Res 591 ......... ,~lty off Delray .>each, Florida, ~nd Gulf Stresm
En~.;inears, Grover C. 3a;<er, o~vner, 0id on the 20th day of December,
1945, enter into a contract for the improvez-~ent of S. W. 3rd Street,
...... " 6th Aven~ie and
S. ,~. 2nd Street, S. ',;. 6th Avenue, .... ¢. ,.,. .
Avenue, z:,-~ the City of Delray Eeach, ,to. ida, a~
,,~,,:~;~,,,,o the G,~f Stream :Er~ neers, ,,I over ,~. 38ker, owner,
furnished the City with a perfor~.,anoe bond executed by the ~arylsnd
Casualty Conpany, and
.....,,,~.:,,~'~':'-"'",.:,~o this contract'as.s- been dissolved by %he .~lt~"
2e~t, ch and Gulf jtres~m =ngineers, Grover ~. l}aker, owner, before any
work was perfor,.~ed th,-~reunder and before any liability was _ncurred
,~o tZie ~,laryla.nd Casualty Company
N0~, ......... .~;u~, ~ .... ~,~.~ sc ,~zty Council of the City
~ Deli-'s~0 i;eac,~,~{'lo',.[a,~_, as fo!lot:s:
o~iON 1 Trl{¢t the contract heretofore entered into bet~¢een
the City and Gulf Strea~t Engineers, Grover "J. ::)aker, owner, on the
20th day of December, 19~5, for the above mentioned improvement has
hoz'etofore b~en dissolved by contract between the parties thereto.
o~..-O~,'~:~-r'T- 2. ~'-'~,t~' the e is no liability on the bond heretofore
furnished under said oo.~;~ract by tt~e .:.{aryland Casualty 3omp~ny.
in ilegul~r ~easion on this ~he day of ~y, ~9/+6
President of City CounCil
C%~ Clerk. '- ~ ;,:ayor.