Res 532-A ~'"*,-~:EZ~t~;~.:~';":'""', the City Council deems it to t~,e best interest of the Cizy of Delray Beach to cause the hereinafter named streets and avenues to be graded, an~ paved to a widta of 24 feet and to assess the cost of Bucci gradiht; and pavin3 a4¢ainst the la.~:d abuttin~ thereon. ~"~:~"=-*'~*"~;~ Be it resolved by thc City Council of the City of DeZray Beach, Floc&cia, as follows: o**.~q-r,~,.~,, 1: That the .&ct&nC City Engineer be and he is hereby ye&ui~ed to z~edz~%ely p~epe~e plans, specifications and estimstes of the cost for g~adi~g and paving the aesc~ibed streets 6nd avenues to a width of 2~ feet, S ,:r Third Street ~,_m Gwinton Avenue to 3 ,~. Fifth _Avenue o. ,,. Fourt~ :~treet ~rom 3winton Avenue to ~. ','~. Fou~-th Avenue. ' .... Seventh S. '-' Second Street from ,~ ,, Fzf%h Avenue to B '~ ..... :~t S. ",,'. Sixth Avenue ~rom ::, .... 3econd 'Street to ,:3. '"¢,. Third feet. -- m - ~t~eet ~,. ~'.,. S[xth. Avenue from ~'~tlantio Avenue to K. W. .~hzr5 '~ ~- , ~,[. ]f. Fifith Avenue from N. ?.~. 3econd Street to N. 5¢. Third Street. o.,.. .... =~,, 2: That said plans and specifications and estimates for costs for such improvements when compiled by the Acting City -Engineer shall be filed with the City Cler~ and a copy of saim plans, ations and estimates of cost shall also be filed in the office of the City Engineer for public inspection. ADOPTED by tee City Council of the City of Delr~y Beach, Florida, this the ~ day of June, 19~5. City Clerk -