Res 598 1~'~ ~mT t'
H~.~oOL~ _~0:~ NO. 598
?~EREAS the election ordinance of the City of Delr~y Beach,
Florida, provides that a primary election for the nomination of
candidates for City Co~ncil shall be h~ld on two weeks before the
first Tuesday in December of this year and that a general election
for the election of qity Councilmen sh~li be held on Vhe first Tuesday
of December of this year, and
V~E~EAG in addition to the two councilme~ to be elected for a
regular term of two years Vhere is al~o a-vacancy to be filled for
.... ~' ~ ". 7;. ~ill
a one yesr term caused by the resignation of ~o,m~zlman, ~ .
of Del=8y ~esoh es follows:
is hereby authorized an4 di~eo%ed %o issue a prool~ma%ion calling for
a p~imery eleo%ion fo~ nomin8%ion of Ci%y Councilmen on Tuesdey,
l'~ovembe~ 19, 19&.6, be%ween the hours of sunrise ~nd sunset on said day
and to issue a pFoolama%ion calling f9~ 8 general election Cot eieotion
of City Jouncil~zen on Tuesdey, DeoembeP 3, 1966, be%ween %he hours of
sunrise and sunse% on said date.
,~C~.;~0,,"' 2.' · These eleo%ions shall be called fo~ %he purpose of
nominating and eleo%ing %wo aounoilraen %o serve fo~ 8 ~e~ul8~ two
%e~;~': end one councilman %o serve for a one ye~:,r te~m to fill the
o..nuzl~mn, . ~,. Hill.
unexpired term caused by the resignation of ~ ,~ ~' ,, C
Candidates qualifyin~:, for the pri~ary election shall be deemed to
qa~lify for the t~vo year ter~ unless in their qualifications submitted
to the City Clerk they ~lect to qualify for the one year term.
~oo~ ino2ec~" ial Sess ion on ~his the 9th ~ay" az' October,
1946. ~ ~~
~TTE3T: ~~~,
City Clerk.