Res 639 ,,~n,~^~ the ]ity Council of ti~e "''
............. lty of Delray .beach, ,
hss heretofore determined theft it was for the best interc~st
~lt~ that ~leason ']treet be graded and paved from
~r~gratla~ °t -
.. o ~rvet to
Schulson ~treet to a width of ~2 feet
,,,~z~o~o the City "'
,, ..... ~ ~ounc~l advertised thst it would hesr ~ny
objection to such proposed improvement work at its regular meeting
o~ November 25, 19~7, and
,,~,~u.~o no objections have been made to tt~e Council concernzng
such improve~aent work.
'ity ~ ' ~ '
,~,~',~,:~.., ~,~-~,'~;~.3~w. ~.~.~ .~ ~ ~,..~ _T~. I~?SOLVED by the ~ .o~n,.ll of the City of
Del_ray Beach, Ylorids, that the City '~
..~naoer be and }nc is hereby instructed
to proceed with the gradin:,, and psving of Cleason ::teet rroz~ Ingraham
:ltreet to Schulson Street ~o a width of 32 feet acoordin,z to the plens
and speczzzoa,io~ on rile in the City ~.~anager's office.
ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of De!ray Eeach, Florida,
on this tho 25th day of ~ovember, 1947.
PresLdent, ~c Co,ncil.
~,~ red.
test. '~
~z~y ~I~rk