Res 497 R~OLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF TPE~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~£ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DETERL~NING T~E ~dBER OF STAI'~DIhG COi~;~TTEES, T~b] I~JI~BER OF ~.~ERS OF EACH CO~E. dITTEE AND DESIGN~TIi~G T~ DUTIES OF SUCH C0!~,~ITTEES: - ~%~R~AS Section ~6 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach provides as follows: - "The Council shall, by resolution, determine the number of standing co~ittees, the number of which each of said com~ittees shall consist, and shall desi£~n~te the duties of each; and shall appoint such committees annually as soon after the organiza- tion as practicable." and, %VHEREDS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach desires to abide by its Charter in all matters. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, as follows: - 1. The City Council of the City of Delray Beach shall have five standing conm~ittees, and each committee shall consist of three members. No member of the City Council shall be on more than three standing committees. No member of the City Council shall be Chairman of more than one standing Committee, nor shall any member of the Council be named in second place on more than one standing Comn~ittee, nor in third place on more than one standing Cormuittee. ~. The names of the standing Committees and their duties shall be as follows: - (~) Finance and Ordinance. This Committee shall have supervision over the finsnces of the City and shall recommend to the Council the adoption of such ordinances as they shall deem beneficial for the City. (b) Water. This Conmaittee shall have supervision of the City water plant and distmibution system. (c) S. tr. eets and Lighting. This Com~ittee shall have supervision of the construction and repair of streets and the lighting thereof. (d) Sanitation. This Co~G~ittee shall have supervision of the garbage collection and disposal and of the sewerage system. (e) Parks and Beautification. This Committee shall have supervision of the beautification of public streets, higj~ways and parks, ~nd ~lso of the golf course, tennis courts, municipal beach ~nd other recreational facilities. PASSED in regular session on this the 6th day of January, 1944. CI~ CO~CIL - City ~f DeSray Beach. / President' ~' Attest ~~~~ : Approved: CitY-C1e ~ ~ ~ ~ - /