Res 700-48 Josie G. Green,
505 "M" St.,
Washington, D. C.
~SOLUT ION NO, .~700
1~I~REAS, a need has arisen in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, for
sidewalks to be constructed in that part of said city generally inhabited by
colored persons, and
~HEP~EAS, the City of Detray Beach, Florida, desires to proceed with
certain side~.~alk construction in the City of Detray Beach, said sidewalk con-
struction to be made om a strip of land being five (5) feet in width and
lying immediately East of t~e forty (40) foot right-of-way of N. M. 5th Avenue
and running parallel to N. ~. 5th AvenUe ~or a distance of t~o (2) blocks
from the Northeast corner of the intersection of N. ~'~. 5th Avenue ond Atlantic
Avenue, intersections excepted, A~D that strip of land being five (5) feet
in width and lying immediately E~st of the forty (40) foot right-of-way of
S. ~'~. 5th Avenue, and running par~llel to S. ~,~0- 5th Avenue for a distance of
two (2) blocks from the Southeast corner of the intersection of S. M. 5th
Avenue and Atlantic Avenue, intersections excepted,
NO~,Y, T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, as follows:
SECTION 1. That in consideration of the relinquishment and con-
veyance to the City of Delray Beach by the property o~.ers of the above
described property, on which a sidewalk is to be constructed, the City of
Delray Beach will make no special assessments for benefits against the adjacent
property for the construction ~,~ork to be done, and said City will bear the
total cost of the construction thereof.
SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective upon the proper
acceptance thereof by the o~mer of the hereinafter described property
acceptance shall be signified by the execution of the oo~ent and release
which is made a part hereof.
SECTION 3. The pro~rty effected by this resolution is the West
five (5) feet of:
The North 26.1 ft. of Lot 6 in the South Half of Block
27, City of Delray Beach, Florida.
PASSED in Re~,Llar Session on th±s~d, ay of
A.'D. 1948.
Pre.side, b, City Council.
City Clerk . K~ FA_~ Mayor
For and. in cousideration of 'the City of Delrs~y Beach, Florida, con-
structing said sidewalk, and in the further consideration of 'hhe agreement of said
city to make no special assess:.~ents for benefits against the pro~rty adjacent
to the above described strip of land for the constraction of said sidewalk
and for the city bearing the total cost of the const~ction thereof, the
~dersi~ed owner hereby acceots t~.e above resolution and hereby r~mise, re-
lease, convey ~d quit-claim to the City of Delrs$~ Beach, Florida, for the
use as a sidew~k, ~l of that portion of the above described property as set
out in Section 3 of this Resolution.
that on this day before me p~rsonally appeared
a widow
to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing in-
strL~nent and who acknowledged before me that -he executed the same.
WITI'~SS my hand and official seal at Washington~ D.C.
on this the 20 day of May ~., A. D. 194~.
My Co~.~is sion E~q~es :~
505 M'Street, N.w.
Washington 1, D.C.
June 1, 1948
Nr. Chas E. Black
City Manager
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear Sir:
You are hereby authorized to insert the
word "Widow" in the appropriate place on
the Resolutions completed and signed by me.
I am sorry that this was omitted and trust
that this does not cause undue delay in
completion of the proposed project.
Very truly, yours,
(Mrs.)~josie G. Greene
Mrs. JoBie G. Gr~en
505 M Street
Washington, D. C.
Dear ~s.
T]-~is will a~m~led~ recei~ of t~ ~ree (3)
Re~lutions we~ receiv~ by t~ City of Delr~
We to %~k yon for yo~ v~ ~m~ attention
~eh ~s g~.~ ~s ~tter, b~m~, ~ere ~s a defect
ack~l~ent ~ ~t ~ ~it~ s~t~ is not i~icat~.
~efo~, a letter f~m ~u r~stin~ %~t ~e ~, ~!d~",
be t~e~ will c~fy the whole ~tt~.
V~ t~ ~s,
0ity Maneger