvements, Beach News, a semi-weekly newspaper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; araatn~, construction and raving N. L 6th,Street from N. E. 8th Ave- that the at~ched copy of adve~isement, being a nuerto Palm Trail to a width of t'w~n- ............................................ $1.894.75. in the matter of City___~_De~a~___Beac h .~,,~""~ .... ,~,,,.,o~ ,~,,~,~o,.~m..~.~o,,o,,.,.. a,~,~"'~" properties in Delray Beach, Palm B~ach County, Florida: .................................................................. - .............. Lots 1, 3. 4, 5, 6, and' 7, Block '2. ~ofman Ytllage Lots I 2 and S. Martha's Vineyard ................................................................................. said benefits id bo determined and pro- rated according to the front'footage of the in the ............................................................. Court, :'AND. W~EHEX~ ' the City ~Uncfl of day 'of Febrfia3y. 1950, ad~t a was published in s~id newspaper in the issues of R~lution ordering the City' Engineer to prepare 'Diana, sp~ifi~o~s and-an ~esti- ...... ~-~-- -t 't ............................. ins aaa ~.i.g o~ N. z. sm a~e~us ~om N. E. 5th Street'to N. ~. 8th Street. said ..................................................................................... Daring Lo ~e the width ol twenty-f¢~t be blared on fire in the office o[ the Affiant further says ~at the said Delray c,y Manager, and WHRREAS, i~Creasea vehicular traffic Beach News is a newspaper published at Delray nas n~essit.~ the'paving of N. E. sth Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida. and from N. E. 6th Street ~o N. E. 8th Street, as a~o~id, that the said newspaper has heretofore been eon- Now. THERE~'OR~, BE IT RESOLYED tinuously published in said Palm Beach County, ~y the city council of the city o'f Delray Beach, Florida, that it is determined to Florida, each week and has been entered as mak~ the following described imw'ove- s~ond class mail matter at the post office in meuts to-wit: Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Flor- x.E. stn Avenue from N. a. 5tn Street ida, for a period of one year next preceding the to a. E. stn Street. to a width first publication of the attached copy of adver- ,, *situated. of such imm'ovement $5.~2.00. ~ U tisement; and affiant fu~her says that ....... hO-- *NU BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED has neither paid nor promised any person, firm that the entire cost of such improvements J .sllall be assessed against the following J or corporation any discount, rebate, commission described properties in belray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida: J or refund for the purpose of securing this adver- Lo~s 1 to 9, inclusive,' Hofman's 8th ] tise~t for p~blicatio~ the said newspaper. .ave. Addition Gosman' s Subdivision ~ ~ ~ots ~ and 4, Martha's Vineyard Lots 7 i~nd 8, Block 2, Hoflnan Ylllage ................... All that part of Lot 6 lying east of MeGinley & Gosman's ~ubdivision. f~ west of the City limits. Section 9 Sworn to and subscribed before me this._-_¢_____ Township 468., R~nge 43 E. ' r~/I.~- ~ sa;a, bbae~its to be determined and pro- 19_-~0~._2 rated according to the front footage of the' day 0f ~.~ ................................. , A.D. recpectivo properties as set forth immedi- AND BE IT FURTtlE~ R~SOLVED - - t~at said ~pecial assessmepts against all (S~) · Nota~ Public fao lots and lands as set forth above which , speuially benefited, shall be and re- ~'~ ~a~Cr ~{~O ~ ~r~ ~ ~. hla~ liens superior in dignity to all other liens, except liens for taxes, until paid. My commhs;cn ex~;r~s. .J.l,/ 27. 1952. fcom the date of the assessment upon the ~a~d by Amedca- .,.~.Co cJ N Y. respedtive lots and parcels of land as- sessed and ,which shall bear interest at may.be Paid in ten equal yearly install- ferred payments. PaymenL shall be made tho Olty of Delray Beach, Florida, are