Res 460 7~E~.~OLI~.~ ~1¥. T~[~ C~ OO~NC~ of the ~ity of
Delrey Be~ch, Florid~, in rs~l~ semi,ion sitting,
~th, lg4J, that th~ ~0~I~ ~?.~U~?~ ~J~, of De!ray B~nch,
Florldn ~nd the ~est F~alm Beach ~tl~tio Nsti~al
of ~Test ~l~ Beach, Florida be, an5 ~re heE~by desi~ated
as depositories of ~e ~ity of Delr,y Beach, Florida; and
~ IT ~"TU~R ~OL~ that all checks, drafts
or other orders for the withdrawal of ~oney, ba signal
the two f ~lowi~ authorized s~natures; ~AE ~. CRANP,
City Treasurer an~ J. ~. ,TACORq, N~or ( or in h~ absence or
incapacity) by F. ~. JOI)ISC;~, Vice-Nayor, and the
se~ of said City of Del~y Beach, Florida, be s~i~d to
all check; and
B? IT ~T~ RF~;OLVED, that the City Clerk
the ~ity Treasurer, ~ae ~. Cr~p, ~ he. by authorized to keep
strict ae~unt ~.d check on all securities ~l~ced tn trust
in lock ~xes for the see~ity of City deposits, and M auth-
orized ss a;~ent for the City of ',)elray ~oh, Florida,
execute reccip~ an'~ ~ke ~ccountiugs on s~id trust securities;
an5 to deal with s,~id b~ds fr.~ time to t~e as she ~y be
instructed b:~ tt~e City Council of the City of ,)elr~y Beach,
Flor ida.
~,..,~.,~..~.~ ]:~' ~ ,, ~e City Couna~ of
the City nf ~el:.~ay Bc~ch, l~iorlc~, in regular ~e~;t: ~, this
6th ~ay of Japery, ~. D. Ig63.
~lray B~aa b, Flor ida.