Res 459 RESOLUTIOL' l~O. A RESOLUTIO~i OF THE CITY COUi~CIL OF THE CITY OF DEL£~Y B~CH, FLOR~A, DETE~2i?,~'IkG THE i'~ER OF STAI~IEG DESIGNATIEG T~ DUTIES OF SUCH C01'~ZiIT~ES: - ~~S Section 26 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach provides as follows: - "The Oounc~ shall, by resolution, dete~ine the n~ber of standing co~ittees, the number of which each of said co~:'~ittees shall consist, and shall designate the duties of each; and shall appoint such co~;~ittees a~ually as soon after the or- ganization as practicable." and, ¥~E~AS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach desires to abide by its Charter in all rotters. N0~, Ti~REF0~, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, as follows: - 1. The City Council of the City of Delray Beach shall have five standing co~aittees, and each co~m~'~ittee shall consist of three me,goers. No member of the City Council shall be on more than three standing cof~ittees, i~o me:-uber of the City Council shall be Chai~uan of more than one standing Co~:m~ittee, nor shall any member of the Council be named in second place on more than one standing nor in third place on more than one standing Co:~uittee. 2. The names of the standing Coi'~m~ittees and their duties shall be as fo!lo~s: - (a) Finance and Ordinance. This Co~m~ittee shall have supervision over the finances of the City and shall reco~:nuend to the Council the adoption of such ordinances as they shall deem beneficial for the City. (b) Water. This Co~m~ittee shall !~ave supervision of the City water ¥~lant and distribution syste~. (cl Streets.~a~n~~n~. This Committee shall have suoervision of the construction and repair of streets and the lighting thereof. (d) Sanitation. This Co~uuittee shall have supervision of tile garbage collection a~nd disposal and of the sewerage system. (e) Parks and Beautification. This Co~muittee shall have supervision of the beautification of public streets, highways and par~-~s, and also of the golf course, tennis courts, r,~unicipal beach and other recreational facilities. PASSED in regular session on this the 4th day of Janua~ry, 1943. CITY COL~CIL - City of Delray Beach. ident Attest: Approved: C i t y ~-~