Res 546 ......... -" ~'~ ~' '~ ~'"~'~ ...... ~ ~ :~LOPOS~:D i~'~.'~,'~''~ ,,~-r~ -
,~.¢',.~O~=,D By the 3ity ~ouncil of the city of Delray
~each, Florida, that plans ann specifications and the estimated
cost, amounting to ~55:3~4.~ _, of the proposed street improve-
ment work ce accepted.
BE IT ~J[-~T[~L k,~,oO~V~D That sold plaz:s ~nd specifications of
the Acting City Engineer be filed with t.he City Clerk of the City
of Delray ~esch, Florida, and. e copy Ce filed in the office of the
Actiac City Engineer, and tiaat the same snail be open to tae inspec-
tion of ti~e p~oiic.
,~,~.:~ That said. plans and specifications
and estimated cost of the proposed improvements shall cover the
following work, to-wit:
,=raazng'~ ~'erid . paving S. ',,'. Third Street from SWinton Avenue
to S. 7/. Fifth Avenue; .S. ~,.". Fourth :Street from ~wint:m Avenue to
~. 2, Fourth Avenue; S. W. Second Street from .S. t'f. Fifth Avenue to
S. L'. Seventh
;&veLue, o. , Sixth Avenue from 3 ": -}econd Street
.o. w. Third Street, ,,. ~ ,... Sixth i~venue from Atlantic Avenue to
;;. '..~. Tztird Street; and N. W. Fifth Avenue from !;. ~f..Second Street
to '~
,,. .,~. Taird .~treet.
~°~°=~*~o,~;~ By the City ~'ouncil of the ~zty~-' of Delr~y :*each, Florida,
on ~n~o the ~ day of Oatoh~r , ~. D. 1945.
Attest: ~siden~ or
Oit~ Clerk. AD~o~ea