Res 527AFFECTii:[C- SAID CITY. Be it resolved 'by the City Council oy the Oity ct," Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: 1. That the City Council of the City of Delray 3each, Florida, hereby requests t]~e Florida Legislature at its 1995 'Uession to pass the following' local legislation effecti:e[~ the City of Deir.-y Z!each, Florida, to-wit: a. An act to extend ~he Cor2orate Limits of the City of Betray Peach, i;alm ~each County, Florida, and ~o ~rovide for Exe:~ption of said Annexed Territory from Taxation for ~ayment of Existiug ~.funicipal Indebtedness of tne City oI' Deiray Beach, Florida. b. ~:;n Act to Eztel~d the gorporate Limits of the City of De!ray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida; to Provide for the Creation of gertein Zones in said f;nnexed Territory ReculetinS the Construction and/or Use of Buildings an.~ other Structures; to i~rovide for the Furnishinz of City '~."aver to said f. nnexed Territory and o~her Territories Outside o~' the City Lir~its; to !~rovide for a Plan of Taxation of said. Annexed Territory; to Provide for ";~e I[egulstion of the :3onstruction of Streets, Sewers sn~ '~<ater i[ains; and to t~rovide for ~xemption of said An~exed Territory from Taxation for i~ayi~ent of Existin~ t.[unicipal Zndebtedness of the git.y of Delray ~each, Florida. c. :&n Act to ]£xtend the Corporate Limits of the City of ~,elr~v ~eech, Palm Beac[] County, Florida, and to Provide for Exemption of said .innexed Territory from Taxation for Payment of ExistinE ~,[unicipal indebtedness of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. S~ ~ ~ ~'"'~'~'~'~"" ~T~ That copies of this resolution 'be mailed to tba Honorable Jo~n R. Beacham, tlae ~-~onorable John 'E. ~ol!inzer, and the l-lonorabie B. ~ ' ~11 mot. )?LSSED in re~:ular session on this the 9th day of f~pril, 19~5. Ci~By~/~O~'~~Y~~~B~C~ F~ 02IDA P~dent of the City ~ouncil CityC~erk. :'.~a~ ~