Res 730-49 _~ .~..~o~,.¥~iD by the Oi.t}~ Oounc~l or the Ci%y of DelP~y Be~eh. FioFi~: ,r,at the City ?.,".ana~e? be and] is hereby authoriz .... ] and dzr~c~ed to execute and de]{vep ~n. the name of and or behalf ~ City of Del'~'.aj' Beach, Florida, and as ~ts act . ,'~'~ the ~.~e~m~.,~. between said 'u~ty and the Souther~:~ ~lz T~lephone and Telc~,a~,ho_ ?~ ~ompan~~-J', bearing da',~ ..... th~ l~$ta aay ,.~ x ........ uarv, p~cv.~Sin~ for ~he joint us~ eP Doles b,~ saxa City and s~rl ............. Tel emho-r-~e ~,~,,.?~a~-~, ~,~J~ ~ch said agreement w~'~,~ ~roduced at ~a~.s meeting and is hereby approved; and abe City Clerk snd ~s .hereby authorized a~d d~,~,~cbe,-~ to:,.~*test said and to aff]:~ theY~eto the corporate sea] of the City. TOI,O PAbSED AND A~':aPTED ....... this ~P'~'"~ day of ~¢iarch, A. D., _; :~ ;. Pros~_e ~' '~ ~ · _'-2.' C~t~ CierX