Res 583 jeot[or: lL.~ of the 3ity ~narter,
W~F'i-dZ~i Jeo~3ion i4 of
t:~e Siby.
of~)~" il'ay_.~c'~",c~i, PloI.'ida, as rollows: "
aha ,30IZLPO~ L}ie ,:.:Ohd~o% ul!d oper::'biol: of mi1 of2ioefs ~Nd employees of
~ne ~ivy ',d.~0h the exoepLion of
~Eu~.,):{ 2. .. ~e City
_6~e~ted. l.[e onail z'eco~.~{,nd to the ~"ivy Oouncil ~i1_ :leoessai'y :uno
.... I,.~., 3. The Jlty
....... :~... shall .u~o,,he~ to the :~ivy .)unsil
-~",~..e a.,p.~ointment of ~11 a~;ointive, or.ficers end rill e~::olayees of the
appoint[v~ officers and employees as sh,:}ulJ, i~ his oT}inion, he uismissed
f'ro~u the Jit,/ :service.
~,,,~,~u~, ~. .~,~ ~ity :.%~n~t'er Sh~] , Oil Df [)efOl'~ the se:~on~i
revenue .:.)f tile ,3i%y :''
.~om items o~her ~he~!l ~el2 collections i'of the
of the fin'_~ncial st tos of z~le ,~oy irt .:)PdeP ~:) ~etermine the proper
tax levy' for s~lch ensuin(' fiscal year.
~'- .... ~ 5 Tac City uN. nag~r shall k~,eo thc Si'by ,~uncil ~dvi,s~a
fzom time ~o ~ime )f the tinanoial contrition of ~he City.
$ECT,~o~ 6. 'i'~-~e City :'ta~ia~f;~ g~alz also ~ l, he 3m'o~rlntendent
.?ua!i,~ '/grks ~n~ Public Otliities, ~!o. as such sh~il perform such
auties as are :~ct bmr in ,3ectio~ 63 of the 0ity 3aarter. The City
Lf~nag~r shal~ also be the City Xngineer am~ s~ali l~a~ve cnai~f~e of ail
ena'ine~ring work of the City.
,.)e~' year w~ic~ ~-shali S~ ?l,~ in equal installments o~ the
fifteenth day of eac;~ and every month ~uriu~" the year.
2A]JED in speci:-~l s~s,:~ion on-this the ~tn day of FeOruary,
Preside~n~of City :Souncil
City Clerk.