Res 736-49 RESOLUTION NO. 736 ~ RESOLUTION YF T~ CITY COUNCIL OF T5i~ CITY OF DigLRAY BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING T~ APPOIN%l~L%NT OF k Y~TH R~ZC~TION CO~fEE AND OUT- LINING T}~ DUTIES OF ~C[-{ C~-~T~. ~.~AS the City of Oe~ay ~ach ~s set up in its b~et ~ appropriation for a Youth Recr~tion ~o~m, and ~~ ~ t~ain~ professiorm,1 director ploy~ to a~mi~ter ~ co~ucb t~e citY's ~'U~AS the City of Oe~ay ~ch desires to have c~ttee to cooperate with the Co~c~ in ~vi~ing a~ ~s~isti~ in t~e ~g~ent of t~e ~outh Recr~:~tion the City of Belray ~" ~ S~SCTIUN 1. That b~e Cit~y ~o~c~ ~e~by' a~.t~o~ze the cremation of a ~ut~ ~cr~ation C~tt~e c~st~g of ~ive each of ~ sh~ be ap~inted by t~e ~yor of the Cit~ of ~lray Beach, ~o~da~ a~ c~i~ ~y bhe City G~cil; effecttwe ~teb~r l~ 19~ three me--ers to ce ap~t~ fo~~ te~ of two years ~ch ~ t~ m~ers to be z~p~t~ for te~s of one year all fiwe ~bers appoint~ thereafter to be of t~ y~rs SECTI()~ 2. l.~a~: it sha~ ~,e the duty of ~his c~tt~ to ~vise the City Go=~cil rega~qf~ tf~e ~,~ag~t of the lOuth Rec- r~tion Pro~ z~-~ ~o ~ke reco~e~ations for so.el req~r~ to direct bne p~am and to represent the interests of citizens of 0elr~y '~cb in t~e City Yout~ ,~e~r~tion o.~uN 3. T~e ~$~bies ~.~ privileges of %~is c~tt~ sh~ be ~dviso~, o~y a~. shall ~ys be suOj~t control of t~'~$ City Go~cil. , P~ssed in re.ar session on this the 9th day of ___~ust __, A. D. 1949. , City Co~c~ A~EST: AP~OVh~: Ct~ Clerk