Res 777-50II i
i~ t~';OLUTIOfJ OF TttE CITY C~J'tlNCIL,.,i, .... F~ti~ CITY ~.i,,' i~ISLIh~Y
F~l~,i B~kCl] GuCNiX, FLOI-IlDA, ~,)~-rI.U SECTIONS 101.O1
.... ar,~-,T r~, '~. ~, PEI{T2~INING TO
BE IT iiESgiNED l)y the City do{t.~cil oF the City
belpay Beach, i~aln~ Beaci~ ~o,l]lty, l"lopidi~, as follows:
SECTI014 1: That Sections 101.01 tilroHgh 101.14,
F. S. A., pertaining~ to "Absent Voters", be and the same are here-
by adopted by the City of Delpay Beach, )~alm Beach County, Flopid~,
insofar as the urovisions thepeof are applicable to municipal elec-
tions in the City oF Delray ~:each, Flopida'.
SECTION 2: The words "CJ. ty Gler, k" shall be insepted
whenever tile words "Supepvisor o~ Hegistrt~tions" ap0ear in said
Sections 10).0I through 101.14.
jd>ul:'TED by the City ¢o~tncil of the Uity oF Delray
Beach, ~'lopida, on this tire 24ti~ qav (,f t)ctobep, A. b