Res 517 ORDINANCE NO. ~ .f Ai'~ O~i~,iNA~CE OF ~i~,~i CI?Y COUNCIL OF THF Clq~f OF DELI;T,Y B~CH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FO]{ LICE~.~SE FOk CERTAIN -~iCHiNPJS 3R DFVICI]S FOR Pi{ICH A LiC!'~SE IS ~UTHORIZED ~ SECq~IOI'~ 205.63 FLORIDA STATUTES 1941, PI.OVIDIi~G ~'OR T~:i~- APPLICATION F0k ;7~UC~[ A LiCI]N~JE, TH7; :'~.?,OU~ B". Iq' O~{DAIN~D by the City Council of the City of Delr~y Beach, 2~?~GTi0?~~ 1: It sh~ll ~e unlawful to use or operabe ~.~ithln ~.hc City Li~its of the C.'.ty of Delr93, Je~ch, Florida, any K~achine, cont~ivgnoe, or ~evice I~or v~t~ich ~ license is authorized and r~quired ~y ~ectLon g05.6~ Florida 15%atutes 1941 ~i%i'~.'>~t a license for %kc operation of such ~.~ac!line or aevice bcin~] fi~.sL obDained ~rom the City Cle~rk o~' th~-. City of ~?el~'ay Beach, Florida. g?C?I0? 2: ~o lice~se for the opera, rich of any ~uch n~.:chine, c~,n%rivancc or 'device s~tl ce issued by the Cit~ Clerk of %tie City of Deiray Beach, Florida, ¥~ithout application tharefor first bein~ ~a~e to %he City Co~incil snowin/~ the locatien in which such m~chine, contrivance, ~or device sh~ll be installed and the a~pproval of such ap~iication bj~- the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SEGTIOt'~ 3; Tke a:~ount of the license tax of eac.~ such m~chinc, contrivance, or uevice is ~ere0y fixed at ~ p~r year; such license n~.ust b~ affixed to tlle ~aonine for ~qlioh it is issued ~nd s~ust be kept thereon durln{~, tae p~riod for whici~ it is issued; such license sha~i sho~ the autho?izea loc~tion for such machine, contrivance, or device and it s~a[1 ~lot be used or operated · t any other location. qECTI3iI &: %'kls ordinance is intended only to license such coin operated ~ao~ines, contriw~nce, or ~,evioes operated for amuse~lent aha t~at do not mispense an)- i~or~r~ of p~'ize or re~ard anna shall not De construed to authorize the use of any machine, contrivance cz' device fo~ gai~blln~] or for a g~e of device. $'ECTION 5: Any p~rson violatins] any pr~vlsion of t~is ordinance s~ail Oe punished Dy a fine of not exceedin~:~j ~500.00 or by in~prisonment in the City Jail oF not exceeding 90 days or by both fine and imprison- ment in the discretion of the PASSED on second ~nd final resdins this the day of _, 19~. ~re~'ident'"0f' the'Cify' council[` Attest: Ai~roved: ~ity Clerk' ~":~,ayor ......... 0 0