Res 588 R~qO/,U~!O~.~ KO. G
,,,~-~ ...........
City ~f De]ray Beach~ F!o~da~ tt~.t the United States of ~riea has sta:~,ed condemna-
tion proc.~dings for the.Purpose of ac~,u.r~mg~ ' ~ e*r'h, ain permanent s~i]. _ dieposa! area
adjacent to the Florida Lntrac~ s~,! "~,,,~ ~...wa~?~ a~
~P~ one area sought for such purpose consists of Bl~k 130 snd 138 in
this City~ a~
~,%~ this p~perty is located in the center of a high]~ desirable
residential section in this City and tb~ locstion thereon of a ~r~anent spoil
disoosal ~.r~a ,~ould ~reatly affect the usefulness of surrounding Dro~rty for ~sident-
ial purposes.
N~?, ~P~Ol~, BE IT P~OL~ by the City C~aci! of the C~ty of Delray
Beach~ Florida~ as follows:
SECTION 1. ~st We hereby peri.on t~ United States of J~rica an8
each and every division of the United States Gov~r~ent having any jurisdict~ on or
authority over the Florida Intracoastsl Water--ay and t~
areas therefor to so c[~nge the location of its per~n~nt snoi! ~a that the same
will not be l~ated on Block 130 and 138 in the City of Delray Beach, Flo~da.
SECTION 2. ~mt we hereby peri+ion the United State~ of Amerida not
to c~dem any hand in the City of Delray Beach~ Florida abutting on the Florida
Intracoastal Uat~ay for the ourpose of construct~g or maintaining the reon a
pe~anent spoil disposal area..
SECTION 3. T~.t ~oies of this Resolution be sent to the p~per au~oritie~
of th~ United S~.tcs G~er~ent by the City Clerk.
P~ in S~cial ~ession on this the 15th. daf of l~a/~ 19~6.
President of City Co.i!
City ~erk ~ ~1~ yor