Res 512 RESOLUTION N0.~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEYS TO PREPARE A SPECIAL ACT TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE AT ITS 1945 SESSION PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, OF ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 21, TOWNS~tIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, LYING EAST OF THE EAST RIGHT-0F-WAY~ LINE OF THE FLORIDA INTRACOASTAL CANAL AND PROVIDING FOR THE TERM~ UPON WHICH SAID TERRITORY SH~T.~I BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, there is now adjacent to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, approximately one-half mile of territory lying between the Atlantic Ocean and the Florida Intracoastal Canal which land is located very close to the center of the business district of this city and ~MEEREAS, the City Council deems it for the best interest of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and of the above mentioned territory, that said territory be annexed to the City of Delray Beach, so that adequate fire and police protection may be maintained and adequate water and garbage collection service may be furnished. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~ED by the CitYCouncil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: 1. That the City Attorneys are hereby instructed to prepare a special act to be submitted to the Florida Legislature at its 1945 session, which act among other things will provide as follows: (a) That all that portion of the North Half of Section 21, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, lying East~ of the East right-of-way line of the Florida Intracoastal Canal, shall be annexed to, included in, and incorporated in the City Limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. (b) That said above described property shall not be responsible for any bonds, contracts, debts, or judgments now held against the present City of Delray Beach, Florida, nor shall any tax ever be levied on the above described property for the payment of such bonds, contracts, debts, or judgments. Said property shall, however, be subject to the levy of the sa~e tax for operating purposes~als~e' ~ remainder of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. (c) Said property shall be assessed for ta~es for the year 1945 the same as if said property were in the city limits of Delray Beach, Florida, on January l, 19~5. (d) Said property shall be furnished with city water at the same rate charged to other customers in the City of Delray Beach, Florida. PASSED in regular session on this the 25th day of September, 19~4 · ATTEST: APPROVED: I have read the above and foregoing resolution and consent to my property being taken into the city limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, by an act of the Legislature as set out in said resolution. A RESOLUTION oF :[~]~t CITY C0%VNCIL OF T~1%~,~ CITY OF DIi~LI~i~Y B~.'ACH; F~RIDA, INSTRUCTIN(~ T~U'~[ CITY .A~0R~S ~ P~PAR]? A s~'m'0~L .:~C~ ~) B~ ~.]U'~IT"~D ~I~:, FLOR~)A ~,~tGIS~RE AT ITS 1945 S~SSION PR0~DI~G FOR T~[~ T0 ' ~' '~ ~ o%~H FLOBIDA~ OF A~ ~IAT PORTION A~E~&TIO~ TO T~~' C~Y OF D~L~Y ~--~., LYING '~ ,A.~.T OF ~: C.~,~ ./'?'~D PROVIDI~JG FOR T~' T, ~o UI:O~~ WHICH SAID ~-,.~:vm,'~:_:v SH.~L ~:~~ there ts now adjacent to the 01~ of ~l~:ty ~ach, Flori~, approximtely one-~mlf mile of ~rritory l~ln~ bergen t~ Atlantic ocean and the Florida Intracoastal Can,?~ ~leh ~nd is l~ ated very cle~ to the center of the busi~ss ~strict of this city ~md ~:~H:~R'~:~, t~ Olty 0o~l deems it for ~me best in~st t~ City of ~lmy ~a~, Flori~, and of the able mentioned that said te~ltory be ~nexed to t~ City of ~y ~a~, so that adequate fire md police protection m~ ~ mainlined ~d adequate water ~md garbage ~ol~etton service ~ ~ furnished. NOW, T.f~R.,FOR; , BE IT R?~::~O~VD by tM fry C~moil of the City of ~lmy ~a~, Fleri~, as follow: 1. T~ tim City Attorneys are ~reby inst~acted to p~p~e a s~cial act to be ~b~tted to the Florida ~gis~t~e at its 1945 session, which act ~ong other things will provide as follows: (a) T~at all t~ por~l~ of ~e North Half of ~ctl~ 21, ~ship A6 S~th, Ra~e ~3 East, l~ng East of the ~ast right-of-way line of t~ Florida Intraeoast~ C~al, shall be ~xed to, included in, and inco~o~ted in the City Li~ts of the City of ~lr~ ~a~, Flor~a. (b) Tha~ said able described property ~1 not be ~spensible for ~y bonds, contracts, debts, or Jud~ents now held against the p~sent City of ~-ay Bea~, Flor~a, nor sh~l any t~ ever be levied on t~ above described property ~r t~ pa~t of such bonds,., conSracts, debts, or jud~nts.. Said p~pe~y s~, however, be ~Ject te the levy of the s~ tax for o~rating p~poses as t~ - ~mainder of the City of ~l~y ~ach, Flo~, (c) Said p~rty s~ll be amassed f~ taxes for the year 1945 the s~e as if said pro~r~y ~ in the city limits of ~l~y ~ach, Florida, on Yanua~ l, 1945. (d) F~ld pro~:rty $~ll be furnished wi~h ci~ wa~er at t~ sa~ rate c~rged to ot~r custo~rs in the City of ~l~y ~ach, FloOds. PASS.~D in m~gu~mr session on this the 25th day of Sep~m~r, 1944. ' Co~eil O'~t~ ~t~'~k~' - ~ ~r ................... I ~,e read the abo~ ~d f~egolng resoluti~ ~d cmn~n~ my proper~ ~elng taken into t~ eft~ llml~ o~ t~ O1ty of ~l~f Beach, Florida, by ~ ae~ of the bgt~hSure ~s set ou~ In said