Res 778-50 778 IiEf~OLUTIqN Of 2~ti,~ CITY d~.,u_,~blL ~I~' Tire CITS' 0[~'OLI~u~Y~ ' '~ ~ h~iCULEo E],oI,.,~,~ E~UIPI'ED I~Oli SERVICE. BE IT [~E[.TCIJ¥~2; by the City Council o£ the City of De]ray geach, Fa].m ]]each Comity, "lorida os follows: Section 1: Ti'~g~t t~e City of i~elray Beach, Follow the written recommendations oF the City [danager to the City Oouncil oF the City of ])elray Beach, ~'lo~ida, under dste of Octobe~ 24, 1950, in p~rch~.sing two (2J iiercules ~ngines, equipped for water pum~J.n~ service, and one (1) .~ngl~rive Fo~~ the ~;ater Plant; t~mt s:~c[~ s~mll be ?trchased at Factory cost, plus f~oei~ht charges For the same f~-om the f~,ctoPy to t~e City of ~elr'a Beach, whicl~ -n~umlmse will result in a savinZ to tl,is City. PASSED f:.Nl: ADOPTED at a r'e.?tlaP meeting this 24:th day' oF october, ATTL;{T: City' Clerk